  • Report:  #1526572

Complaint Review: Palmer admistrative services - Ocean New Jersey

Reported By:
Jennifer - Fountain, United States

Palmer admistrative services
3430 Sunset Ave Ocean, 07712 New Jersey, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I took my vehicle to dealership for repair work over 3 weeks ago. I am still waiting to get an approval or denial on warranty claim. 

 Both myself and dealership have called Palmer. We have left several messages and no one calls back.

I am over 70 years old and on a fixed income.  I bought warranty on case of expensive repair.  But I have no way to get to the store or anywhere else because my vehicle is still awaiting approval.  

Shop says they have the parts and will have fixed In a day once get approval. 


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