  • Report:  #1534268

Complaint Review: JobLeads.com - Hamburg Brandstwiete

Reported By:
Adam - Chandler, United States

20457 Hamburg, Germany Hamburg, 20457 Brandstwiete, Germany
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Spammed me with emails designed to get me to hire them for a premium membership. I did and then absolutely nothing was provided at all compared to things being advertised.

After I left a review 5 days in on trustpilot.com that I hadn't heard a word from them other than automated marketing emails, I received an email from Trustpilot.

They were letting me know that I needed to submit proof that I am real and that I was actually a premium member, because JobLeads disputed that I am real and claimed that there is obviously no real membership. So I needed to send documents to prove that the review was genuine. Keeping in mind that I still had 9 days left on my premium subscription. I still have 3 right now.

Earlier today, after sending them all of the documents they wanted a week ago, they got trustpilot to send ANOTHER email disputing my realness. So I got pissed off this time and am going to make sure they absolutely know that I"m real.

I also had no idea until looking them up that they are based in Hamburg Germany. No wonder every single things they do is clearly automated, and stupid enough advise that literally my daughter would be ashamed, like when she was 4. Because they are in no way qualified to be talking to ANYBODY in the United States when it relates to advice on unemployment, resumes, networking, or anything to do with getting a job.

The only times that I received anything resembling correspondence that wasn't blasted as spam to a million others was when they said that they are missing my resume, which they were not. They then skipped over the "resume review" part because of my error in not sending the resume.

However, they didn't stick around long enough to tell me that I had to figure that out on my own by figuring out how to create a login and password to the premium members website, and then saw it there. No, on the contrary they disappeared after 9/5, one day after I signed up, not to be seen again until they disputed my existence. The first time.

They did send a few emails from a marketing drip campaign as I mentioned. They were all equally useless, for example "Boss references?! You probably didn't know about that!" and then what appears to be a youtube video and short blurb with no punctuation about how yes....some people are bosses....and also are used as a reference.

This all, on top of the fact that they are disputing that a paying customer is real while I am a member...twice. From half way across the world which I now see was actually written at the bottom of their email in .01 point font so that everybody can read it.

www.jobleads.com - scam - from germany

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