  • Report:  #1534281

Complaint Review: Randolph Hirsch - Tarzana California

Reported By:
Anonymous - Atlanta, United States

Randolph Hirsch
18375 Ventura Blvd.,Ste#526 Tarzana, 91356 California, United States
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This is a brief summary of my "business"interaction with Randolph "Randy"Hirsch,of Aged Corporations/Taxes & Accounting.Randy's services were made known to me by my business mentor,Eric Woods.


After careful consideration & and follow-up with Randy,I decided to move forward with his package to obtain business funding (over $2100.00).The transaction was made in March of 2023.From March 2023 to Dec 2023,Randy did not make ANY attempt to contact me regarding this matter.(He did continue sending more marketing info ).In 2024,I let Randy know that the consequences of his actions put me in a dire financial situation and a missed business opportunity.My mentor finally got him on the phone, STRONGLY urging him to make this right,only for Randy to hang up mid way thru the conversation..Anyone reading this ... PLEASE...STAY AWAY FROM RANDY HIRSCH!!!

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