  • Report:  #30087


Reported By:
- irving, tx,

www.leisurebay.net U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have recently found this website and was not the least bit surprised at what I found regarding this company!

Due to the nature of my admissions here, I am speaking anonymously and not mentioning specific store locations.

I have worked as a contractor for Recreational Factory Warehouse in the past and am here to say that the stories/complaints on this website are not in the least bit exagarrated. This company hires independant contractors to do their dirty work at EVERY store in their chain. These contractors are expected to "warranty" the repair of the products installed for a certain amount of time after delivery is made. For this reason, customer service stinks because(in my case with spas) 75% of the spas we delivered had a service call on them in one way or the other within weeks of delivery-many 4 and 5 trips to replace parts, etc.

While the paid in full/financed customer that already had their spa, waited, we were instructed to deliver new sales as fast as possible and do the service on our off time. Spa after spa, service call after service call finally s****.

7 Updates & Rebuttals


North Carolina,
Judy...think about what you wrote

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 19, 2003

Judy...think about what you wrote. The only reason a liner would pull away is if it installed INCORRECTLY! It can happen if the area wasn't properly graded, if the walls weren't set perfectly round or if the liner was not dry-draped correctly in the first place. Didn't you say that you had your own people install it...how is the liner issue in any way related to RFW? I find it hard to believe that you had three bad motors "out of the box". In the two years I was with the company, I never experienced a single bad motor "out of the box" (in my two years I experienced approximately 1400 filter systems sold). I did, however, see many new motors go bad because of being wired incorrectly and/or improper maintenance. There was and always will be an issue with motors that quit prematurely, but that can happen to any pool equipment supplier when you consider that the motors run many continuous hours, are electric and are surrounded by dirt and water. I am not blindly supporting RFW...I had my many issues with them...but when customers behave ignorantly, the company shouldn't be reviled.


Ripped Off in Alabama by Recreational Factory Warehouse

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, August 18, 2003

We bought a pool last summer from RGF in Birmingham. We paid cash by the way. They loved us once they figured out we were paying in cash. We hired our own pool installer to do the setup which was the best thing we ever did. The day the pool was set up the pump motor would not come on. It was bad. Should have known something then. I called RFW to get another motor. The guy said it was our fault (who knows why) but he would bring another motor. A week later they bring another motor. It too was bad. Called again and this time the manager was very rude and told me he would never honor our warranty because we live in Gadsden and it was too far for his workers to drive everytime I called them. I started screaming at the top of my lungs and threatened the company with an immediate lawsuit. He finally agreed to send another motor but said if it was bad then I was out of luck cause they would not return to my home and no warranty will ever be honored. Another week later and a guy showed up with a motor. We wouldn't let the guy leave until the motor was running for at least 30 minutes successfully. We paid $200 extra for a beaded liner because it's supposed to be the best. Well, the liner has now pulled away from the sides and they refuse to come out to fix it. NEVER BUY FROM THIS COMPANY!!!


South Carolina,
It's not my fault RFW lies.....

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, May 16, 2003

Bill, if my memory serves me correctly your part of the blood sucking management staff for FRW showroom stores. Your name is familiar for screwing over the consumer to. Tell me something here Bill. If RWF keeps have to change contractors yearly, monthly or when ever, are you not afraid youre the next to go? Why doesnt RFW just train a team of expert factory certified RFW employees to do the work right? I dont know about you but if I buy a product somewhere Id expect them to handle any problem that may occur. When my Ford has a problem I dont take it to the Chevy dealership for repairs. The issues here are not who installs the pool/spas but unsatisfied people who cant get their problems solved from the place of purchase. Seeing as how you are so kind to take on the responsibilities of a company other than your own how about coming and fix the leak in my brand new roof. You see the point! Leisure Bay/ FRW is responsible for who they sub-contract to. If the sub-contractor messes something up while they are subbing for RFW, RFW is morally obligated to correct the problem. The same principle for the sub-contractor, they are not responsible for a pump that burns up after a couple of days if they properly installed the power supply. Bill when your car breaks down you dont take to where you had the tires put on do you? Then why should the consumer that buys from RFW have to depend on the sub-contractor to take care of any problems? This seems like another attempt to blame someone besides RFW. Im sure RFW is tired of hearing me and the other experts voicing our opinions on these issues. We have exposed the fraud, lies, and cons at FRW. We are hated because we oppose this sort of treatment not only to our selves but also to the consumer. Bill, Steve, Brian, and all the other FRW employees and sub-contractors. You can call me stupid. You can try to come up with these silly little attempts to discredit me. You can do and say what you want about my opinions and me. But I will continue to expose FRW for who/what they are until you: (1)Take responsibility for your negligence and resolve all these complaints and future complaints. (2)Produce a better quality product or compare yours to a compatible product like the ones at Home Depot and Lowes. (3)Stop lying, deceiving, and coning. (4)Learn to understand business rule #1. The Customer Is Always Right. (5)Listen to people and try to resolve the problem without trying to make the people as part look stupid. It may cost you a few bucks now, but it will be future business and a good recommendation to there friends and family. These days everyone is trying to keep up with the Joneses so this tactic is worth its weight in gold. (6)Youre not used car salesmen so dont act like one. Develop and adapt a moral code of company policy.


Contractor Responds to original "insider info"

#5UPDATE Employee

Wed, May 14, 2003

I am currently a subcontractor for RFW. For the record. Scott, unfortunatly I have nothing for you here, your constant whining is rather irriating so I will not further feed the fire. RFW goes through several subcontractors for one reason alone. Customer Service. The company I work for gets more stores every year because of this. RFW demands that their contractors as well as their employees serve the customer after the installation is complete. Contractors must warranty their work and the labor on the product for a set period of time to ensure a happy customer. Contractors that are fired are those who will not call customers, will not show up on time, or will not install products properly. The unfortunate mentality of those fired is one of opression from big bad corporate america ie:RFW. Why should I have to pay for the service. Rfw should have to pay me to fix this leak. Rfw should have to pay me to replace the liner I hung to tight. Rfw should have to pay me to relevel that pool. Why should it come out of my pocket. Why? When you install someting you are responsible for the product from then on not the store. The contracting co I work for accepts RFW's terms and service our work. Hopefully you can learn how to subcontract for a company, and if you can't try going it alone. Either way, good luck.


South Carolina,
Brian...you bald/bold face lier.

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, May 12, 2003

Brian. Your a lier. Don't act like you are a customer. You never purcased personal products from RFW, you work for them. I already had a run in with you. I'm Scott, remember me! Yea, you tried to pull that "your a competator" stuff with me. I've read the crap you guys at RFW have wrote about my report pretending to be "a satisfied customer". Now you guys are caught red handed! And Steve in Fl pretending to be a ex-employee and some expert spa man. Well he got his bubble burst too. Well it looks like you guys have finaly got feed back from other experts acording to many of the reports. Harvey, Hack, and all you others out their who have helped reville RFW for who/what they are... THANK YOU!


South Carolina,
competitors viewpoint ...you should be ashamed

#7UPDATE Employee

Fri, September 27, 2002

its always easy to write a story without fact and specific's ... sounds like a competitor who has been beaten by a great company. We purchased product a few times from RFW and found great service and product quality. The service dept was professional and prompt in getting to our problem ... which turned out to caused by us and was corrcetd at no charge to us . I would think competitors like you find it difficult to compete and have to create story's to distract the buyer ... buyers need to visit any of the RFW stores and create your own opinion ... don't rely on this guy's jealosy ... RFW prices are better than the others and you simply can't beat them by verbal trash talking ... identify yourself and deal with the situation rather than hide and hope to get business directed to you through lies and deceit ... I understand RFW has been around for 25 years ... how about your business! Compete ... don't Complain!



#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, September 20, 2002

When did they fire you?

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