  • Report:  #1238329

Complaint Review: greyhound bus line - Nationwide

Reported By:
eddie allen - San Diego, California, USA

greyhound bus line
Nationwide, USA
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On May 23 I got a one way bus ticket from San Diego CA to Toledo OH to atened a fruniral.I had a question about my bag,but i could not understand the ticket ageints broken english so i asked to talk to someone who`english that i could undersand. she told me that she was afinded and refused me serves and handed me a ticket refund requet form to be sent to Dallas TX. it is now June 27 and no refund and I keep getting the run around by greyhound. I missed the frunarul that i was trying to get to,and was left stranded in San Diego for 3 weeks homeless, and hade to stay in a homeless shelter for the 3 weeks untill i came up with the money to get to Toledo OH. I ended up going on Amtrak and it was a much better trip then any greyhound trip I have ever taken on greyhound. I will never use greyhound. In fact I will tell any and every one to go Amtrak it only cost me $10.00 more but it was worth it. Greyhound not only tooke my money but they also robed me of showing my respects and saying good by to someone that I was close to. That is the bigest Rip off of all to me. I know that greyhound dose not care about that becaues they do not evn care about leaving costemers stranded. In almost all the complants that I see about greyhound it is all to offten about someone being stranded, but they alway get there money. What is it going to take for greyhound to think about the consumer and not so much about the money? God forbid that some one gets stranded by greyhound and some one kill theme becuse greyhound left that person stranded and some one see that person as a victom of oprotnetie. I pesonaly fell victomimzed by greyhound robing me of saying good by to someone that was dear to me. Something must be done to stop greyhound from victomizing there consumer. I am willing to help to put a stop to that.

2 Updates & Rebuttals



#2General Comment

Sat, June 27, 2015

 Sure lets ASSUME that YOU ONLY said that YOU couldn't understand this person. Im betting it goes MUCH farther then that. Im betting YOU couldn't keep your trap shut to save your life or your trip. When are dipsticks like yourself GOING TO LEARN???? These are HUMAN BEINGS you are dealing with!!! YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE RUDE OR ABUSSIVE!!!!! Customer service IS NOT allowing YOU to take YOUR nasty bull$hit attitude out on THEM!!!! IF YOU were a rude jackass then YOU GOT WHAT YOU DESERVED!!!!!! THEY have the right to refuse service to ANYONE for ANY REASON!!!! What makes YOU THINK you get to be abusive and NOT be held accountable for doing so?? WHO the hell are YOU to abuse a fellow human being?? GROW UP!!!! As YOU have learned the hard way, businesses NO LONGER have to deal with lowbrow mouthbreathers like yourself ANYMORE!!!!! Business is FINALLY appreciating their employees!!! Companies are realizing that little dillholes such as yourself ARE NOT WORTH as much as a well trained employee!!! YOU are dealing with the loss of a family member or someone close to you, that is understandable. But for YOU to be so rude and uncouth and basically an ***HOLE about a fellow CITZEN and THIER struggle with English only shows that YOU are a intolerant ignorant ***hat!!! So this CITIZEN, this FELLOW HUMAN BEING has come to America to be part of the American Dream and YOU go and make a issue out of their accent. I swear, YOUR great grandparents must be spinning in their GRAVES over YOUR BEHAVOUR!!!!! You DO realize that unless YOU have over 50% NATIVE AMERICAN blood in YOU that YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY CAME OVER AS IMMIGRANTS!!!!! Not so long ago YOUR OWN FAMILY had to deal with learning a NEW tongue, a NEW society, a NEW COUNTRY!!! Yet YOU feel the need to go online and BASH a business that has hired someone who is still kinda new to English. So REALLY....WHO is the REAL victim here?? Heres a clue......ITS NOT YOU!!!! You shame yourself and you shame your family. A little bit of patience on YOUR part would have gone MUCH FARTHER to resolving the issue. If YOU were given a refund form, then YOU WENT BEYOND THE JACK*** LEVEL!!!! That person who NEEDS that job had FINALLY had enough of YOU. YOU having to spend time homeless is JUST DESERTS!!

Bubba Lee

REd Deer,
I am going toread between the lines

#3General Comment

Sat, June 27, 2015

So to paraphrase your report and read between the lines:

You bought a ticket on the Big Grey Dog.

You pestered the minimum wage ticket agent about a bag. Something she is not responsible for and may not have the info you need. (It depends on what Model bus you will ride for what part of your trip)

Then when she (or he) didn't say what you wanted to hear you got angry and loud.

At this point due to the Minimum wage ticket agent biting her toung to keep from screaming abuse at you her accent got a little thicker. (I got fired from that job for screaming one nasty word at a customer)

Rather than have you thrown out of the station she handed you a refund application form and moved onto the next customer. Much more restraint than I proved to have.

How bad do you have to behave for The Big Grey Dog to refuse to do business with you?


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