  • Report:  #24635

Complaint Review: ROMA Computer Group LeaseComm - Oxnard California

Reported By:
- Milwaukee, WI,

ROMA Computer Group LeaseComm
300 Esplande Drive Suite 1260 Oxnard, 93030 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
not notified when ohgolly.com website was shutdown--LeaseCom took more money from my account than promised--no explanation

I attended a seminar where we were told about creating an Internet webpage for an online business. I started hearing complaints from others about customer service and I myself received bad customer service (i.e., once I called at the beginning to make sure everything was going ok and the person said "do you want to cancel your order and not do it" when I asked a question).

Along with them LeaseCom stated that a certain amount was going to be taken out of my account. More than that was taken and I didn't realize this wasn't right until I saw complaints from others.

Suddenly the ohgolly.com webpages were all shutdown and you can no longer get to the websites. What happened to them and who is handling them now.

You can't get in touch with anyone--website no longer exists and the phone number no longer works and I an unable to contact anyone.

I want to stop having to pay the money out of my account and I want to be reimbursed for the overpayment of money and distress caused by the company(ies) deception.


Milwaukee, Wisconsin

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Call Ventura District Attorney office for info...

#2Consumer Suggestion

Mon, July 15, 2002

Check this news release, then call Mitchell F. Disney (805) 289-1985, from the attorney's office for more information. http://www.ventura.org/vcda /recent_news_releases.htm Scroll down to January 3, 2002.

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