  • Report:  #1466027

Complaint Review: Right Turn DUI Impact Center - Eldersburg Maryland

Reported By:
Anonymous - Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Right Turn DUI Impact Center
1209 Liberty Road #102 Eldersburg, 21784 Maryland, United States
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Report Attachments

This "treatment center" has no known accredations or certifcations to lawfully run the facility. They do not follow state regulations regarding their DUI Alcohol Education Program. They promote their treatment center stating they are Carf Accrediated, but when Carf was contacted regarding their accreditation, Carf stated they were NOT in fact accredited by Carf International.

They tell potiental clients they will be able to successfully detoxify them of drugs and/or alcohol with their own medication. They do not verify how the medication is obtained, whether it be a valid prescription or obtained illegally. They do not have the proper dispensary license, medical equipment and staff to hold and dispense medication to clients. They also confiscate narcotic medication and hold it and dispense to other patients. They do not properly dispose of narcotic medication. People coming in off the streets could have a multitude of drugs in their system that they may not know about. They do not have a lab to properly test urine/blood for toxicity and actual substances in their system. They do not have physicians on staff to diagnose or treat any patient needing immediate medical care during their detox period. Many medications, whether obtained illegally or legally, need a proper detox schedule and some require inpatient hospital care. Some medications and substances can cause death during the detoxifying period. 

They stamp DUI certificates for clients, without proper staff running their educational program. This certificate is presented to attorneys and judges for offenders with alcohol related offenses. COMAR regulations state the program needs to run with the proper cerifications and the classes need to be held over a 6-week period of no less than 12-hours. Their DUI program is held over one weekend and they are "housed" with the clients are are currently inpatient at the facility.

They offer drug and alcohol treatment but they staff is not trained, either clinically or ethically, in addiction counseling. When recommending the appropiate level of care, a client should be given a biosocial assessment by a trained and certified clinician. This is not happening. Mant clients are being recommended for DUI education when they've recieved multiple drug and/or alcohol related offenses. DUI education is generally only appropiate for first time offenders. Since their program is not certified the people coming in are not getting the proper education they should be getting. WIth misinformation in that capacity, the effect on the community and surrounding communities are severly effected, but the real damage could never really be narrowed down or evaluated. Usually people who do not face consequences or serious consequences for their serious actions, like drinking or drugging and driving, will most likely do it again.

Many staff members have pursued female clients, either during or immediately after treatment, in an innappropiate sexual manner. The owner, Daniel Brannon, has been made aware of several accounts of this behavior by the male staff and he does nothing. He is also in an intimate relationship with a previous client of this treatment facility that he owns.

This treatment facility flies under the radar because they are a cash only business. Since they do not submit to insurance they are exempt from a lot of the accrediations and certifications needed for insurance to pay on an insurance claim, along with their "clinicians", or in their case staff, to be propery credientialed and certified. They promote treatment and education, when they do not have the skills and training to provide treatment and education. Without ethical boundaries many women are exploited while they're in treatment and after they complete their program. They are being taken advantage of when they are in a low, fragile state of being and state of mind. 

Anyone who pays for treatment at this facility is being ripped off. And if it's a loved one they are paying it for, they are exploiting that loved one. This is fraud at it's very core. People have been seriously hurt coming through this facility and are usually too ashamed to come forward with the victim mentality. 

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