  • Report:  #1117639
Reported By:
cavdrkz24 - aston, Pennsylvania,

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This person contacted me originally through eharmony.com as a user during a free communication weekend. This person came out right away and gave me an email address to communicate with them through instead of the guided communication that they suggest.  

The emails were typical of a person trying to get to know another, where they lived, what they did. This person went under the guise of being an art broker based out of philadelphia. Self employed, and on a business trip to acquire artwork in Switzerland. 

After about three days of communicating, this person told me they were robbed in a Switzerland Airport, and had been robbed and gang raped (not likely, but OK.) The same email asked me to send them $950.00 to help "get me home". I then replied that it was being reported as a scam, and would be forwarded to authorities.

I knew something was amiss right off the bat. The grammar and punctuation the author used was sub-par in the sense that an adult would write it. I also got an email from eharmony.com stating the profile had been deleted due to "suspicious activity" but would not comment further. So I am placing this on here just to alert anyone else who is experiencing the same thing from this Eharmony. Though they cannot monitor every single account, they do offer warnings on what to look for. Below are the email transcripts of the conversations. 


Name: Michelle Donovan

Email: michelleovanie@gmail.com

Website origin: Eharmony.com




Sent: January 19th 2014


Thanks for the message, well let me say a few things about myself.  I have been out of a relationship a year and half now, I suffered heartbreak from my ex, I didn't know he was sleeping with my best friend and ever since I decided not to go into a relationship. Now I feel I should try to meet that special someone out there who could really be the one for me which is why I am on this site but this time I am trying to be very careful. I want someone that will be sincere to me as I hate being lied to.  Okay I like doing a lot of things for fun like watching movies,listening to music, spending time with that special someone and more like my work line which gives me an opportunity to do a lot of things.

Well My Job is to buy and sell artworks mostly Paintings and sculpts.Sometimes I travel just to get suitable artworks to sell,and on rare cases I travel out of the US like right now I'm in Sweden to get local European artworks which should be well marketed in the US. I am looking to meet someone that is sincere, caring, understanding, romantic and fun to be with.  I have attached my pictures. I hope you like them. Why don't you tell me more about yourself?

PS: I don't know what is wrong with Eharmony, I got a mail from them because I replied you with my email address. I don't know why that has to be an issue so I had to cancel my subscription with them but good we are communicating now. My privacy is important to me.



Sent: january 19th 2014

Thanks for your response. I am pleased to read your email, I haven't really tried this online dating thing till now. I'm originally from NYC,  I have a lot of places to go to collect artworks here in Sweden I can say it is not easy to be self employed. I came across this online site while browsing and decided to give it a try. Its good to know a little more about you, really I want sincerity from you and I want you to be truthful in anything you tell me, I have been with men that hurt me, lied to me, cheated on me, made me cry, made my life feel worthless and I don't want to go through that anymore. I don't want to live on the past because I believe there is a brighter future ahead. I cant go through another heart break, I know that I will never do anything to hurt you as I am someone that will never hurt or cheat on anyone but I always seem to be the one that gets hurts. Well I am willing to answer any questions you have got for me but for now I have some questions for you. what are your likes and dislikes, whats your favorite color and food ? Do you like pets ? If you do.. do you have any ? Also if there is one thing you wish you could change about yourself… what will that be ? ok enough questions for one day I should be back in few days and would be nice to meet you up when I get back. Expect your sincere answers to those questions I asked.

Bye for now



Sent: January 20th 2014

Thanks for your sincere answer to my questions. It always feels good to sign into my mailbox and meet an unread email message from you. I love your answers to my questions, now let me answer those questions I asked you. I like traveling, trying out new things, like making people around me happy, I like eating good food etc.  I hate being bored, having a bad day, getting into trouble, being late for an appointment. I dislike things that are generally not right. I want you to know that I'm self employed and I would love to meet a partner that is loving, caring, honest and kind-hearted that will make me happy. I like everything to be natural and I also believe in inner beauty so much. I like what I do, I get to travel 1-2 times a year.  I saw you as a match and was curious to see if something could workout but something in me is seeing I should write you so i hope things work out. I live in Philly now.
  My favorite color is blue and food is steak, I used have a German shepherd dog named bill but he died a year ago. Well the one thing I would love to change about myself is I wish my parents were still alive. I am looking to meet someone that is caring, understanding, romantic and fun to be with.  I am into drawing and painting so I spend most of spare time doing it and I love to go out also.  I am hoping that you could be that one.  Can you tell me about your family?  also tell me how your job is like for you?  I think the best way would be we could hang out when I get back and we could really get to talk a lot better.
Take care


Sent: January 21 2014

Thanks for your message. I'm not coming back next week but this week, Philly Auto show would be great! You seem to be an open hearted man and I looking forward to that day I would see you face to face. But just so you know, I thought I would tell you what I was looking for and see what you think.  All I am looking for is "True Love," no Games, no Playing around, just want to find my soul mate in life, the one man I Will connect with in every way. I do know much about you, yet any woman that does not treat you with respect, true love,  genuine kindness and caring is absolutely a fool. True Love can be given without being shared, but a shared Love still allows for your special loved one to grow. To me there is nothing more special than a shared Love. One that delights in our loved one's achievements, and growth as a person. One that has no jealousy, anger or mistrust. I believe when I have met the right person, we will believe so completely in each other, and Love each other so completely, that we will trust without hesitation as well.  I am a lovingly touchy person. I am not saying that I am perfect but I always try to do right.  I like to hold hands, hug and kiss when appropriate. I like open affection, but in good taste, not for affection sake. I love to look into my loved one's eyes, and often get accused of starring.  But I stare at flowers too, they never complain that I could look at them from when the blossom until they fade away. I like being touched too. Held and having my hair played with.  I like simple things, I want my soul mate to be my best friend, so I can always talk with him about anything and be able to work things out when it matters. Life is so short why do people make it so complicated by wanting everything they see and forgetting that we are here to Love one another, not "bed as many as we can" and have nothing true and genuine when our time comes.  I believe it takes "a lot of time" to know someone, and when an actual "relationship" does start.  I still believe intimacy should be saved until "you know" they are someone you want to be with. Hope that wasn't too much, but it is honest and all of me.I look forward to reading your thoughts about all I have said.. Hope to hear from you soon..




Sent: January 22nd 2014

I'm sorry I couldn't get on to send you an email, its because of what happened to me.  My flight was due to leave but something happened to me and I could not make it again. I went to bank to get money to settle the remaining bill of the short apartment fee I owe and some other things so I could leave here but on my way back to the apartment I got attacked by some gang here, they took my money and my valuables. I am so confused and I am weeping now because I was due to pay up my bills and then leave but I cant now because the money I was supposed to use was that which was stolen, I cannot travel until I pay the money I owe.  This incident that happened has really caused me so much pain. I know it's kind of hard to help me especially considering that we haven't met in person but I need to pay up this bills here so that I can be allowed leave here for good. Please in any little way you can just help me and I will really appreciate it.  The bills total $1950 but I was able to pay $1000.  I feel awful having to ask you for money but really I am in a tight corner and don't know what I should do.I don't know if you could help me with the rest which is $950.00 okay? I promise to pay you back on my return. Even if you don't have up to that considering that you have your own personal bills and expenses, You could just tell me how much you could help with so I can tell you how to get it sent to me. I really feel awful asking you for help and I am sincerely sorry that I am bothering you with this.  I really wish this never happened so I wouldn't have to ask you for help like this. Hope to see you soon so we could talk better about the things we like most and hope that the fact that I asked for help doesn't ruin things between us.




As you guys can see here, the emails escalated pretty quickly, but something about the way the emails were written really stood out to me about this possibly being a fraud. Please be careful out there folks!

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