  • Report:  #289885

Complaint Review: Omaha Steaks - Omaha Nebraska

Reported By:
- Long Beach, California,

Omaha Steaks
omahasteaks.com Omaha, 68103 Nebraska, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My mother's long been getting senile and more vulnerable in many ways. One day I was at her house when a sleazy guy comes to the door peddling Omaha Steaks from his little meat truck. Apparently she knows this guy from before and thinks he's okay, although she's done nothing but complain about her last Omaha Steaks not being up to the standards she was used to.

She welcomes him in but tells him she doesn't want any more and she still has a lot in her freezer, maybe later. He thinks she should get more right now. He keeps pushing her to pack more into her freezer, offering freebies like chicken but she doesn't go for it. Eventually his sales pitch turns to guarantees and if you ever don't like something you can get it replaced, free, no problem Johnny-on-the-spot.

At that point I spoke up and mentioned that my mother hadn't been very happy with the previous batch, would he honor his guarantee with her now? He said "Sure!" and asked me to show him what she had left in her freezer.

I had no idea what he was capable of up to this point and where this scenario would end up, but if I had known then what I know now I am certain I could have handled the situation better. I am writing this to warn others like I wish I could have been warned of the lowlife character of these people so they don't swindle you or your loved ones too. Forewarned is forearmed.

There was some conversation about what she didn't like and why, and he was very sympathetic and understanding, of course he would replace everything, and he began to pack her three-quarter full medium-sized freezer compartment with new meat he'd brought in with him. There was steak in many varieties and chicken, lots of chicken. He stuffed the rest of that freezer space absolutely full, we thought honoring his guarantee. He seemed like such a nice guy too, I was beginning to think appearances were deceiving.

Then he concludes his act by telling my mother that since she was such a great customer, he'd give her a big discount and only charge her I think it was $199 on $300 worth of meat. I said wait a minute, I thought you were honoring your guarantee. He says "you don't expect all that meat for free, do you?" and my mother is embarrassed and confused and says she'll go get her checkbook. Remember she told him a hundred times at least she didn't want any more meat, but now that the meat is in her freezer, she somehow feels obligated to pay for it even though she never wanted it, expressly refused to buy it again and again, and that sleazeball put it in her freezer under the pretense of honoring a guarantee. Some guarantee.

Well I don't know about your mother but mine has a will of her own and she gave the guy a check over my strong objections. We had some words and he slithered out happy with his sale and my mother unhappy and disturbed by it all. She said she felt like she owed it to him, didn't want a scene, didn't want to hurt his feelings.

Hurt his feelings? Do reptiles have feelings? This guy just con-artisted my mother in front of me and I didn't see it coming either. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED. If you're dumb enough to let one of these Omaha Steaks con artists into your home at least don't let them start putting "free" anything into your freezer. Especially if you have a senile or other vulnerable person around.

Epilog: I called their corporate offices and asked to speak to the president of the company. Oh he was out on vacation, he'll be back in ten days I think it was. So I mark my calendar and call him back ten days later and get put off again and again but I keep trying and eventually I get through and get to talk to him.

Bottom line: he supported his predatory salesman's con job on my mother 100%. He had talked to the guy (I think he tried to represent him as an independent contractor, as if that made any difference) and decided he hadn't done anything wrong. Sorry too bad for you and your mother.

So now I try to warn people about this outfit, they may be a 'family business' but so is the Mafia. And if you think about it, look what they are selling: the dead flesh of animals. How sensitive can you expect them to be anyway?

Apparently not very. I will never stop telling people this story about the Omaha Steaks Scam Artist.


Long Beach, California


21 Updates & Rebuttals


Long Beach,
Thank you MochaG you have provided better help about my programming problem than anyone at stackoverflow.com even attempted!

#2Author of original report

Thu, November 07, 2013

I appreciate the help but normally when a browser has issues with a website, it either tells you so if there's some sort of security issue or doesn't diplay the website properly if it's a coding problem.  So without any error messages I'm inclined to think it's a coding incompatibility somehow or some higher-level issue I never get informed about.  For example Facebook may have some set number of links that it will permit before it disables them all, but doesn't warn people about what the number is.  

Or it could be that some non-https links or images or Javascript in advertising or something else is finding a conflict.  That's what I'm thinking anyway, although you could be right because even though Internet Explorer does work, it throws an error first asking if you really want to 'Show all content' (see the partial page capture at the top of https://www.facebook.com/BrainAndConsciousnessLibrary).  Could it be that Firefox and Chrome just don't even allow you to proceed on the basis of whatever it is that MSIE allows you to bypass that way?  Do you have any ideas about how I might test your idea that security might be the problem?  

Thanks again for trying to be helpful, unlike 32 out of every 33 UNhelpful stackoverflow.com useless people.  

Steak Lover

St Cloud,
Omaha Steak Truck looking for customers

#3General Comment

Fri, June 28, 2013

I just now had a person in a silver truck with an Omaha Steak logo on it stop in my alley to try to get me to buy some steak.  He said that he was running a special for the two weeks before the 4th of July.  I told him I had no room in my freezer, as I just bought a lot of steak due to a sale in a local grocery store. 

He then asked me about where the local trailer parks were.  I was already suspicious of him, I don't trust door to door sales people, and when he started asking about trailer parks, my first thought was that he was looking for easy targets that are close together- not so much driving.  When I started to give him directions, it became very clear very quickly that he is not from around here.  I do a lot of local driving for my job, and have a very good mental map of the area.  He didn't know some of the major landmarks, for instance the only big mall or the only movie theater.

He finally got back in his truck, without even showing me any product. He said he had a brochure, and I said I would like one for the future, but he did not give me one, nor did he even show it to me.  After reading a few of the comments on this page, I believe it was because he knew that his steaks would not look good compared to the high quality steaks that I had just purchased.

I became curious, so I googled Omaha Steak, and found this page.  So whoever says they do not go door to door is either lying, is mistaken, or was splitting hairs.  I say splitting hairs because he technically was not going door to door, he slowly cruised down the alley, and stopped at my house only - probably because I was outside on my deck, my neighbors were not outside at that time. Based on this experience,  I would be very leary of buying anything from Omaha Steak, at least not off the "meat truck".


United States of America
You really need to do more looking up

#4General Comment

Fri, August 03, 2012

Omaha Steaks will not let you talk to their president.  There is a meat company that goes door to door and also sells street side.  If you seen something like 20lbs of meat for 20 dollars then you just met these guys.  They are from Joplin MO or a Private contractor through them.  Omaha Meats does not do door to door.  Hell I live in Omaha I think I would have a better understanding.  Just cause they give you a number saying Omaha steaks or just like omaha Steaks stay away.  

nice to visit

ft myers,
United States of America
a very magical word salespeople dont want you to know

#5General Comment

Mon, July 23, 2012



So you talked to the President of the company?

#6UPDATE Employee

Fri, February 24, 2012

I am wondering if you know the president's name of Omaha Steaks? I as an employee, am very disturbed about these bogus claims! As I seen in a previous post, Omaha Steaks DOES NOT sell their products door to door! The only ways to purchase "our" products, is either:

1) Mail order / Online ordering
2) Purchase from a retail store, there are close to 80 Nation wide
Also, with this Mad Cow non-sense, ALL of Omaha Steaks products are inspected by the U.S.D.A. There are no grading's on their products because they stand behind their products 100% Unconditionally!! In order to get the Grade "A" , "Prime", or any other's, the company must pay for it, which since Omaha Steaks backs their products, they do not pay for this grading. Omaha's beef contains no hormones, anti-biotics, steroids, by-product's. It's a very high quality product. The company has been around since 1917. All their beef is hand cut, selected, trimmed, and vacuum sealed. If you need to know more, please check this site out.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omaha_Steaks


United States of America
Omaha Steaks does not have "meat trucks"

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, February 24, 2012

I currently work for Omaha Steaks and one big thing we were taught during training is that Omaha Steaks does not have trucks that drive around selling their products. The only way to purchase their products is to either visit one of the retail stores, call the Customer Service line, or ordering online. There are a few people that try to use our name, but put enough of a twist on it to make it appear as if it is Omaha Steaks. We have people that come in all the time asking why our trucks don't come through their neighborhood or tell us that they didn't like our products because the quality is very poor. I can assure you, Omaha Steaks stands behind their products with an unconditional 100% guarantee. Also, Omaha Steaks may try to sell or upsell their products, but they will never pressure you into buying their products.


United States of America
Karl, Karl, Karl

#8General Comment

Mon, November 28, 2011

Sorry buddy, you've said too much. 

This is not about Omaha Steaks, it's about your position on animal rights. Why not be upfront about that?

I don't think you're a man. I think you're a woman who is a closet crusader against the meat industry; this agenda becomes obvious later on.  If you were any kind of "man", then you would've defended your mother who is  "senile and more vulnerable in many ways". Instead, you sat and watched the "sleazeball" force unwanted product and then demand payment; what adult man would allow that to happen to their "senile and vulnerable" mother? You have a legal and moral obligation to protect your senile and vulnerable mother, if you had one, that is.

Your title is "Omaha Steaks Soulless Scammers Preying on Old Ladies [in] Omaha Nebraska". Later, in your rebuttle to Vanessa, you write  "MY MOTHER IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA."

You also seem to be very proud of reporting you  called their corporate offices [] to speak to the president of the company. []eventually I get through and get to talk to him. You then go on to quote the president of Omaha Steaks: HE TOLD ME "HE KNEW THE SCAMMER WHO SCAMMED MY MOTHER IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA". HE ALSO TOLD ME THAT "HE WASN'T GOING TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT", LIKE STOP SELLING HIS PRODUCTS TO THE SCAMMER. NOTHING AT ALL -- HE COULDN'T CARE LESS. SO THAT MAKES OMAHA STEAKS COMPLICIT IN THE SCAM. This website should never have allowed you to post that without a name. I formally request that, unless you edit and insert the name of the President you spoke too, then your quotes, semi-quotes, parsed conversations, be stricken from this record. 

Finally, both Omaha and all of California require a Peddlers License/permit. If you were just as vocal as you are now, then you could have simply asked too see and photograph the license/permit. 


Long Beach,

#9Author of original report

Fri, December 18, 2009

One measure of a person's or a corporation's character is their ability to present a rational argument based on verifiable facts, or do they instead attack the messenger? Here again we have an anonymous "employee" of Omaha Steaks who says "Well some people will never admit they got conned. I feel your pain, I wouldn't want to look like an idiot either". THIS IS THE KIND OF THING THEY MIGHT SAY ABOUT YOU TOO IF YOU EVER HAD REASON TO WARN OTHERS ABOUT THEIR DISHONESTY! Please examine that "employee's" statement closely: "some people will never admit they got conned" slyly tries to divert the subject about what is going on here in a clearly false way because I have obviously related my experience shared with my mother about getting conned by a person representing Omaha Steaks and the President of Omaha Steaks himself being complicit in the con! I am completely admitting we got conned by Omaha Steaks including by their President! So how does the "employee's" statement reflect reality? IT DOESN'T! Then the dishonest "employee" says "I wouldn't want to look like an idiot either" AS IF he thinks he can dismiss my statements of facts as "idiotic"! THIS IS HOW OMAHA STEAKS TREATS PEOPLE -- DO YOU REALLY WANT TO BE CHARACTERIZED THIS WAY YOURSELF BY OMAHA STEAKS SOMEDAY? WELL YOU HAD BETTER NEVER BUY ANY OF THEIR UNTESTED AND IRRADIATED DEAD COW PRODUCTS IF YOU DON'T!

The dishonest "employee" of Omaha Steaks goes on to slyly insinuate AGAIN that "Its not a conspiracy ;)" AS IF we're discussing the JFK assassination or the 9/11 attacks when in fact all that's going on here is a warning to people that Omaha Steaks perpetrates some shady business practices and COULDN'T CARE LESS if old ladies get ripped off in the process, COULDN'T CARE LESS if someone gets Mad Cow Disease from their products, COULDN'T CARE LESS about radiation-induced chemical transformations forming poisons in their products. It's not a "conspiracy" folks, it's just Big Business once again not caring about the people they prey upon. BEWARE OF OMAHA STEAKS AND THEIR SHADY BUSINESS PRACTICES.


United States of America
For the rest of you

#10UPDATE Employee

Fri, December 18, 2009

Well some people will never admit they got conned. I feel your pain, I wouldn't want to look like an idiot either.

For the rest of you who are looking to try Omaha Steaks (and the millions of happy customers) definitely do so. Give them a call or check out one of their stores. If you don't like it, take it back to the store or give their 1-800 number a call, they have to give you your money back (works just like any other retailer, better most times). Its not a conspiracy ;) They wouldn't be in business if people were getting ripped off.


Long Beach,
The "Employees" of Omaha Steaks are either mistaken or LYING here

#11Author of original report

Fri, December 11, 2009

Comment #9 titled "Truth" couldn't be less so.  Whoever anonymously posted it suggests that I must have called a "fake" Omaha Steaks and tries to be sarcastic about me talking to the company President.  Well the contact information came straight from omahasteaks.com and it did take some persistence over several weeks to reach their President, but I did and the story was exactly as originally related -- the President of Omaha Steaks DID know the salesman by name who scammed my mother (though it's true he wasn't TECHNICALLY an employee but a subcontractor or independent contractor of some kind) and that President was NOT AT ALL INTERESTED IN CORRECTING THE PROBLEM.  I never said he had a "great relationship" with the scammer, just that he acknowledged knowing him, and the Omaha Steaks "employee" posting excuses/lies here even goes so far as to slyly insinuate about a "conspiracy theory" and that I didn't get my facts straight.  BY THIS ATTITUDE YOU CAN EASILY SEE HOW OMAHA STEAKS TREATS PEOPLE -- YOU'VE BEEN WARNED, DO YOU WANT THEM INSINUATING THAT YOU'RE STUPID TOO?

The next comment #10 by the same or another "Employee" titled "Irradiation" is similarly misleading, saying "The irradiation you speak of is a milder yet very direct microwave technology."  THIS IS DELIBERATELY FALSE INFORMATION as the FDA has only approved irradiation of food by x-rays or gamma rays which extend out from blue end of the visible spectrum, high energy IONIZING radiation capable of killing bacteria without depositing enough energy in the form of heat to cook it.  Using microwave energy (which extends out from the red end of the visible spectrum, much lower energy and non-ionizing) would COOK meat and not reliably kill all the bacteria in it. The Omaha Steaks website says "The process that Omaha Steaks has chosen to use utilizes electromagnetic energy, which in seconds kills harmful bacteria", the keywords here being ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY which can only be x-rays or gamma rays.  EVEN THEIR OWN WEBSITE IS DECEPTIVE BY TRYING TO AVOID USING WORDS MOST OF THE PUBLIC WILL UNDERSTAND AND INSTEAD CLOAKING THE REALITY IN VAGUE TERMINOLOGY.  "Electromagnetic energy" in this case is the kind emitted by x-ray machines or gamma-emitting radioactive materials!  It is true that ionizing radiation does not linger in food so treated but as explained above it does cause chemical reactions to occur, creating a witches' brew of potentially toxic chemicals in the food which the FDA has decided after years of intense industry lobbying probably won't hurt you too much. 

The Omaha Steaks website does say now that only their ground beef is irradiated, and that's because the grinding process provides many pathways for bacterial contamination to enter their meat and irradiation is an effective way of killing bacteria.  Earlier as of March 2009 their website DID SAY they irradiated ALL their meat so they must have changed their irradiation practices in the face of public displeasure because nobody in their right mind consumes irradiated food if unirradiated food is available. 

The Omaha Steaks website has a Product Safety Information page (click on Contact Us which loads a Customer Service page, under Product Information click on the Product Safety link) which in addition to the irradiation information above also has a Frequently Asked Questions Regarding BSE/Mad Cow Disease section where they say:

1) Can a human contract BSE or Mad Cow Disease?
BSE (Mad Cow) is an animal disease. The only way that a person would be at risk for exposure to Mad Cow agents would be if they ingested the central nervous tissue (either brains or spinal cord tissue) of an infected animal.

THIS IS FALSE INFORMATION.  The active agent for Mad Cow Disease is a special kind of protein called a prion, which is a normal protein that has become misfolded in such a way that it serves as a template to cause other proteins to be misfolded too, and those misfolded proteins cause disease in ways yet to be fully determined.  The end result of the disease however is that you lose your mind in a way strongly resembling Alzheimer's Disease, the diseases are so similar in fact that the only way they can be distinguished from one another at the present time is by taking brain samples at autopsy.  The truth of the matter is that MAD COW PRIONS ARE FOUND CIRCULATING IN THE BLOOD AND IN ALL TISSUES TESTED SO FAR of an infected animal, they are just found in HIGHEST  CONCENTRATIONS in brain and spinal cord tissues making those tissues MOST infective, the Omaha Steaks website LIES when they say "The only way that a person would be at risk for exposure to Mad Cow agents would be if they ingested the central nervous tissue (either brains or spinal cord tissue) of an infected animal", and answers in FAQ 2 "Are BSE agents present in solid muscle tissue like steaks or roasts?  No. BSE agents are never present in solid muscle tissue."  THIS IS A LIE, A FLAT OUT LIE. Omaha Steaks should be responsible enough to tell the truth but they don't, they are LIARS and apparently their "employees" (executives would be employees too) are either GROSSLY MISINFORMED or else LYING too.  Such is the state of agribusiness in America today that you can't even get truthful information sometimes, so BUYER BEWARE OF OMAHA STEAKS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GET MAD COW DISEASE.


United States of America

#12UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 10, 2009

The irradiation you speak of is a milder yet very direct microwave technology. Its no more dangerous then a microwave.

Also, the irradiation is clearly labeled on boxes that have been irradiated. If you've purchased the product you will note the irradiation logo on the box if it was irradiated. A quick look over product line shows only the Ground Beef and Ground Beef Burgers as items that have been irradiated.


United States of America

#13UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 10, 2009

As an employee of Omaha Steaks I must say there are scam artists out there. We get calls about them all the time. They go by names that are very close to Omaha Steaks. The only people authorized to resell Omaha Steaks are 'Horizon' sales people and they don't have Omaha Steak uniforms or business cards. So if someone comes to your door with an Omaha Steaks shirt or business card, chances are it is not legitimate.

We get calls from people all the time about sleazy guys selling Omaha Steaks. Those people are essentially putting grocery store meats into boxes that they print and maybe look like Omaha Steaks boxes.

As for talking to the President... I am really excited to hear that you have those kinds of connections. Unfortunately, it sounds like you called the fake company and talked to probably the same sales person who played that con on your mother. When we get complaints about sleazy sales people, we will call the number that victim got just to see what is going on. 9/10 it goes straight to voice mail or someone says that they will get in touch with us.

Next time, go to an Omaha Steaks store if you have one in the area and show them what you got. This way you see who you are talking to and can show them your box of steaks. If you don't, go to the website omahasteaks.com and send an email or call their customer care: 1-800-960-8400. If you order from them, they'll take care of you. If you spoke to a sleazy guy at your door, they'll still take care of you somehow.

I am actually really surprised that you didn't do any more research. A lot of the people who call us do some research online and find the customer service or store numbers. It just seems odd that you spoke to the President of Omaha Steaks and he had such a great relationship with his sales person. Its not that small of a company. It also seems odd that the President of the company would take such a stance. One thing I can assure you is that even an employee of the lowest rank will get a strong lecture from their superior for leaving a customer upset.

Even as an employee I think the way the company handles dissatisfied customers is rediculous. We replace anything and usually give a little extra to make our customers smile. Thankfully our customers are mature and do not take advantage, but it just seems like a recipe for abuse of system.

Your claim appears to be unrealistic. It comes off like a conspiracy theory, big corporation targeting the helpless consumer. What it really looks like is your mother was a victim of a fraudulent company. The most unfortunate part of this is that you also fell for this con artist and believed he was an Omaha Steaks employee.

I wish you luck in your future meat purchases. If you ever want to give the real Omaha Steaks a try, I encourage you to call in an order or check out your local Omaha Steaks store. I assure you your experience will be quite different.

Concerned About Food Safety

They even IRRADIATE all their meat!

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, March 23, 2009

Mad Cow Omaha Steaks 'proudly' advertises on their website that they IRRADIATE ALL THEIR MEAT! This means they expose it to high levels of ionizing radiation to kill bacteria and any parasites that might be in it. This does NOT mean that the meat itself become radioactive, but it does mean that the radiation has caused a whole lot of chemical reactions to occur in their meat that otherwise wouldn't have happened. Irradiation of food has been controversial for decades but has finally won FDA approval. With irradiation even the dirtiest food will be sterilized of its bacteria and parasites (NOT the misfolded proteins that cause Mad Cow Disease however) but what they don't tell you, and what the FDA worried about for years, was the possibility of the chemical reaction byproducts of irradiation being dangerous. That's mainly because ionizing radiation causes the formation of high levels of free radicals in food, and free radicals being highly reactive chemically will cause a lot of chemical reactions to occur INDIRECTLY as a result of radiation exposure, even more than DIRECT effects. DIRECT effects of radiation in this case would be the chemical reactions caused by the radiation itself instead of acting through the mechanism of free radical formation. Even though the INDIRECT effects usually outweigh the DIRECT effects of radiation, both are important, or should be to anyone concerned about food safety. Free radicals in food can often react with antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, and glutathione peroxidase (sometimes known as 'free radical scavengers') to prevent the free radicals from going on to do chemical damage, but in so doing they deplete the food of its antioxidants. Normally in living tissues new antioxidants will replace the used-up ones but of course this can't happen in dead meat, so what you wind up with with irradiated Omaha Steaks is dead meat depleted by radiation of much of its nutrient value. Of course you also have whatever radiation-induced chemical reaction products were produced by direct effects of the radiation and chemical reaction products produced by indirect effects of the free radicals that did not get successfully scavenged by antioxidants. And the new chemicals formed can be almost anything not naturally occurring in the food, which is why the FDA banned food irradiation for years. What they have done, and what they don't tell you, is that they decided to approve food irradiation after numerous studies showed that the nasty chemicals formed by irradiation were TOO LOW IN QUANTITY TO BE CONSIDERED DANGEROUS. In other words, only a little bit of poison is formed in food by irradiation, so the FDA figures you can handle it. And the people at the FDA who actually made that decision don't mind one bit the millions of dollars spent on them by food industry lobbyists to convince them that only a little bit of poison won't hurt you. It took decades for them to be convinced, but eventually they were. This is the same agency that DOESN'T REQUIRE ALL CATTLE TO BE TESTED FOR MAD COW DISEASE either, now isn't that comforting? Mad Cow Irradiated Meat is what you get from Omaha Steaks. Nasty dead meat depleted of its antioxidants by irradiation but still able to transmit Mad Cow Disease to you. Omaha Steaks knows this, but you won't hear them admit it. They are knowingly and deliberately transmitting a horrible disease that causes people to literally lose their minds as they also drool on themselves and crap their pants. And they give this to you in substandard food depleted by radiation of much of its nutritive value and containing a witch's brew of who-knows-what chemical reaction products. You'd have to be crazy to purchase their products knowing what you know now. Tell all your friends about Omaha Steaks and the FDA approving irradiation so that they too can avoid irradiated foods and Mad Cow Disease.

Coastal Eddie

Relevant Links

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, January 03, 2009

Omaha Steaks Sells Mad Cow Disease: http://madcowomahasteaks.blogspot.com/ 4,060 Google results and counting for "Mad Cow Omaha Steaks" http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=t&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4ADBF_enUS289US289&q=mad+cow+omaha+steaks

Coastal Eddie


#16Consumer Comment

Thu, October 23, 2008

'Vanessa' says no, that Omaha Steaks doesn't sell door-to-door, and she is TECHNICALLY correct. But what she doesn't know or doesn't admit is that Omaha Steaks DOES sell their products wholesale to people that then go around and sell their products door to door. I TALKED DIRECTLY TO THE PRESIDENT OF OMAHA STEAKS ON THE TELEPHONE AND HE TOLD ME HE KNEW THE SCAMMER WHO SCAMMED MY MOTHER IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. HE ALSO TOLD ME THAT HE WASN'T GOING TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT, LIKE STOP SELLING HIS PRODUCTS TO THE SCAMMER. NOTHING AT ALL -- HE COULDN'T CARE LESS. SO THAT MAKES OMAHA STEAKS COMPLICIT IN THE SCAM. There's no way to hairsplit your way out of this Vanessa, Omaha Steaks knew full well about the creep who ripped off my mother and THE PRESIDENT OF OMAHA STEAKS DOESN'T CARE! Just like they don't seem to care who might get Mad Cow Disease from eating their UNTESTED beef.


This was NOT Omaha Steaks at your mothers house Karl!!

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, June 18, 2008

I am a former employee of Omaha Steaks and worked for them for many years. DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING THIS MAN HAS SAID!! Omaha Steaks does NOT sell door to door. Absolutely NOT! These are scam artists using the Omaha Steaks name. They print new boxes and fill them with inferior product that is NOT Omaha Steaks. Omaha Steaks has never sold door to door. The company has 3 sectors. 1) Retail stores in metropolitan areas across the country 2) Mail order over the phone or internet, that will be delivered to your home by FedEx, NOT a man in a little truck 3) Restaurant supply - servicing high end steak houses across the country. As far as the guarantee is concerned. Of course the scamming man in the little freezer truck didn't honor the guarantee, he is a scam artist and he is not selling Omaha Steaks product. Omaha Steaks ALWAYS upholds their guarantee. If you are not 100% satisfied they will give you your money back or replace the product because they are confident that you will be satisfied. When I worked in one of the stores I always honored the guarantee and never caught any flack from corporate for doing so. The Simon family believes that customer service is #1! Omaha Steaks is a family business and they treat their employees and customers that way. Of course you couldn't get through to the president Karl. That's not the way corporations work. I challenge you to get ahold of ANY corporate president by simply calling. That's what receptionists are for, screening calls! Please do not believe this man. It is not his fault that apparently both he and his mother were scammed by this man. I promise you this was NOT Omaha Steaks

Coastal Eddie

Omaha Steaks is just part of a bigger problem, hiding in plain sight

#18Consumer Comment

Sat, April 19, 2008

Two good peer-reviewed studies were done a few years ago in which brain tissue samples were taken from people who had died of Alzheimer's disease, or rather people who their doctors thought had died of Alzheimer's disease The researchers analyzed the brain samples to determine how many of those patients had actually had Alzheimer's, and how many had had 'Mad Cow' disease (in humans it is usually called CJD for Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease; and sometimes people refer to "CJD variants" when they want the numbers to look smaller). The two diseases have very similar symptoms and at the time could only be conclusively diagnosed at autopsy. One study found that about 5% of the "Alzheimer's" patients actually had CJD. The other study found that closer to 15% of their patients actually had had CJD instead of Alzheimer's. Until larger studies are done, a reasonable number for risk estimation purposes would therefore be 10% of people with Alzheimer's actually have CJD. The NIH says "Scientists think that up to 4.5 million Americans suffer from AD" (http://www.nia.nih.gov/nia.nih.gov/Templates/ADEARCommon/ADEARCommonPage.aspx?NRMODE=Published&NRNODEGUID=%7b2D13AE9A-D6EF-4546-9F02-66D3B3CC1453%7d&NRORIGINALURL=%2fAlzheimers%2fAlzheimersInformation%2fGeneralInfo%2f&NRCACHEHINT=Guest ) If that NIH estimate is anywhere near accurate, then somewhere around 10% of those people, or up to 450,000 Americans, actually have CJD instead of Alzheimer's disease. A very tiny number of those CJD cases probably arise spontaneously, maybe a few dozen at the most. The rest would result from infections, most of them presumably from eating animal flesh containing the disease. This means that CJD is an unrecognized epidemic of huge proportions (for comparison, in 1952, the most severe polio epidemic year on record, more than 57,800 people were paralyzed or died from polio). The medical establishment knows these numbers and isn't saying anything though, the FDA and the meat industry INCLUDING OMAHA STEAKS knows these numbers and isn't saying anything either, in fact the FDA and the meat industry adamantly insist that there is no need to test ALL animals at slaughter time to protect the American public (it costs a few bucks you know, and that would hurt profits). The best they do is say that animals too sick to stand up for their slaughter shouldn't enter the food supply, but as we all know from recent events even that weakest of protections doesn't always function as it should. So it shouldn't really be too surprising to learn that so many people are likely infected with CJD. It's probably very contagious too; much of the deer population in the Midwest is infected (I don't know if they call it "Mad Deer" or what though) and scientists think it may be spread in deer through saliva. So humans may even catch it by kissing an infected person, nobody knows for sure yet however. There is no cure for CJD and due to its nature it is unlikely a cure will be found for a very long time. The disease has a very long latent period, it may take ten or twenty or even thirty years before it begins manifesting any symptoms. But when it does you lose your mind, you lose your memories, you lose your identity, and you lose your dignity drooling on yourself in your wheelchair and crapping your pants. Not necessarily in that order. I have always been a believer in karmic justice, that people get what they ultimately deserve. People who can stomach the cruelty and suffering involved in raising animals for slaughter, selling their dead flesh, and consuming them without any thought of guilt or remorse are missing some key part of what it means to be human, and if anyone deserves to contract CJD it is them. BTW all you meat-eaters out there are just as responsible as Omaha Steaks and their suppliers for participating in your thoughtless cruelty toward animals. Omaha Steaks is just one cog in this larger barbaric industry of death and suffering perpetrated routinely upon millions and millions of animal victims. Look if they don't care about the animals whose suffering they cause and deaths they're responsible for it's not surprising they don't care much about spreading CJD and ripping off little old ladies along the way. Thank God for the Ripoff Report people who allow people to share their warnings to one another this way.


Omaha steasks is very high pressured

#19Consumer Suggestion

Sat, April 19, 2008

Omaha steaks employees do sell door to door and are very high pressure in thgeir sale tatics. They do prey often on older people who do not have alot of money , but they make it sound like it is the best thing sinc the car was invented. If you know of somronr you should warn them. Their are better places to buy meat and still get an awersomre deal! Cat


Camp Verde,
Omaha Steaks DOES sell door to door

#20Consumer Comment

Sat, April 19, 2008

Bought a truckload of meat from Omaha salesman. He stated that neighbor was not home to receive their order so he offered it to me.Bought it.Not bad. Good for BBQ Ordered some 40 lbs of steaks from them about a year later, was'nt home when they delivered, so the ice-packed styrofoam cooler ,full of steaks,was apparently tossed over my fence into my front yard. A front yard with six big dogs. Guess what happened to my steaks.


Long Beach,

#21Author of original report

Sun, February 24, 2008

The "employee" who posted must not have talked to the president of the company. I did. He knows the guy who scammed my mother. He was a little vague about their exact business relationship but suggested the guy was some type of independent contractor and thereby couldn't discipline him. I told him he didn't have to continue supplying him meat but he wasn't having any of that, he didn't care, wasn't his problem. In making him aware of his complicity I learned what his ethics are: he has none, it's all business with Omaha Steaks. I am reminded of the recent revelations about downer cows being shocked and dragged and forklifted to slaughter, the psychopathic cruelty of this whole industry is appalling. Not to mention the cavalier way they ignore the rules about allowing sick animals to be butchered, it's not just animals they abuse but they knowingly put people at risk from Mad Cow Disease for their bottom line. I probably shouldn't be too surprised that they would take advantage of little old ladies like my mother.


Omaha Steaks

#22UPDATE Employee

Sat, February 23, 2008

Omaha Steaks does not go door to door selling their product. They only sell through online, mail order, or retail stores. There are "Pyramid schemes" that go door to door proclaiming they sell Omaha Steaks products but they provide nothing that says they are Omaha Steaks.

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