  • Report:  #922563

Complaint Review: Lydia Cornell - Internet Internet

Reported By:
Xterr - Beverly Hills, California, United States of America

Lydia Cornell
Hollywood California Internet, 90102 Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
Lydia Cornell (Kornioff ) Now 59 years old, Is a has been actress  from the 80'sthat is trying to bet another try at fame by sewing Kelsey Grammer, yet she is a fraud herself. She has hacked others Accounts on facebook, and twitter online sites, and has admitted to it on her own Facebook site. Yet she has spread Hate on others, such as Kelsey Grammer, which she was involved in a  million dollar scam.  Meki Cox, Allen S Miller David Flemming, Alex Veronus and Lydia Cornell/Jason Meadows and many others she is working with.

She brought people into a scam Co. Called STAROPOLY and TODHD which are no longer in use. and is being sewed for over 100 Million dollars by defendants under the Civil RICO ACT. She is also under investigation by the T.F.B.I. C.F.B.I. and the Justice Department for computer Hacking and fraud. Lydia Cornell IS Jason Meadows. and has placed false information on this site about the Special Attorney General in the case. 

She is a user, uses people for money to pay her bills the when they refuse to give more she makes up things  Lies and post them on line, and a lies to all her so called fans, on twitter and facebook even on here she has lied using a fake name and fake reports..Then uses God to cover her  tracks. This woman has been scamming people for years. and is very sick mentally and needs medical help.

Lydia Cornell has been arrested along with her husband Paul Hayeland SEE  http://www.instantcheckmate.com/search/success See: Criminal Report Lydia Cornell
Lydia Cornell Lydia Korniloff Paul Hayland

59 Beverly Hills, CA Los Angeles, CA

Also there is being filed a Civil and possible Criminal Charges against her under 18 U. S. C. 1961-1968 Civil RICO ACT. with in the next few days. It is clear that she will not answer to this Because she is and knows that she is a fraud.

Lydia Cornell Korniloff /Jason Meadows, and the half dozen other names she uses.  Has not worked for years as a Actress since the 80's , her son's father cut her off and is no longer getting Child Support , and she has not job for many many years. , but yet she lives with no income in a 3,700.00 Rented home at 300 Cresent Rd Beverly Hills California. No money in the bank, No income so how does she pay the rent and all the bills that go along with that? SCAMMING people that is how.  You you make up your mind Scamer or not?

14 Updates & Rebuttals


North Dakota,

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, October 29, 2016

Lydia cornell slanders people


North Dakota,
Lydia Cornell slanders people

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, August 01, 2016

There is much truth to this as Lydia Cornell has defamed my character by falsely claiming that I have sent her death threats. I have never sent her one nor have I ever wished harm to her in any way whatsoever. She hates conservatives and has libel the Palin Family, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and now she did the same with me. I have asked her very recently to take down those horrible statements that she said about me and all she did was remove my name. She also lied by saying that I was ugly to her and hateful, which I was not. She claimed I was stalking her to which I was not but when someone is slandering me then I will let them know about it. She is not who she says she is as she is very bitter, angry and hateful as slandering is a form of hate. I did make fun of her when she was calling me names and I think that it triggered her hatred for me. I just want her to take that statement down and then both of us can go on with our lives. I think the only option that I have left is a civil lawsuit to which I have many screenshots of her statements to prove my case. She does what she accuses others of doing to her as she seems to stalk others and she either had someone or herself attempt to hack into my Facebook Account as I had to change my password over 30 times one weekend then I said "Lydia stop it!!" as the hacking stopped right away. I never knew that she would be so obsessed with hatred for me as I do not agree with her politically. She has also attacked some of my friends because they do not agree either with her. She needs to get some help as she is very unstable. I do pray for her but there needs to be consequences for her actions as she needs to be held accountable for what she says about others.

Lyrics Express - Meki Cox

United States of America
Richard - you are a STALKER - Thief, Liar, Con Artist, Abuser and More

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, September 12, 2012

Richard you're a liar.

You misrepresented yourself to me - you said you were a licensed, Barred attorney and that you had worked for Jag and Homeland Security and were still on detail with them and that you had retired from the military.

You are a STALKER - you are a Con Artist  - and quite simply  - BECAUSE YOU DID NOT GET LAID - you're pushing all these lies out on to the internet about Lydia?


Have you had your therapy lately? Have the doctors given you your medication - because obviously someone who acts like you and lies like you - has got to have some serious medical issues.

YOU LIED TO ME - you told Lydia lies about me in a classic abuser mode (separate the person from their friends)  - because you know out of everyone I've told the truth.

You also know you have NO GOD GIVEN RIGHT to go after me.

You need to take stock of yourself and decide if you're going to be a man - or an idiot. Because right now - in my eyes, you're just screaming and throwing a temper tantrum because you didn't get your way with Lydai.

I know you Richard - and I know what you are and who you are.

Just give it up and go away... Your dreams of touching money - or that case that you lied to Nelle Paegel about - and that you made everyone believe you about --- well that house of cards has blown up in your face.

You've NEVER been barred in any state. You've NEVER been an attorney - You FALSELY represented yourself.

You - are a liar - you are a stalker - and you've been caught.

I hope you just give up - unless you're involved with Alex --- and in that case - I hope you keep it up... Either way - I hope to see you - and the rest of the crooks, criminals and scum bags in jail for your crimes.

Stop harassing Lydia and just leave this case alone - it's none of YOUR business now.

And stop telling more lies - stop trying to interfere with false information and misleading content. YOU KNOW NOTHING...

You are unintelligent and manipulative - and are a very bad person.

But at the bottom of it Richard - if that is even your name... Karma comes back around.

I believe in Karma ----- VERY MUCH.

It may have to wait awhile - but some day - some how... You will regret lying, manipulating, scamming and hurting other people. There will be NO reward for you. I think you understand me quite clearly.

Stop now - before you hurt yourself any more.


United States of America

#5Author of original report

Tue, August 28, 2012

Who said Mr. Lewis was an Attorney General not  Mr Lewis, Mr. Lewis  IS the Private Attorney General in the case under the civil RICO ACT, and If you took the time to look up what you were talking about you would learn something. BUT HECK keep it coming I love this. The more you say the better it is :)

MEki Cox or

Meki L Cox, Meki Lynn,  Meri Lynn Cox,  Meki L Coxjaklitsch ,Meki C Jaklitsch, Meki Jaklitsch

who lived in  Kodiak, AK, Barrow, AK, Palm Desert, CA, San Diego, CA, Anchorage, AK Beverley Hills Ca. Langcaster, Ca. Los Angeles Ca.

Talk about opening the closet LMAO guess there are some that have been seeping out of yours' How is that stepson you married by the way or that child that was taken away from you? But that is for another case isn't it?

Report Attachments

Michael aka Reaper

United States of America
Illegal Wiretapping?

#6General Comment

Tue, August 28, 2012

OK, I have not read this entire thread word for word, but from what I did read, we have someone who has misrepresented himself on multiple occasions to be an attorney when in fact, he is a multiple time convicted felon who has previously used the internet to scam other innocent people.

Mr. Lewis, you keep professing your innocence but there are a few red flags that are visible. For one thing, where someone gets there money to pay their own rent and water bills is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! And posting someones entire legal address, as you have posted the address of Ms. Cornell, is ILLEGAL and dangerous. You have portrayed yourself to be an ex Attorney General and a LT. Colonel, yet your main concern throught the thread is the fact that you believe you were illegally videotaped and recorded.

Mr. Lewis, if you have nothing to hide, why are you so concerned about these recordings. Is it possible that the truth would be exposed and your house of cheating cards would collapse and you would once again be in a court of law, defending your right to cheat and steal from innocent victims?

Just a thought........

Report Attachments


United States of America
Those that live in glass houses should never throw stones. LMAO even more

#7Author of original report

Tue, August 28, 2012

LMAO You two just make me laugh so hard. I thought Lydia's book was funny and stupid hiding my brain in my bra,  but this is really funny and stupid right up there with her unplublished books and living off people to get her bills paid well at 59 that will not happen much longer you can photoshop a picture but not the real person LMAO!!!!!

OH I see what you are doing she is going to write another book and try to publish it A CRIME STORY book.  Well my dear if you have taken the chance to look up California law you would see that taping people with out them knowing it is JAIL time and a 5,000 Dollar fine.

BUT that's okay I have an e-mail telling her she better not be taping me and one from her stating she didn't, BUT then I have the CD from discovery that shows she did OOPS now who has told the big lie LMAO LMAO LMAO Not only with me but the FBI also wow that is now a federal offense.

OOPS again And you have room to talk about anyone,  tell everyone why you were forced to leave your job as a Police dispatcher  in Alaska  did it have to do with having sex and then marring your STEPSON? And then tell everyone what your real name is if you can remember from the dozen that you have used over the years. You know those that live in glass houses should never throw stones.

Report Attachments


United Kingdom
Richard L. Lewis II knows about scams he is a convicted felon see news paper article below:

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, August 28, 2012

Richard L. Lewis II aka Lt. Col. Richard L. Lewis, Retired US ARMY, knows all about scams on the internet  in fact Richard Lewis is known for telling some whoppers.  He lied about his educational background during his losing bid for Charlotte County Commission in 2000.  He was convicted on 11 felony counts of Internet Fraud as reported in Port Charlotte Sun newspaper in 2002 and spent 2 years in PRISON and now again has made his way through Hollywood and onto the front page again in the Sun Newspaper on Saturday, August 25th, 2012 in the Port Charlotte, Engelwood, Venice area of Florida just check out the article link and place your bets to see where he winds up next:

Report Attachments

Meki Cox

United States of America
Now you're acting like a child...

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, August 07, 2012

Thank you for the information? Really? What?

That you're an attorney? That you scam people for a living and you prey on women?

I'm not afraid of you - and I'm not playing your game - if that is the best you can come up with you are just a sorry individual...

Go run away now with your tail between your legs. I admitted once - I'll admit a thousand times the truth...

I went to the FBI - and I have the documents - I don't have to say a d**n thing - there are too many people that have enough info - and none of us gives a d**n if you --- or anyone knows it --- Because WHY?  Because it's the FREAKING TRUTH... 

And I'm NOT AFRAID OF THE TRUTH - some come on down - you have a solid invite - step on to my property - and I'll consider you a threat. 

Come within a hundred feet of me - and I'll consider you a threat!

Keep harassing people - and I won't have to lift a finger.. 

It's all good - TRUTH will take care of all of you.


United States of America
Thank you for the useful information you gave us more then what we expected,

#10Author of original report

Mon, August 06, 2012

We thank you for the useful information. Have a wonderful day  God Bless :)

Meki Cox

United States of America
You're now peeling the skin off the onion of your own insanity Richard... That's funny.

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, August 06, 2012

COX/CORNELL Again the answer was not answered, just more gibberish. Where is CORNELL getting the money to pay her bills? $3,700.00 rent No answer.

 Really? And how is this ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS?

For a two year a unemployed person no child support, no income, NO SAVINGS? No way to pay even her water bill of $1,300.00 dollar. Oh I guess that she forgot that Lewis has a recipt and the canceled checks on that.

Oh wait - I get it... Lydia didn't sleep with you - so now you're coming out against her online? REALLY?

Get money from Cornell? What money. Then the sexual advances on her that is the funniest thing ever written, yet no answer to that either, just more gibberish. Guess she is no telling you the truth either. Then the e-mail written, Lewis has hundreds of e-mails  and phone messages in the form of texts  from Cornell, along  with eyewitnesses and the threats made to Lewis by one James Hillis Ford that has been turned over also.

James threaten anyone? Are we talking about the same person? Seriously? You're retarded and butt hurt that Lydia wouldn't have sex with you... get over it... Your ego can really take the truth - honestly - it doesn't hurt that bad... There are millions of women out here or there - that will sleep with you --- otherwise, I am sure your right hand can figure out what to do.

What about the thousands of dollars Lewis sent her, Checks to prove that also, and her written promise to repay him. So Lewis wanting money from Cornell is a joke the only money Lewis wanted was the money that she took from Lewis and she promised to repay.

Excuse me? Are you serious? You gave a woman money - then went down and slept at her house - and then are throwing this huge temper tantrum because you didn't get the booty you were thinking you would?

REALLY? Come on please... I get being upset - but doing online things to a woman like Lydia because you're still upset at the world because you can't seem to get a "piece" of a woman even if you PAY her... (not like Lydia thought - that you were being a knight in shining armor coming to rescue her and save her from this hell that I now see you're VERY MUCH a part of.)

 It was Cornell that contacted Lewis about joining Staropoly/TODHDand there are e-mails on that also. Even after Cornell stated she know Grammer was scaming her she still did videos with him and Bill Zucker?

Excuse me? Really? Your inaccuracy with lies are now starting to unravel - either that or your psychosis has some issues with TIME FRAMES....  But since you're lying about so many things - why not this too? Hmmm... True...  Your differences to sanity - is becoming quite apparent.

No answer about the four room-mates either that left because Cornell went well lets just say a bit out of control. They to will be testifying as to her state of mind. Can't give everything away. You Cox say that you have been with her for two years, that is an untruth statement according to Cornells e-mails.

Let me clarify - I have not said "I WAS WITH LYDIA" --- in any way shape or form  and especially not sexually - and we certainly haven't been together at all  in any way you might deem unfit. Lydia and I ARE friends... or we were until you fed her full of lies that I supposedly said about her - which made her feel bad about herself and since you postured yourself off as a knight in white shining armor coming to her rescue - AS AN ATTORNEY  - she trusted you... But I hear that's what con-artists do to women... 

Bottom line - Lydia is a nice lady. She was a famous television star - and she's got talent. She's funny, adorable and gullible... 

Gullible - which made her the perfect victim for YOU --- Richard Loland Lewis - to PREY upon... 

See Lewis knows many things and where many things are, that Cornell has and is hiding in her home things that her Ex Paul Hayeland AKA every other last name, hid there that information has been turned over also. 

Hiding what? The paintings they both got - and keep trying to get from one another - but neither wants to take or give up? (Typical divorce stuff - yanno? --- What are you trying to insinuate here?

Because this is getting STUPID and really making you sound ineffectual as the attorney you claimed to be --- and LIED about - and all this time --- it's making me want to vomit in my mouth that you were only trying to get into Lydia's pants.


 Hiding Oh yes you are, but that is no problem Cox.

NOPE - Not hiding you piece of trash Richard... I'm right here... Hop on a plane  - come get me... I'll be waiting... I'm ready... I'm ready for anyone now.  So this tiny little threat right here.. COME GET ME... I'll be standing there... waiting patiently... 

Something Cornell forgot to say to you was that she taped a private FBI meeting oops, and other conversations oops and placed them on DVD and thumb drives that according to the State of California and federal law is illegal, a year in State prison and up to 5 years in Federal Prison,  a FBI meeting wow an Federal FBI meeting. 

REALLY - YOU HAVE THE PROOF OF THIS? Show it - stop skittering around and placing lies about people... thumb drives? Really - come on... Ya think the FBI doesn't have the capability to figure things like this out? REALLY?

Do you really think people are going to read this about LYDIA and go ---- oooooooh look - She's done something wrong... Let's go support this Egotistical Male ego named Richard (or Alex - or put any con artist name in here ---- fill in the blank ---- ) that lied about being an attorney - told Lydia he'd represent her and had money - and would help her because he was sure he could win a case - and YET....  then when she turned him down sexually - he went on a rampage????

Because he (Richard Lewis) was NEVER an attorney - I've heard  - that Richard Lewis is NOTHING BUT A SCUM BAG MAN who uses women - and then tries raping them with guilt - and then pulls stunts like this... Kind of like what a Narcissist or Psychotic man would do to a woman who turned down his advances... 

I can't help it that you have a STAR CRUSH on someone - and you lied your way to their house and their bedroom - trying to get a little piece of action - that didn't work out for you. AND THIS IS HOW YOU POST YOUR SOUR APPLES ABOUT IT... 

Too bad you're not an attorney - you're such a good liar about it - and all the promises you made about homeland security and being able to take this case somewhere MISREPRESENTING WHO YOU WERE SAYING HOMELAND SECURITY WOULD GET INVOLVED BECAUSE OF YOUR WORK WITH THEM  - instead - like Alex Varonos PROBABLY wanted you to do - you put some of your personal egotistical issues into it and tried to manipulate Lydia into having sex with you... and she saw the light and realized you were lying....

HEY--- but I'm confident Richard Lewis - that your issues here - will only help HIGHLIGHT the truth... 

The truth is that people like you - and Alex - and maybe even Kelsey Grammer - are exactly that: Scumbags who think they can walk all over people - try to take what they want WITHOUT repercussions.

And then when they don't get their way - they pull stunts like this... Even talking about themselves in the third person...

Again Richard -- -and Alex --- and any of those involved... 

Come get me - I'm ready for you... Trust me - am I EVER ready for you... I'm find-able - I'm online - and NOTHING --- Not a freaking thing you can say, write or do,  can hurt me or bother me - I'm so past your petty actions - and so past your lies and manipulations --- I've taken stock - I've spent every waking moment trying to figure out how to fix the things you guys have broken - and the people you've hurt.

If I have to wait until I'm 100 years old I WILL  Legally, financially and emotionally do the best I can to stop people like you - because people like you have hurt a LOT of people - and I will haunt you after those 100 years... Because people like you are the type of people the world doesn't need.

People like you are EVIL - Despicable - trash. And just because you've managed to hurt a few people  - one day it will come back on you 100 fold... 

Then there are the things about you Cox after a investigation and telephone calls on you, what really happened in ALASKA. Not only the affair with your stepson but other things also, that is why you moved out of ALASKA so fast to California into the arms of Staropoly, Viewparter and TODHD.

Really?  That's the best you could do on me? Funny - I'm not running from anything - I'm coming after you all and I'm doing it legally, financially and legitimately - Come on down... as far as I'm concerned - I'd love to see you... That's a PROMISE. 

And Richard... I don't understand why you wrote just a simple little snippet,  But... since it wasn't as brilliant a story as you lying about being an attorney it really isn't as effective to sit here and try to besmirch me  (yeah - I know since you're an attorney you claim to be - you shouldn't have to look that word up... but go on... please do.. )....

And telling Lydia --- AND MYSELF - that you had connections and as an attorney you could save the case... and that you were going to help everyone - and you were going to help Lydia by sending her money - because she was a poor victim (which trust me Richard - she really is - and you're just one more scum bag going after her - because you thought you could get in her pants or take something from her... )

Go on Richard - keep proving how much that you wanted to force Lydia down on to the ground - because she wouldn't give you a piece of her flesh - you know exactly what I'm talking about. You are a scum bag. 

Go on - fly out here - come get me --- because every word you've said has either been misconstrued or is an outright lie... Either that ---- or you're just really a freaking nut bag - that needs to be put in jail or locked away on medications because you're downright getting scary weird -- -and lying.

Hopefully you've never murdered anyone - and don't have bodies lying around - because that's what people who act like you and Alex eventually end up doing... You're classic cases of insanity. 

I really don't care what people think of me Richard L Lewis... Or anyone reading this...  I know who I am - and I know I STAND ON THE SIDE of JUSTICE...  I stand against people who abuse women - steal money from those who cannot afford it - or those that are CON ARTISTS or rapists. 

But I STAND HERE.... and I'm waiting.


United States of America

#12Author of original report

Mon, August 06, 2012

COX/CORNELL Again the answer was not answered, just more gibberish. Where is CORNELL getting the money to pay her bills? $3,700.00 rent No answer. For a two year a unemployed person no child support, no income, NO SAVINGS? No way to pay even her water bill of $1,300.00 dollar. Oh I guess that she forgot that Lewis has a recipt and the canceled checks on that. Get money from Cornell? What money. Then the sexual advances on her that is the funniest thing ever written, yet no answer to that either, just more gibberish. Guess she is no telling you the truth either. Then the e-mail written, Lewis has hundreds of e-mails  and phone messages in the form of texts  from Cornell, along  with eyewitnesses and the threats made to Lewis by one James Hillis Ford that has been turned over also.

What about the thousands of dollars Lewis sent her, Checks to prove that also, and her written promise to repay him. So Lewis wanting money from Cornell is a joke the only money Lewis wanted was the money that she took from Lewis and she promised to repay. It was Cornell that contacted Lewis about joining Staropoly/TODHDand there are e-mails on that also. Even after Cornell stated she know Grammer was scaming her she still did videos with him and Bill Zucker?

No answer about the four room-mates either that left because Cornell went well lets just say a bit out of control. They to will be testifying as to her state of mind. Can't give everything away. You Cox say that you have been with her for two years, that is an untruth statement according to Cornells e-mails. See Lewis knows many things and where many things are, that Cornell has and is hiding in her home things that her Ex Paul Hayeland AKA every other last name, hid there that information has been turned over also.

 Hiding Oh yes you are, but that is no problem Cox. Something Cornell forgot to say to you was that she taped a private FBI meeting oops, and other conversations oops and placed them on DVD and thumb drives that according to the State of California and federal law is illegal, a year in State prison and up to 5 years in Federal Prison,  a FBI meeting wow an Federal FBI meeting.  Then there are the things about you Cox after a investigation and telephone calls on you, what really happened in ALASKA. Not only the affair with your stepson but other things also, that is why you moved out of ALASKA so fast to California into the arms of Staropoly, Viewparter and TODHD.

Report Attachments

Meki Cox

United States of America
Love how Lewis speaks about himself in the 3rd Person... Would that be psychosis or idiocy, forgetting which LOG IN on RipOff Report he was in?

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, August 06, 2012

Funny how Richard Lewis is signed in - yet *gasp* speaks about himself in the third person. How utterly charming. And ridiculously easy to prove.

Truthfully - I was a part of Staropoly and TODHD - when I thought it was on the up and up... And as soon as I found out otherwise - I WAS THE ONE THAT TURNED THEM IN TO THE FBI. I honestly believed I was doing the right thing - and the second I found out there was anything hinky about the whole situation I was gone - and I shouted out loud to everyone...

Lydia had no clue - come on --- Kelsey Grammer, Bill Zucker, Lydia Cornell were all in videos with each other - and Kelsey was saying this was the next big thing and he invested 1.2 million into it... 

So truth is - there are a LOT of people like me - who worked - believing Kelsey was going to pay them BIG BUCKS for their hard efforts --- and we worked hard thinking we were doing the right thing for Alex Varonos - who was lying the entire time --- in fact Richard he STILL IS... and people are STILL believing him.

Why shouldn't they - Kelsey Grammer, Corbin Bleu and all those other people are STILL on their websites... Oh wait - you didn't know they were still running a website? Oh.... I see... And Richard... Darling... You're lying...

All of those things - you told me on the phone you were going down to help here in California - and that you were going to save her... That you were an attorney, and that you had high friends in the Homeland Security area - and that you were going to take on her case - that she didn't need anyone but you. You said that you had a computer for her - and you were sending it to her - because you wanted to... You said you were going to help her out because YOU WANTED TO... I will testify to that. YOU SAID THOSE WORDS TO ME... 

As you carefully inserted UNSAID things about me to Lydia (telling her that I said rude and disrespectful things about her)  - so that you could separate her from me, as a friend and someone who was on the side of justice... making her think that I talked badly about her... Which she believed.

Come to find out this is a tactic that stalkers do to their victims.

They separate them from their friends and support. And this is EXACTLY what you did. You are either with Varonos or you are scary, creepy and vicious on your own. And thinking I had anything to do with all the scams? Really? Oh yeah... OK.. That's why I hightailed it to the authorities when I figured everything out... Yup... 

Do your depositions involve you telling folks you are or were an attorney? DO your depositions want to include me - because I'd be glad to testify that you told me you were going to help Lydia Cornell. I'll be glad to testify that you told me you were an attorney and that you told me you were going to give Lydia a computer - and that you were going to go down and take care of her. I WILL TESTIFY and PROVIDE THEM ALL THE EMAILS THAT I HAVE...

Do you REALLY wish to play Richard? Because I've learned a lot in the past couple of years - and one thing I have learned is that no one - not you ----- not Kelsey Grammer - not ANYONE -- NOT ALEX VARONOS - or anyone else is going to walk all over me and get away with it.

You're just as much of a scum bag as anyone else.


United States of America
Want some Cheese with that Whine COX? Proof is in the pudding! And Lewis has the proof of the corruption LYDIA CORNELL is part of the Staropoly, Viewpartner, and TODHD scam.

#14Author of original report

Mon, August 06, 2012

The problem with your statements Cox is that there is nothing behind them. The canceled checks that Lewis has when he sent her money  and gave Cornell for her water bills and other items are with the authorities.  Lewis is glad you are not hiding, and that is a good thing. the Stalking is being done by Cornell and her AKA friends such as you.

We all know what you did at VIEWPARTNER STAROPOLY and TODHDTV. We have everything to prove how you worked and taught others how to work the internet so that the three SO called Companies would stay in the public view which is an illegal act, when they looked up the three companies. We have your whole system and how you did it.

You do tell a good story that is for sure Cox. How Cornell had nothing to do with anything poor Cornell.  But the facts are the facts, and what will be proven will not be done here in the internet. Then there are the advances Cornell states Lewis made that is just as good as the one that Lewis tried to get money from her. Cornell invited Lewis three times to stay with her. and yes Lewis has that documentation also. So it was Cornell that was making the advances and sneaking into his room. Oh then there are the Room mates forget about them, Lewis hasn't and things will start to hope soon, once they are deposed.

It is funny that Cornell and you write the same things and or say the same things, had enough time to rehearse them. But that is okay Lewis has a few thing you all don't know about, in fact many things, and REAL documents not online made up tampered with documents but the real things. Those also have been turned over to the authorities.

Lewis gave the Authorities  over 7,000 pieces  of proven documentation on Cornell ,Cox,  Paul Hayeland AKA Ayland AKA Hayland. Alex Varonos, David Fleming, Allen S. Miller and others. things that can not be hacked.

Then there were the Telephone calls, the Stalking of Lewis' family, personal attacks, false allegations, stalking of Lewis, Harassment, and fraud by Cornell and AKA friends.  Shall we go on? The answer was never made as to How Cornell is paying that $3,700 Rent payment? Along with the water and electric bills Credit Cards, and Food, when she has no money no Job, No income, No child Support, No savings, No unemployment No insurance, Nothing? But that is already know isn't it...  Say what you want But there are things that will come out,  oh no not in the Press but in Court. And I welcome you to come and attend the hearings.

Report Attachments

Meki Cox

United States of America
Really this is the best you could do? File a whiney, lying report on someone else?

#15REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, August 05, 2012

Hello everyone, I'm Meki Cox - and I am being written about on this RipOff Report document. The people that Lydia Cornell, myself and multiple other people are involved with in a big court case, an FBI case and more - are now trying to start their reputation management online.

This will be a big deal because it includes Kelsey Grammer (the "FRASIER" star and the star of "BOSS") and because it involves THEFT, LIES, DECEPTION and a multi level marketing company that was a PONZI scheme - with Kelsey Grammer being a huge investor in the Ponzi scheme - leading people with his images - and his approval of it - to only have money taken from them.

Oh - and they are still in business... still ripping off people.. And I have all the evidence and a group of people behind me - and others to prove that this has been - the intention all along. THERE is an FBI case,   there is a huge court case.

And right now - whoever is posting all of this bullmalarky must be involved... Perhaps it is Richard Lewis who tried to tell everyone he was an attorney... who tried to make Lydia give him money - and some romance, but was turned down... and when it was found out he wasn't an attorney and had a criminal history - was quite interesting.

Shall I go on?

People who are doing this - or person... who thinks they have the right information - or is purposefully harassing Lydia Cornell - myself... or others --- WHO ARE DOING THE RIGHT THING - and reporting criminals... If this is a INTIMIDATION tactic... You'll have to do better than that.

I'm out in the open... any one of you can come see me face to face... I am openly on facebook - and on Google Plus - and I'm easy to communicate with... You want to threaten me? Or anyone on this side of the legal fence? Then I suggest you have a bigger gun... Because I'm not afraid of you - and I'm not going to be cowed into a corner... and these kind of stupid intimidation tactics and bare naked threats --- just add to our case.

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