  • Report:  #248866

Complaint Review: Learning Annex - New York New York

Reported By:
- Media, Pennsylvania,

Learning Annex
48 W. 37th Street New York, 10018 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I, like most people, signed up for a "VIP pass" to the Learning Annex here in Philadelphia. I figured it was a chance to see Donald Trump live, as well as my childhood hero, Julius Erving. I also wanted the oppportunity to learn the business of real estate investing.

When I got there, I took every "class" I could possbile take, and figured I would choose one niche I could focus on, and learn as much as I can about it, and if that meant buying some CDs and books, I was willing to do that.

I chose David Lindahl's "Apartment House Riches", not only because he seemed to know his stuff, but he has an extended guarantee for up to one year on his product, AND he offered a one day "boot camp", which, in his own words, would be nothing but learning because "I already sold you the system".

Unfortunately, I learned that the Annex was not what it's cracked up to be. First off, while I was watching Mr. Trump in the "VIP" section, I sat next to a lady who told me she got the same tickets for free, and she turned out to be one of many people who shared the same story. Secondly, when we got to Lindahl's "boot camp", it was nothing but a day long sales presentation for his 3 day boot camp for $3000. He basically told us his $1000 books were not enough knowledge, and that to really learn, you HAD to attend his boot camp.

Additionally, the little bit of real estate he did teach was directly from his books and CDs (which doesnt surprise me because we all know that most of the people who buy these things do not read or listen to the materials anyway, and HE knows that!)

My intent was to call his office that following Monday to request a refund, but before I could, a lady who says she was Lindahl's mother left a message for me, again, trying to sell the boot camp. I later called the office, AND sent an email, requesting a refund and instructions on where to send his materials back, and have received no response.

As a result, I came directly to this site, and noticed that a gentleman named "Simon" responds to all the complaints filed on here, so before filing this report, I called and emailed him, and recieved a send and read receipt on May 9th, but no response from him either.

Like I showed Simon, not only did Lindahl tell the whole class his guarantee, he posts them on the net too! Here is the link (((ROR REDACTED LINK FOR SECURITY PURPOSES)))

I have already filed a dispute with AMEX, as Lindahl nor Learning Annex want to make this right.

I recommend to anyone considering attending a Learning Annex event, hold out until they offer the tickets for free (which they obviously will), and leave your credit cards at home!

sorry, allowing you to give a competitors name would instigate others to just file against their competition, to only come back later to suggest their company your comments on this policy are welcome! CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Media, Pennsylvania

2 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
New York,

#2UPDATE Employee

Fri, May 25, 2007

We are happy to hear that this student, like thousands of others, enjoyed The Real Estate & Wealth Expo. In addition, we appreciate student feedback and constantly use it to improve the event. We are sorry to hear that this student was not satisfied with his product purchase. The Learning Annex only wants satisfied students. We have taught hundreds of thousands of students, if not millions, successfully. As soon as we learned of this student's dissatisfaction, we gave the student a 100% refund. We are glad that we were able to resolve this student's concern. We have been in business for over twenty years teaching out students how to better themselves.



#3Author of original report

Wed, May 23, 2007

I spoke with Simon via email last week, and directed me to another gentleman within Learning Annex who addressed my complaint and immediately processed a refund for my purchase. I truly believe Learning Annex as a company truly is interested in building their business based on helping others succeed. Unfortunately, many of the "speakers" ,who apparently pay the Annex a lot of money for the right to sell their overpriced products, have no interest in helping anyone but themselves. It's a shame, because I really enjoyed my weekend. How many places do you get a chance to hear directly from such icons as Donald Trump and Julius "Dr. J" Erving (by the way, Doc stole the show that weekend..) The networking opportunities there were also fantastic, as I met several new business contacts. In short, I would definitely attend an Annex event again in the future, because I do find it advantageous. However, I will be leaving my checkbook and credit cards at home until the powers that be set policies to stop these so-called millionaire sharks from taking advantage of people who are trying to make a better life for themselves and their families. But give them credit, they stand behind their word, and that's a lot more than you can say about a lot of the companies on this site. Thanks again Simon!

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