  • Report:  #11065

Complaint Review: IMG'CYBERSONIC (TOOTHBRUSHE) - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Welland, On,

Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I feel that I have been violated. I do not buy over the phone as a habit. This was the 2nd time I did and I got burnt bad. They are still taking payment off my credit. I have informed my credit card company to stop any other payments. When my first toothbrushes did not come by mail I contacted Cybersonic and got through to them and was promised an order shipped to me ASAP. Second time I contacted them same thing, promesses.

The third time I got through they told me they were in the process of moving their warehouse. When I got my second credit card bill they had taken a second payment. I was furious. Never mind I bought 3 units. One for myself, one for each of my daughters for Christmas. What a sucker!

I will probably never shop on TV again for fear of this happening again. The TV Star that promotes this product, has he been informed about this? I am very disappointed in him and I am telling everyone about him and the product. If I could get his email address I would contact him and tell him he should be ashamed of himself ripping off people like that.

Hopefully you and your friends can help us all out. I AM VERY UPSET OVER THIS!


Welland, ON

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