  • Report:  #938179

Complaint Review: Fifth Third Bank - Internet Nationwide

Reported By:
Jim - , Florida, USA

Fifth Third Bank
Internet, Nationwide, United States of America
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Fifth Third Bank has once again scammed money from my account.  Fifth Third claims that a check came out of my account yesterday when if fact it actually came out today, so in essence, they backdated the day my check came out which in turn caused my account to become overdrawn.  A more detailed account follows.

Fifth Third's online banking site as of 11pm last night showed that my account was current, up to date and had enough money to cover all of my bills.  In addition, my account did not show that the check in question had been deducted from my account.  I also have direct deposit that goes in every Friday morning at 2am in the morning that would also show an excess of funds in my account  Today I find out that the check had come out of my account the day before when there was no proof of that the night before.  Also, to make matters worse, they showed that it came out before a deposit was made to my account the following day, which was not the case.  When I ask for proof of what time the transaction occurred, no time can be give to me from either the customer service representative or the supervisor that I spoke with on the phone making it even more suspect of when the transaction actually occurred.

I had advised both of the employees that helped me that according to their own banking website, that none of this information was on there last night and that if their website does not have up to date information, then consumers are not able to make up to date choices.  This obviously works to their advantage because they have been posting deductions the day before they occur and post credits to your account the day after you deposit them.  According to Fifth Third's own policies, any deposit made to your account before 2-4pm will automatically be applied to the next days balance.   Well, if that is the case, then why is it that a check that is cashed during the same time shows up on the day prior to that?  Why does the same thing not hold true to deductions versus credits...the reason is because this way, they are allowed to charge you money if you happen to overdraw your account.  Not only will it be overdrawn one day, but the second day as well.

I told the supervisor that I spoke with that I was going to take my business elsewhere if the charges were not reversed due to the fact that their own online banking website was not showing current information and he more or less told me that they are not concerned about losing my business and he would not be removing the charge.  Basically, my history with Fifth Third bank as well as everything else that I do with them is worth a whopping $37.50.  Fifth Third bank is willing to lose my business over a $37.50 overdraft fee.  If a bank has this little interest in serving its customers, it is not at all interested in keeping or helping its customers.

Beware of Fifth Third Bank and beware of using their online banking center.  The information on this service is not up to date and as far as my experience with them and Fifth Third has a history of backdating the checks I have out to the previous day even though by the close of business, no payment has been withdrawn.  This directly conflicts with the information provided on its own online site.  One day your account is in good standing, the next day, you are charged an overdraft fee, and then the previous days information has been changed to accommodate their extra fees.

3 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
YOUR timing is off.

#2General Comment

Sun, January 20, 2013

You state you checked online at 11:00pm and the check did not appear.  This is UNIVERSAL in banking.  Paper checks ALWAYS post as daily transactions are finalized shortly after midnight.  Until that time, the check is UNKNOWN to the website.  Assuming everything you say is true, the bank did NOTHING wrong or even slightly unusual.


Online banking is correct according to the employees at the bank

#3Author of original report

Sat, September 08, 2012

In response to the first comment posted...that holds true if the bank tells you that the online banking system is 48 hours behind.  The problem I experienced is that I was told by the customer service rep and the supervisor that the information is correct online...at no time have I been told that there is any delay. 

One of my points is that information at the bank changes based on who you talk to.  When a banking representative tells us one thing and then based on that information we do what we are told to avoid this situation and it happens anyway...that is the bank tellers fault, not our own.  We went out of our way to confront a problem before it may occur and based on the information we received, we acted based on the bankers information.  We deposited what we were told to deposit.  The overdraft occurred when they posted a check prior to the deposit which according to the teller should not be backdated.  When a time cant be given to prove they are correct and we are incorrect, that is suspicious. 

The ripoff is that the bank conveniently changed the time of the deposit and the withdrawal of the check to benefit them by charging me an overdraft fee that should not have been charged...That is a Ripoff!!!


Never listen to online

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, September 08, 2012

I have been banking with banks for over 50 years and wanted to let you know, NEVER EVER go by online. It is never updated. It normally take sometimes up to 48 hours for debits, credits, checks, etc. to show online..Still then I would not go by what it says. Go by your check book only. Even customer service and including the supervisor could not tell what is coming thru.. I see no rip off here. I have been a teller with a credit union and there is NO WAY we can see the copy of the check that was scanned in the system before it post. This is DONE all electronically..Just remember NEVER EVER go by online or the automated system to do your banking..They are never updated for 2 days..

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