  • Report:  #1464760

Complaint Review: Dream Travelers International 22201 Avenida Camaron Sabalo Marina Mazatlan Sinaloa Mexico - MAZATLAN SINALOA MEXICO

Reported By:
DOREEN - INDIANAPOLIS, in, United States

Dream Travelers International 22201 Avenida Camaron Sabalo Marina Mazatlan Sinaloa Mexico
22201 Avenida Camaron Sabalo MAZATLAN, SINALOA MEXICO, United States
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went to mazatlan on vacation, I did o to the time share at marina mazatlan and they offer to buy m westgate offer in Vegas,between 14*21 day they had to have all my stuff together. Man name joseph jarquin at southwestern title and loan n chicago claim to had a escor checking waiting to be deposit into my account, when i was in mexico i aid my down payment of 2400, then sent 4500 to pay off my westgate time share, well the man said the funds i was supposed to recieved ws frozen after awhle i told him and everyone i just want my money back. joseph claim that he told them in mexico and from 8/14/2018 up til now i hven't got my mony back nor is anyone emailing me back. when i call to mexico the keep giving me the run around. HEY are fraud fraud. i want my mone

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