2, Report:
Posted Date:
Apr 24 2024
Kobo Writing Life, Getting Them to Pay Our Commission Was Nearly Impossible Toronto, Ontario
I hate to hammer companies, but Kobo Writing Life is one of the worst out there. It took an email with 56 exchanges to resolve a problem...after several months of haggling. During these exchanges, we were lied to at least twice, and I had to threaten them with poor reviews and l...
Kobo Writing Life
Kobo Writing Life
Tom, United States
Categories: Book Sales, Fraud, FRAUDS BEWARE
3, Report:
Posted Date:
Oct 19 2023
donovan j ehrman - RESTRAINING ORDER Godfrey IL
donovan j ehrman's emloyer 1st Mid America Credit Union had to obtain a RESTRAINING ORDER against him in Oct 2020.
donovan j ehrman
donovan j ehrman
gary, alton, United States
4, Report:
Posted Date:
Oct 03 2023
EARTH, Highlands, NC. We are a very elderly couple and were sold at high pressure and inflated price a $10k Submarine Infrared Light LED machine for joint pain. They lied about what it would do; it was not infrared, and it was meant to be for a SPA or a medical office where someone could lift the machine off the patient. nor could it be returned and our calls and letters were ignored. They use bait & switch tactics, overpriced items, no returns, empty promises, ignored calls. BEWARE and don't be lured in. Highlands North Carolina
My husband and I were high pressured into buying a machine from the cosmetics shop, EARTH, 370 Main St., Highlands, NC 28741 in June 2022. We were told the machine was Medical Grade with infrared and red LED lights which would help with arthritis and joint pain and rebuild collagen....
EARTH, Highlands, NC.
EARTH, Highlands, NC.
Tabatha, Inverness, United States
Categories: FRAUDS BEWARE, Beauty/Skincare
5, Report:
Posted Date:
Jul 18 2023
m.pacificmall-us.com i had to pay a lot of fees for withdrawal of my money such as personal investigation credit and personal tax. After they had received my payment and i got an email which my money would reach to my bank account.they change the rules which they have never announced in advance and i had to pay again to get my money. cheung wan
I ran the shop on "https://m.pacificmall-us.com/ " there was no problem at the beginning after i withdrew my money on the e-wallet of the shop. firstly, i had to pay a $11.000 of personal investigation bank credit. Secondly, i had to pay $50000 of personal tax the problems came fr...
john, sby, Indonesia
Categories: Internet Fraud, Suspected fraud, Tax Relief Fraud, FRAUDS BEWARE, Internet order fraud, Fraud
9, Report:
Posted Date:
Jan 03 2023
Philip Roy Foss/Optis Group/Optis Group Holdings/Optis Group Realty/Optis Group Real Estate Philip Roy Foss/Optis Group/Optis Group Holdings/Optis Group Realty/Optis Group Real Estate/ The Rocchio Group *FRAUD*FRAUD*FRAUD*FRAUD
There isn't one thing about Philip Roy Foss/Optis Group and his "Companies" that lines up to anything but fraud. The deception begins with the promise of bonafide and verified Divorce Litigant Cases ready to work with Lenders and Realtors to help them with either a refinance or sa...
Philip Roy Foss/Optis Group/Optis Group Holdings/Optis Group Realty/Optis Group Real Estate
Philip Roy Foss/Optis Group/Optis Group Holdings/Optis Group Realty/Optis Group Real Estate
Malinda, LITTLETON, United States
Categories: Business Opportunity Scam, Fraud, FRAUDS BEWARE