  • Report:  #67537

Complaint Review: Best Buy - Houston Texas

Reported By:
- Houston, Texas,

Best Buy
5133 Richmond Avenue Houston, 77056 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I purchased a Compaq 1516US Laptop from BestBuy at location Sharpstown TX (Store 213)8225 S Gessner Road. The only reason for choosing Best Buy was because of the computer offered features that I required. The salesperson (a young woman) had a terrible attitute toward me and my purchase. She AGRESSIVELY inisted that I also purchase a new $110 plus an extra mouse and a power surge along with their famous Product Service Plan, when all her attempts to sell me all those things failed she started throwing the paperwork at me as if I were some sort of beggar or lepper, I did not mind it because I was exited about finally purchasing my new equipment.

Ten days after I bought the computer bad pixels started to show up all over the computer screen, so I took it back to the store. Needless to say their service department tried to refute the facts and treated me as if I had just killed their first born. My surprise was that this particular product was no longer in stock at this store so they gave me a voucher and sent me on my way to a location 30 miles away from the original store where I had purchased the equipment.

Store #216 where they informed me that they did not have the coputer in stock anymore so then they sent me to the infamous store #291. I was amzed that the sales representatives here where a little more helpful than at the previous 2 stores. I got a new boxed computer and as soon as I was out to the cashier to use the voucher I was pushed into getting their service plan. After experiencing the bad pixels on the computer I thought it to be a good idea to "insure" my $1500 purchase (I am a strugling student) the $300 something dollars hit me hard but I figured it was worth it because of the peace of mind (after all it is for 3 years of the product, and their famous we will replace it promise). The computer worked flawessly for the next six months after which it literary DIED. I took the computer back to the store (as long as my "paperwork") and was treated rudely, they told me that since the computer failed within the manufacturer warranty that the product had to be sent to their hub and THEN to the manufacturer. I was also told that they will TRY "do their best" to have my computer ready in 15 DAYS!!! they NEVER mentioned it was going to take 15 days for them to fix my equipment when they pushed their PSP plan down my throat nor did they mention that the manufacturer offers the same protection plan with a lower time response for a fraction of their price. My computer was on their possesion for over 20 DAYS!!! and not a single one of the employees that was at their counter did EVER say that he was sorry or that he was doing what he could to help me out. All I heard was it is at the service center.

When I got the computer back the promised cosmetic damage fixes dued to wear and tear was not completed AND my computer performed at half the speed it used to (from 2.99 Ghz down to 736MHZ!!!). They had no explanation they only offered to take it back. Apparently they do not understand that my entire life depended on this machine. Again not even ONE single we are sorry for the delay or any type of apology from any of the employees. I took the equipment back home and after ONE!!! day it failed again the battery never charged, so again back to their famous PSP promise "I WILL GIVE YOU A BATTERY IF THE ONE YOU HAVE FAILS" I took it to store # 213 and to my surprise I was not going to get a battery as promised they wanted to take the computer in again (for another 20 days!!!) it is totally ridiculous. So needless to say I brough it back home with me. Then after on painful week of having to look for an outlet each time I wanted to use my "portable" computer I decided to take it back for service again.

Same store rudeness from the moment I walked in, agressive skepticism from the employee and the worse he did not even care for hearing about what was wrong with the computer just threw the "paperwork" on the counter and called the "may I help the next person" and I was out. Unfortunately the story does not end there, my order was process on the 10th I went back to the store because their service lookup engine is offline (and has been for the past 2 weeks http://service.bestbuy.com).

The same old story treated like garbage since I walked in. Person at the counter gives me a number to call for my order status (long distance, waiting up to 30 minutes) and decides to walk away without further comments. I called their customer service and was informed that the computer had been recived by them on the 15th FIVE!! days after I brought it in for repair, and that was shipped to compaq on the (you are going to laugh at this) 19th and that was all she could tell me (after making me wait for another 30 minutes on long distance) right now is the 25th and still have not heard a single work from them.

I hate to extend things for too long but I also feel the need to include one more thing, I overheard some employees of best buy, not at best buy of course instead at my place of studies, tell stories about how they DO get to exchange their equipment faster making use of their PSP plan (for their family members and girlfriends), it sounds as if though they are takign advantage of MY MONEY (insurnace) and using it to their own disposal.

One last thing, I also called the computer manufacturer (COMPAQ now HP) and I have to say that I was never treated so nicely, was hear so patiently, did NOT have to pay long distance, and was informed that they could have taken care of MY business in 14 days at most (not even once did I hear the "we will try our best" crap) and that hey would even pay for the shiping and handling of my computer along with all the required packaging NOW THAT IS SERVICE best buy.


Houston, Texas

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2 Updates & Rebuttals


I am NOT a woman it is bad to make gender assumptions

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, September 26, 2003

I am pleased that at least one person has read all my complaint. Unfortunately turns out to be a very closed minded one too. I am NOT a woman it is bad to make gender assumptions based on the first name alone. Second I have been a Compaq computer user for 8 years in a row and I have never not ONCE gotten a bad product. Third compaq WILL take care of my shipping handling and have my product ready in two weeks, and their warranty extends for three years (most manufactures do, this is something that no retailer will disclose but it very true) no hide me, I am not going to pay your claim kinda scheme you have going on at best buy (and the insurance company, after all what else could you expect from a greedy insurance company), so before you answer do some little research yourself and quit being such a moron. One last thing, compaq customer service a 1000% more helpfull than all the best buy employees put together (throughout the US) so unless hell freezes over that will always be my opinion, and I have facts.


Next time do a little research!!

#3Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 25, 2003

First of all, why did you not demand the PSP terms and conditions *in writing* before spending $300 on such a plan - especially since this hefty amount was extremely tight on your pocket-book strings? I find it hard to believe that a college-educated woman such as yourself would not demand to inspect such a document, and would also lead herself into trusting every word that came out of the salesperson's mouth. Second of all, you are wrong. Compaq cannot provide the same level of support as Best Buy. Your manufacturer's warranty with Compaq is only for one year. You experienced severe problems with your Compaq computer immediately after the sale and again at six months. What are you going to do when you have trouble again, 13 months or two years down the road? Compaq surely won't help you then. This is where the PSP comes into play, as these plans normally cover you for 3-5 years. By the way, it is clearly stated in the PSP literature that during the first year, the manufacturer's warranty will prevail. Also, in case you did not know, ratings on Compaq computers are by far the WORST in the industry. If this computer means the *world* to you as you so state in your complaint, I would suggest that next time you do a little more research and choose to buy a brand of computer that is not known for breaking down more often than it actually works.

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