  • Report:  #507810

Complaint Review: Babies R Us - VICTORVILLE California

Reported By:
Hatebeingscrewed - Hesperia, California, U.S.A.

Babies R Us
12450 AMARGOSA ROAD VICTORVILLE, 92392 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

To start the weekend out it was awesome! We had a great baby shower and got lots of gifts. Scott and I decided to take some of the gifts back "luxury" gifts not have to haves back to the store since we had both a receipt and gift receipt. Had the whole sha-bang folks Dad made sure we had everything we needed to take it back to the store!

So I pile it all in the car and we go for a trip to BabiesRUs, now do not forget folks we live in the desert so its a 20 min plus drive to get to the mall. Anyway we go into the store and the girls up front where as sweet as can be helping us return the items. Total items taken back was $220.00. Lots of money right?? Well we planned on spending most of it at BabiesRUs but wanted to save at least some of it just in case Walmart or Target had something cheaper. So with the receipt what did I expect back?? Well of course cash. Am I crazy to expect that?? I didn't think so I had all receipts and they insisted that I could only get store credit. So my next question of course is why??? When I have my receipt in hand both gift and the real receipt why can't I get cash back??? All the girl could say was "it is policy with a gift receipt". I asked why?? If someone bought me a gift from your store and i decided I didn't want anything from your store and had the receipt why am I forced to buy something from your store??

Because its policy is not a good enough answer for me. I can take a gift receipt into Target, Best Buy and Walmart and get cash back why should any other store be different. A receipt is a receipt someone gave them the money I got the gift, I now don't want the gift so I want the money instead. Not a hard concept people! So of course I am really upset by now and asked to speak to the manager. So the nice girls call the manager Janelle to the front. Scott and I are waiting there playing with the kids. I should probably mention at this time they took everything from my cart and put it back where ever it came from. Waiting this lady comes up Scott and I both look at her and man did she look pissed. She had the dirtiest look on her face and Scott and I both said gosh I hope thats not her! Well guess what it was. So for a minute or so she talked to the front girls then asked what the problem was. So I explained my issue on store credit when I had my receipts, before I could even finish a sentence she interrupted me more than once telling me " we do not give cash back on anything", "we do not give cash back to credit card purchases" then she says "we don't give cash back on checks", then it was "we don't give cash back on gift receipts", my personal favorite guys was "well no store gives back cash back on gift receipts not even Target". Ok so tell me how the last one was relevant, so I nicely let her know that she was not correct I had just taken something back to Target with a gift receipt a few weeks ago, Scott then proceeds to tell her that Best Buy gives cash back for gift receipts. (Not that any of that had anything to do with anything but anyway). So then Scott begins to talk to her and she cuts him off more than once and Scott got mad. He told her "Are you gonna shut your f*cking mouth b*tch so I can finish what I am saying". The look on her face was priceless but it didn't work no shutting her up. She then proceeds to tell us " I Refuse Service I am not Helping You".

So I tell her OK then give me my items back, she then tells me "No I Refuse Service". She then said "Please leave" (Everyone I was shocked she was not only refusing service she was not going to give back the gifts I brought in to return, well you know me I do not tolerate that) I then told her she has 2 options she is either going to give me the cash back or my f*cking items back. So as everyone quickly scrambles Scott asks her for her managers name, phone number, and information she says " NO I am not giving that to you". Then Scott said "Bullsh*t you are going to give me the name of the information of the person you answer to". She said "Marco Ebrum" that may not be spelt right sorry. She refused to give us the telephone # or any other information I do not even know if she gave us the correct name. So now that this has happened I am on a mission to spread the word!

I will NEVER buy anything from BabiesRUs again, I am extremely upset how I was treated. She was not interested in hearing anything I had to say and was really rude. Its pretty bad folks when my husband and I have to raise our voices to get someones attention. She could not believe it but you tell me what we where suppose to to especially when she refused to give me my stuff back. I have worked in Customer Support for years and I have my own business and even if my customer is not totally right I NEVER treat them that way. I do what I can to resolve the problem and make it right even if its a compromise. I do not assert my authority to any of them as this women insisted on doing tonight. Talk about a pissing contest all I wanted was for someone to actually help me not tell me its policy and she didn't even say she was sorry, d**n sorry goes a long way, if she even just attempted to give a s**t it would have went a long way but she didn't and even worse she didn't care. If any of my managers ever talked to any of my customers that way I would fire their a** on the spot! So my final thoughts on this is I will NEVER shop at BabiesRUs again. I am not stuck with items that I can use but that are not a absolute must for the baby, I may not even open some of them. So tell me how should I feel?? Upset?? Well ya just a little right?? LOL No I am very angry! This is just the first of many blog posts about BabiesRUs. I am an internet marketer and know how to get the word across all over the net!

9 Updates & Rebuttals

Mr. Retail

San Antonio,
United States of America

#2General Comment

Thu, December 17, 2009


With a strong retail Management background of my own, I must say... that I agree with many of the comments posted with regards to this couple's lack of respect. Nothing more better than listening to a DUMB customer say..."They'll never shop here again!".

I always respond with... "THANK HEAVENS".

With all do respect, if with a gift receipt you can get your money back at BEST BUY, TARGET, WALMART... then save youself the trouble and at your next BABY SHOWER, party, or other occassion... why not ask for MONEY!!!????

Of course that's stupid, because you'll only feel stupid. So why should you make others feel stupid all because YOU'RE JUST PLAIN STUPID.

Oh and I do disagree about one thing. I WOULD NOT had called the COPS... I would have dealt with that snake of a husband under my own terms.

Anyhow, I hope you learned one or if we're lucky... 2 things.


2) Keep your LEGGS closed.

Have a good day... night... oh... AND THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING AT BABIES R US


What vile people!

#3General Comment

Fri, October 23, 2009

I guess you have been in the desert too long and forgot what it's like to be civilized.  I would have called the police on you.  If you are old enough to reproduce then you should understand that in order to be respected, first you must show respect to others.

Your report here makes you look like you have no education, maybe you don't but I am not sure why you would put this up for the whole world to see.  Did you think you would get sympathy?  Act like adults, not street trash.


What trash!

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, October 23, 2009

First trying to return your gifts for cash - try again

Second - The lovely Husband cussing out the Manager

Third - doing this in front of your CHILDREN

You are truly classless and clueless -

Thank you to the Employees and Manager for refusing these low lifes any service - I suggest they start shopping at the Dollar Store or Flea Markets


An extremely nasty couple

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, October 23, 2009

First of all it's incredibly rude and inconsiderate to return hundreds of dollars worth of your friends gifts.  Nice friend.

Then you further prove your nastines by throwing an immature hissy fit because you didn't get 'special' treatment

I'm sorry but some people should not be allowed to procreate.

They should have called the police!

Disgusting, and I'm sure you don't even realize it.



Correcting your Mistakes

#6Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 22, 2009

I have worked at a major retailer, and have the time if we had customers come in like you, we would outright say we are not taking your transaction.  ANYTIME you start cursing at someone in the store, we had the right to ask you to leave and go to another location.

FIRST POINT, I know FOR A FACT, you CAN NOT get cash back  on a return unless you have the original receipt that states it was paid in cash, check, and some stores allow cash back if it was debit (Some dont, we did).  Im guessing that your gifts were purchased with credit, thus if you wanted to return the items and don't want store credit, the money HAS to go back on the credit card. 

you DID NOT have the right to getting cash back unless the original reciept stated it was paid for in cash.

you also DO NOT have the right to cuss at anybody...no matter how mad I get, I always stay calm...because nobody is going to help you if you create a scene and start yelling.

by the way, no matter how much it sucks that you couldn't get money back, you couldnt find a single d**n thing in Babies R Us to buy?  They sell diapers and you can ALWAYS use those....get a life and be thankful


Haha, really?

#7UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 22, 2009

As an employee who witnessed this entire event, I'm thrilled that the manager handled things the way she did. I'm also thrilled to hear that you won't ever step foot in our store again, trust me, your business isn't worth us having to put up with you and your husband's terrible attitudes. Please do shop at Walmart, you'll fit right in with the rest of the trash.


New Hampshire,

#8General Comment

Mon, October 12, 2009

How many children do you have?  Did you have a baby shower for each baby?

"Scott and I are waiting there playing with the kids."

I had four children and only got a baby shower for the first one.  I can see if there are many years in between one child and the next that maybe someone will give you a shower for the second baby, but most people I know don't get a baby shower for each baby.

Also, if you were going to spend most of the money in BabiesRUs anyway, (as you stated) what was your problem with getting the store credit?


Some cheese with your whine...?

#9General Comment

Mon, October 12, 2009

First of all, let's take a look at the return policy for Babies "R" Us. I'll provide the link but in case it gets redacted I'll also provide the relevant text:


If you are returning an item using a gift receipt or .com packing slip, your refund will be in the form of a merchandise credit.

This policy has been in effect for quite some time and certainly well before the OP's items were purchased. By her own words, that's not good enough for her so she decides to make a scene in the store because she feels that the posted store policy shouldn't have to apply to her. After all, she's special!

When that approach fails, they resort to f-bombs and demeaning the manager's gender. I'm not exactly certain what they hoped to achieve with that approach, but it certainly didn't change the manager's mind.

I genuinely feel sorry for this baby. I hope that he or she will be raised to behave more maturely than the parents.


You had me until

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, October 12, 2009

" He told her "Are you gonna shut your f*cking mouth b*tch so I can finish what I am saying". The look on her face was priceless but it didn't work no shutting her up. She then proceeds to tell us " I Refuse Service I am not Helping You".""

You started the cussing match with the manager. The lady was going by the policy that her corporate office had told her to follow. Your husband chose to call her a "b*tch" and that was it. I would have refused you service also. I had 1 rule when I managed retail, the second a customer began to cuss at me that was the end of the transaction. I don't care whether you had a valid point or not. You went over the line of civility.

Its not unusual to be declined a cash refund on a gift reciept. If you really wanted cash back on a gift ( which is extremely rude and inconsiderate of you ) Then you should have had the giver get you the refund. If you wanted a cash refund, why would you take the gift receipt and not just the original receipt?

You also don't say how the original person paid for the gift. If they paid with a credit card then you would only be entitled to have that amount charged back to the card. I never expect a store to give me a cash refund on a credit, debit, or check purchase. I am willing to bet that your gifts were paid by credit card or check and you wanted a cash refund. This is a common scam done upon retail stores to defraud them. Purchase a high dollar item on a stolen check or credit card and bring it back in for a cash refund. Thus why on a credit transaction they will charge it bac, and on a check transaction they will mail you a check after the first one clears.

So how was the original purchase made?

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