  • Report:  #437356

Complaint Review: Apply2save Fedmod Fed Mod - Coeurdalene Idaho

Reported By:
- osburn, Idaho,

Apply2save Fedmod Fed Mod
www.apply2save.com Coeurdalene, Idaho, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
These two companys have now joined! They both have terrible record with many complaints. I used to work for them. THe VP of sales for apply2save just quit. THey have scammed hundreds of homeowners out of $ and deserve to be shut down.


osburn, Idaho


1 Updates & Rebuttals



#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, April 02, 2009

PLEASE READ THIS: Let me set the record straight, EVERY person that calls Apply2save is in DEFAULT with there lender, or they wouldn't have had problems with there mortgage lender. They signed a contract that they couldn't pay, many of them are in houses they have no business living in based on there salary. Granted there are many predatory lenders out there but in the end, the consumer ASKED FOR THE LOAN THEY WERE GIVEN and those that couldn't afford it have gotten in trouble. There are millions of people in this situation. Apply2save is one of many loss mitigation firms out there and have received complaints,BUT SO HAS EVERY LOSS MITIGATION FIRM. here's why. Just about EVERY complaint on these sites comes from a person who NEVER PAID, or before Apply2save could FINISH THE PROCESS the demanded there money back. I used to work at Apply2save. It has never been mentioned here that Apply2save DID NOT TAKE ON ANY NEW CLIENTS from Dec.1st 08 through mid January 2009, BECAUSE THEY HAD GOTTEN SO MANY REQUESTS FOR HELP THEY COULDN'T GET CAUGHT UP. The majority of these consumers were signed up under the MOST GENEROUS OFFER EVER OFFERED BY A LOSS MITIGATOR: A2S was contracting consumers for NO FEE FOR 30 DAYS AND STARTED PROCESSING THE PAPERWORK FOR THEM FOR FREE. The agreement was to have a everything in place upon being paid (30 days later) so the packet could be submitted to the lender complete and ready for negotiations 8-12 weeks after submittal. WILL A LAWYER FILE A LAWSUIT OR A BANKRUPTCY PRIOR TO BEING PAID A RETAINER? OF COURSE NOT! Would you supply a service to a consumer before being paid? OF COURSE NOT! So if after 30 days A2S asked for payment BECAUSE THE CREDIT CARD THEY WERE GIVEN BY A CONSUMER WOULDN'T PAY THE RETAINER,A2S WOULD NOT PROCEED. is THIS A RIP OFF? NO! But when 10-12 people start logging on to these sites to complain, it appears that the whole world is upset. THE TRUTH IS THAT THOUSANDS, YES, THOUSANDS OF CONSUMERS HAVE BEEN PUT IN A BETTER POSITION AND SAVED THERE HOMES DUE TO APPLY2SAVE! No, they don't spend any time on these sites because they have GOTTEN ON WITH THERE LIVES. It should come as no surprise that if you cant pay your mortgage that you might not be able to pay a retainer to a loss mitigator. So when A2S deferred there retainer fees for 30 days in Oct Nov 08 that many consumers thought "Ill just sign up and maybe they'll fix my mortgage BEFORE I have to pay them. The problem is that EVERY ONE OF THESE PEOPLE were told that the process takes 10-12 weeks AFTER submittal of a VERY DETAILED packet to the lender. NOT including the bank holidays at Thanksgiving and Christmas! So if you signed up in early November you were AT LEAST11-15 weeks out. This does not even account for the 100s off thousands of request being given to the major lenders nationwide by private parties and loss mitigators. THE FACTS ARE: EVERY CLIENT I EVER SPOKE WITH HAD TRIED TO WORK DIRECTLY WITH THE LENDER AND WAS MAKING NO PROGRESS! I'm tired of reading that "three weeks after I started working with apply2save my bank offered to work with me directly" GET THIS STRAIGHT- THE REASON THIS HAPPENS IS THAT THE MINUTEA2S GOT INVOLVED, THE LENDER TENDS TO MAKE THE CONSUMER A HALF ASSED OFFER TO SAVE MONEY. The proof is in the pudding WHY DID THE LENDER ALL OF A SUDDEN OFFER TO WORK WITH THE CONSUMER? Only after hiring more people to deal directly with the lenders and getting a processing department up to speed did they then resume business and start taking on new clients,yes, a small percentage of client had the ball dropped on them, BUT THE MAJORITY OF CONSUMERS THAT GOT LEFT BEHIND REFUSED TO COOPERATE WITH A2S. Even though everyone is told that dealing with a loss mitigator is similar to dealing with a lawyer (they cant GUARANTEE ANYTHING100 %) and that the process requires complete disclosure, cooperation, accurate information regarding there finances being submitted to A2S promptly, many people just signed the e-contract, GAVE THERE CREDIT CARD #S knowingly, and then expected "magic to happen". If these firms call you and say "the bank has lost some info or needs updated pay stubs" etc. many people that already had a poor record of dealing with payments and THERE own finances had problems, IMAGINE THAT! These are the same kind of folks that have nothing better to do than try to make everyone else in the world look bad but themselves. EVERY START UP COMPANY HAS GROWING PAINS. A2S is no different. we used to sign up 60 client a day, nationwide. I was there 5 months and we signed up OVER 5000 PEOPLE in that time. If you think its easy dealing with the banks, just try and do your own loan modification. When youve gotten fed up, PLEASE CALL THE GOOD PEOPLE AT A2S, they are the least expensive, most aggressive and DEFINITELY a first class operation. I'm getting tired now, this testament is a response to TORAGS, who claims to apparently live in Osburn Idaho. I am the ONLY current or past employee from Apply2save that lives in Osburn Idaho. TORAGS is apparently trying to make me look bad to management at A2S by posting complaints from Osburn Idaho. The reason I left A2S was a family personal issue and I would be proud to be employed by them in the future. If you live in North Idaho and want to make a difference with homeowners nationwide and work for a firm that is upward bound. Send A2S a resume and be willing to work hard for consumers in distress. period.

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