  • Report:  #1529487

Complaint Review: Woodbine Toyota - Etobicoke Ontario

Reported By:
Zohall - Brampton, Canada

Woodbine Toyota
80 Queens Plate Drive Etobicoke, M9W7K2 Ontario, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I'm writing to seek guidance concerning a matter involving a car dealership. It appears that I may have purchased a new vehicle from them, which was advertised as brand new, but I have reason to suspect that it contains either used parts or is, in reality, an older vehicle. 

My concerns don't end there. Soon after bringing the car home, the air conditioner stopped working. I made three trips to Woodbine Toyota for repairs, and each time, it seemed like a temporary fix. Unfortunately, by the time I was able to return for a fourth attempt, my warranty had already expired. their response left me baffled: "Because yo did not have you oil changes performed at Woodbine Toyota, you are not considered loyal to us, so Toyota will not be loyal to you". 

Now, with approximately three years of ownership, my car's batter has died prematurely, as has the starter. Multiple mechanics have informed me that the battery should have lasted at least 4-5 years, making these recent issues deeply concerning.

I find it puzzling that both the battery and the starter have failed within such a short timeframe. Uncertain about the most appropriate course of action, I've been advised to reach out to you, in the hope that you may be able to provide assistance or direct me to the appropriate contacts for resolving this matter. Your guidance and support in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Fictitious Fable

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, November 09, 2023

You posted an outrageous claim and won't reveal the odometer reading at the time of purchase. It's most likely that you posted a bogus complaint.


United States
Obvious Question

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, October 31, 2023

What was the odometer reading at the time of purchase?

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