  • Report:  #1474977

Complaint Review: XuanMart.com - Lodi California

Reported By:
Martin - San Diego, California, United States

1416 Graffigna Ave, Lodi, 95242 California, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

XuanMart.com apparently is a popup website that sells power tools and appliances. They first appeared on 3/4/2019.  I found an appliance at a very good price placed an order and received an email recapping my order and the purchase price.

After having not heard from the company I tried following up with them to find out the status of the shipment of the product.  Unfortunately it was at that point I realized the company was a scam because none of the contact information that the company listed on their website was operational...their phone number was out of service, emails sent to their address "bounced" and the companies physical address was in the middle of a residential area in Lodi.   Furthermore they had obscured their Internet contact information that you can typically view when you use the Icann's "whois" service. 

I'm now in the process of trying to shutdown the website. I've reported the website fraud through IC3, I've submitted abuse reports to both their Internet registrar company (Dynadot.com) and the ISP company (GoDaddy.com). Both of the Internet companies took my reports but indicated that I shouldn't expect any followup. 

I've also contacted my Senator's office to explain the challenges that consumer have in getting any actions taken against these fraudulent websites. It really is like pushing a string.  The internet companies (Registrar and ISPs) really don't have much incentive to shutdown fraudulent websites as they are making money from the website hosting, etc. And it's simply not a priority for them.  The government agencies like IC3 where you are directed to report this type are a "JOKE". When you submit your report you don't even get a case# so there is no way for you to even follow up on your case. And based on all of the consumer comments re: IC3 it appears that they never do follow up. 

I think it's time that new legislation be put into place to force the hand of the Internet companies to take timely action against these fraudulent websites and/or a new government agency needs to be put in place to actually take on these reported cases...as the IC3 agency is doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

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