  • Report:  #2827

Complaint Review: Zymax - Nationwide

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Nationwide, U.S.A.
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The same thing has happened to me. There is a page (I don't know how to find it other than searching for "Zymax") where many other people have written in complaints about this lousy company and their products. DO NOT BUY FROM THEM!!!!

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Still Fighting


Sat, October 14, 2000

Okay, so it has been MONTHS since my battle with this scam company started. I still have not been refunded all of my money. (They did refund a small portion when I threatened to file a complaint.) I received shipments two times after requesting cancellation. I can never get through to anyone who will really help me get my money back. Be smarter than I was. Don't mess with this junk. It doesn't even work! Afterwards you will be stuck battling these jerks like me.

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