  • Report:  #1425180

Complaint Review: Verizon Wireless - Acworth Georgia

Reported By:
Teresa - Fairbanks, Alaska, United States

Verizon Wireless
P.o. box4005 Acworth, 30101 Georgia, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I ordered internet from them and talked me into a hum for car internet to and 2 year contract I said ok I can pay $150-175. A month. And they sent me a small jet pack and hum for the car internet, we paid $170. For internet 1st month and every time we try use internet it would take a long time to load and then it would always b on pause to take more long time to load. I called the company and asked about it about so slow to load and said I can only use one computer on the jet pack to work faster and then we did try and still slow and than the bill was getting more and I asked why and they said it was cause we used up only the 8 gn we ordered and have to pay a lot more money if it goes over

the limit , so I said well can we just order the unlimited gn so we don’t go over, but they didn’t turn it on right away so the bill got to be $158. Than soon again to $295.28 and now I think it is $400. We only used the internet for 6 weeks, and it was so slow and took a long time to load anything, I said I didn’t want it for such poor quality internet for the high price, but they turned it off cause I couldn’t afford to pay for the bigger price bill and no internet makes no sense to pay for something that didn’t work good and poor service quality, I’m very unhappy and upset with them, now I’ll be charged for big big bill for something we couldn’t even use. Big bill slow snail internet very poorly designed for Alaska I guess.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
No, it won't be faster

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, January 26, 2018

Even with unlimited plan, the company will trotter your Internet speed once you hit a certain number of usage (usually it is around 4GB~8GB depending on provider). Thus, your unlimited plan is of no help, nor any provider would solve your problem. The root cause is your Internet usage. I'm guessing you stream video all the time which uses a lot of data usage. I'm sorry that I can't give you any suggestion how to solve the issue.

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