  • Report:  #66416

Complaint Review: Ugly Duckling Car Sales - Drive Time - Lakeland Florida

Reported By:
- Sebring, Florida,

Ugly Duckling Car Sales - Drive Time
North Florida Ave Lakeland, Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My mother and myself purchased a car from Ugly Duckling in 2001. It was nothing but problems from the start. The 1st month the vehicle worked great. The 2nd month we had to change the head gasket, car would overheat even with collant in it, smoke coming out of the tail pipe, nothing but problems.

A week later the vehicle completly stopped running. we called the dealership for some assistance and all they were worried about was out weekly payments. So being that i worked for a roadside assistance company I had the vehile towed to the dealership and left there. 2 months ago i recieved a letter from a collection agency wanting 8500.00 for the car. According to them they sold it at a auction and only got 500.00 for it. This was a 96 Chevy Cavalier.


Sebring, Florida

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