  • Report:  #45202

Complaint Review: The Zanken Corporation - Canoga Park California

Reported By:
- Piedmont, Alabama,

The Zanken Corporation
22055 Sherman Way Canoga Park, 91303 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Unfortunately, I had already ordered the liquidation information when I came across your "Ripped-off" website.

My heart sank so low after I read one complaint after another of the treatment that others are receiving from Zanken Corp.

I usually check out a company thoroughly before I do business with them, but I was already of the liquidation business and knew that it was an honest business, so I didn't do any research before ordering their information.

Only 1 day after ordering, I decided to do some searching on liquidation opportunities and my search revealed this web-site.

I immediately called Zaken Corp. to cancel my order politely, but they told me that it had already shipped. I was surprised to hear this since I didn't opt to purchase the 3-5 day "rush" shipping, and my order had only been in place 24 hrs. Furthermore, the man I was talking to said that there was no one in their shipping department that would be available to talk to in order to try to cancel my order.

I've completed many business transactions before with other companies, but this was the first time that one of them told me that they couldn't stop an order that had been placed within 24 hrs. I feel that I too may have made a horrible mistake.

I caution you NOT to get involved with Zaken until all of these problems have been resolved! There are just too many complaints for something not to be wrong with their setup!

Dr. T. L.

Piedmont, Alabama

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Los Angeles,

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, February 13, 2003

File your complaints with US Postal Inspection Service, Los Angeles Dept of consumer Affairs, and City of Los Angeles City Attorney. The only good thing I can say about them is a nice looking blonde works there.

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