  • Report:  #626555

Complaint Review: swipebids.com - Aurora Colorado

Reported By:
Paul - Sandy, Utah, U.S.A.

22100 East 26 Avenue Aurora, 80019 Colorado, United States of America
Not provided
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I paid $150 to join Swipe Bids,which is an online auction. All bids are a penny at a time until an item is won.My membership included 60 free bids per day.They have a 30 day money back guarantee if you didn't win at least 1 auction during this time.About 3 weeks in, they pulled a funny little stunt. At the end of my bidding on that day I had 4 bids left. I continued bidding and these 4 bids remained. They give you 4 BIDS which you can never use.If I use my 60 bids per day, these 4 bids remain. I can bid as much as I want and still have these 4 bids.Here is the catch: In order to get the refund,you must use these 4 bids, which is impossible.They have a live chat and one of their customer service reps told me that they would provide the refund as soon as I used the 4 remaining bids.She suggested that I bid on a $10 Walmart Gift Card to use the bids.I'm sure they cold have arranged for me to win that one, then they wouldn't have to refund the $150 because I would have won an auction.Most of their auction is auctioning off more bids.You can also purchase more bids.No need though, you will always have 4 left. Stay away from Swipbids.com,they are a total scam!



6 Updates & Rebuttals



#2UPDATE Employee

Tue, August 31, 2010

We show on our website quite a few pages of past winners, included we show the price it was sold at, retail price and you can even confirm the tracking numbers by clicking on the number itself. Please visit the link below:


As well all our testimonials are real, our bidders provide these pictures to us, if you have seen the exact same picture on another website please notify us as ours are legit.

If you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at [email protected]



Head of Customer Service

Our Winners: http://www.swipebids.com/all_past_winning_auction.php
Our World Vision Charity: http://www.swipebids.com/world_vision_charity.php
Our Customer Service Page: http://www.swipebids.com/contact.php


Good Afternoon Everyone,

I assure you our website is not a scam and is entirely legit, please visit the links below for confirmation as I have answers to some of the concerns mentioned above.

As I have previously stated you are always able to use all your bids, I have asked to be contacted to resolve this issue. If this is a glitch in our system we would like to have it sorted out as soon as possible. There is no reason a customer should not be able to use all their bids.

There is no certain amount of bids to win an auction as it is bidder against bidder, another customer may have many more bids then you and can continue until he wins. It is just the same as any actual auction you may witness in person. Bidders continue to raise the price to the amount they can afford until bidders stop placing a bid as it is out of their price range, the last remaining bidder pays the final price and claims the item. Please visit the link below for more information on strategies:

There are different auctions, if you review our site you will see that higher priced items require more bids per click. For example: a 40 bid pack will deduct 1 bid per click, where as an iPad will deduct 5 bids per click and items such as the MacBook + 5000 bids will deduct 10 bids per click.

Our site is not gambling just as a regular auction is not gambling. There is no added element such as dice to make it a game of chance, it is simply one bidder out bidding another.  Please see the link below for more information:

Yes it is fairly easy to win a bid pack with 4 bids, we have numerous bid packs that are won for $0.01 over the reserve price, meaning 1 bid has been placed. Please watch our site and our auctions for verification of this. Please keep in mind there are 5 pages of auctions to view.

Previously our Money Back Guarantee stated that we guaranteed you could win an auction and if you did not, you qualified to receive your membership fee back. Please visit the link below as our site has made a few changes:
We show on our website quite a few pages of past winners, included we show the price it was sold at, retail price and you can even confirm the tracking numbers by clicking on the number itself. Please visit the link below:


As well all our testimonials are real, our bidders provide these pictures to us, if you have seen the exact same picture on another website please notify us as ours are legit.

If you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at [email protected]



Head of Customer Service

Our Winners: http://www.swipebids.com/all_past_winning_auction.php
Our World Vision Charity: http://www.swipebids.com/world_vision_charity.php
Our Customer Service Page: http://www.swipebids.com/contact.php

Ronny g

North hollywood,
Sort this out Jennifer...Questions

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, August 21, 2010

The Op is stuck it seems with 4 bids...

Questions for Jennifer...

How many bids are minimum for let's say...a laptop for example?

How many bids are used per "click"?

Answer these, and I think we will all see (including Jennifer) how this is "sorted out".

Logic and the way the gambling site works (bids are essentially poker chips or tokens..at least are treated as such technically), seems to dictate that at one point or another the OP is going to have to bid on a Walmart card or small bid pack (more tokens)...

Would you say Jennifer, that the Ops chances are pretty good of winning a card or pack with 4 bids?

And Jennifer, if the OP wins a card or bid pack, the OP no longer qualifies for the money back...correct?

Seems evident by what I witnessed on the Swipe Bids GAMBLING site..that the chances are somewhere around 100% of winning a Walmart 10 dollar card or a 24 bid pack....

 And about 1% (if that) any chance of winning a nice item..that's if anyone believes the fake testimonials. Seen those same pictures and people on other sites. Brilliant scam I tell you.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
Oh...it gets better..

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, August 21, 2010

This "Jennifer" is so full of it.

Anyhow this site does have a 30 day money back....but it is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to qualify. Here is how it works..scam 101

You must use the site daily and bid. If you win anything you do not qualify for the money back. So, what you can do is just bid on nice stuff like a lap top  (that you would never win anyhow) to use up your bids. But...what if like this OP you are left with a small amount of bids? Well that means you will have nothing left to bid on but something small like a 24 bid pack (which I saw first hand these being won for about $1.24 give or take), or a 10 dollar Walmart card (which even if you won for 2 dollars you have to pay almost 10 bucks for shipping)..but no pun intended..you can BET your left leg that you are going to win something...why? Because then you do not qualify for the refund. This is obviously done with intent..it is too brilliant of a scheme to be an accident.

So the scam here starts at deceptive sign up where 150 is charged to the account and many do not notice...you are refused a refund once you complain unless you qualify...which from what I can gather, is nearly impossible to qualify for.

This is such a scam, but it is BRILLIANT !!!! The operator will probably end up behind bars no doubt...but it is BRILLIANT.

And hate to say this..but if anyone falls for this believing it is a legitimate auction site and not on line gambling...should really stay off the internet, or get rid of all their debit and credit cards right away to better protect themselves from themselves.

Ronny g

North hollywood,

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, August 21, 2010

The more I dig through this site, the more amazed I am....

Found this little tidbit...

"*All Gift Cards are from Walmart & Shipping cost of $9.50 still applies"

How much does a gift card weight again? Is it shipped by limousine?

So awesome of a racket here.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
Wish I had thought of this racket...

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, August 21, 2010

I went to check out "actual" auctions. The only item I ever actually witnessed sell, was a card to buy....bids?

This is an awesome racket. Any actual items of value have a timer..that...does not ever seem to hit zero...which the site claims you will win it when it hits zero. If it never hits zero..then you are flushing money down the toilet. Or maybe it will hit zero once the price is higher then you would want to bid. But, THEY made money anyhow by charging you per ENDLESS bid.

The way it is set up is pretty much for gamblers. Where you know in your heart you will probably never win anything..but it is the thrill of the "game" that hooks you. If they paid me 150 bucks I might try it out..but I would never bid my own money on anything..I don't need to pay 150 bucks to get a deal on a 10 dollar Walmart gift card.



#7UPDATE Employee

Fri, August 20, 2010

Good Morning Paul,

I am Jennifer from Swipebids, Head of Customer Service. I would be more then happy to take a look at your account and provide you with a resolution as the issue with the 4 bids remaining is very odd, I have never come across this before. I assure you, you should have been able to use all of your bids. To get this sorted out please contact me personally at [email protected] and please include the following: first/last name, user name, email linked to your account, brief description as well as the link to this post. Hope to hear from you soon.


Head of Customer Service

See our Winners: http://www.swipebids.com/all_past_winning_auction.php
See our World Vision Charity: http://www.swipebids.com/world_vision_charity.php
See Our Customer Service Page: http://www.swipebids.com/contact.php

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