  • Report:  #1532784

Complaint Review: Carls Jr - Southern California California

Reported By:
Jessica - Los Angeles, United States

Carls Jr
Southern California, California, United States
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My friend was forced to resign after revealing their hiv status.  Friend was out of work due to covid related issues.  Once returned to work was only scheduled for 4 hours per week.

The manager hired 2 more employees to replace them and then told them to train the 2 new employees to replace them. 

Manager was told to hire the employees to replace the person. Shift manager told the employee what was happening.  My friend was told by area manager to keep their job that they would have to reveal their hiv positive status to their co workers to protect them.


The owners of this franchise are former vp of cke Brian Cassidy and Cody wong whose parents own hundreds of locations in California.  Conflict of interest may have been part of a franchise merger from restaurants Del sur. 


Shame on sdc restaurants llc and the management for deprivation of an employee who has a treatable illness and has impact on the operation of the restaurants. 


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