  • Report:  #13710

Complaint Review: Swift Transportation - Phoeniz Arizona

Reported By:

Swift Transportation
220 S. 75th Ave Phoeniz, 85043 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My husband worked for MS Carriers when Swift bought them out. He was told that MS employees would be placed into the system by date they were hired, keep their trucks, keep their pay, vacations, retirement and other benifits. This was in June 2001. By August out of pocket expenses for health more that doubled. Everything went pay first and then file for reinbursment. No more co-pays. There was not consideration for how far one of their docters was. In November they got notice. All MS Employees would loose their jobs and have to apply for re-hire as a Swift employee on Jan 1, 2002. Salaries would be cut, no insurance for 90 days, No existing medical conditions would be insured, (I am going through chemo and my husband is a diabetic), no paid vacations for a year, no 401 for 60 days. If you were not fully vested in MS carriers they got the company donation to your 401. They lost their seniority.

I told my husband that if he was going to have to start over at age 53 then he might as well work for a company that he might like and would appreciate their employees. Thats what he did. He worked for MS Carriers for almost 13 years and did not have a hard time getting another job at about the same pay and benifits. No insurance company will insure me for a long time. I pray that they have gotten my cancer in remission and that it stays there. I do realize it will not be as easy for some of the dirvers to do the same. It is a shame that Swift did not follow MS Carriers example and take care of their employees. It will be their downfall.

40 Updates & Rebuttals


Rip-off Company making profits from everyone including employees

#2UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 28, 2007

Oh please, Jerry Moyes WAS a millionaire IS a millionaire and WILL be a millionaire even after you die, poor with no medical coverage. The Greed and Nerve of this jerk to grab every penny out of hard working folks is obnoxious and sickening. If he had ANY business sense, just to make better profits, he would fix the truck and trailers by investing in his own company some of the money that comes out. All millionaires are *&*&s who forget or never knew how they got there or what takes to keep them there. Greed, greed and more greed is all that governs todays corporation heads and Swift is no exception, as much as I wanted to believe otherwise. Disorganization and lack of care for the job makes office and shop employees cause more damage to the company by not keeping company drivers on the road and running. YES - if you got into O.T.R. trucking and whine about home time, change your job. (get a local job in the area 12hr. driving, no logs within 100mi., home nights and weekends) NO - Swift is NOT a company to work for, as it has the lowest per mile pay (except CRST maybe) and no benefits you don't have to pay for. Most people I talk to regard it as school only and I guess it's good for that, but expensive with a 1yr. hook. I would quit sooner, but I see no better company willing to hire me with less than 1yr. experience, cause I can pay back the 4K to Swift if I made 40+ cents/mi. instead of 26-29/mi. for the year.


Future employee with something to say.

#3UPDATE Employee

Sun, September 02, 2007

I have heard all the jokes, and have heard about the training. Not just about Swift but others. About all the accidents. I have heard good and I have heard bad. I have also seen the attacks on Jerry whom I am assuming is the CEO of the company. First of all, in most cases for large corporations, the CEO does not have the final say, it's the board of directors, and they can fire the CEO and steal the company at any time. Thats just the way it is for publicly traded companies. Does it suck? You betcha. However our country is run by a bunch of profiteering gluttons, and a bunch of capitalists. Most CEO's also are content with letting other people run the company and not caring. There are CEO's that DO care, but are not in a position to know what is really going on compared with what is supposed to be going on. AOL when Steve still owned it before it was stolen by Slime Warner is a prime example. Ol Steve was not in a position to know what was going on. The few customers who got through to him, gave him shock, and he checked records himself, and was appaled, and made things right. This happened to a friend of mine who got hosed for 2500 bucks. After managing to get the number for Steve's office, and managing to speak with Steve, he got a refund of all his money, plus some extra as a way to say I'm sorry, and the option of a free lifetime account. It happens. Swift is also dependant upon it's terminals. Terminals are run by different people with different agenda's and different ways of doing things. Some are lazy and will do all they can, just to make themselves look good no matter who it hurts. They are purgatory, greedy, lazy, resentful, and very veangful. Regardless of which type of CEO Jerry is, I have no doubt that if he knew for sure of these types of people in his terminals, they would not be there for very long, as that kind of bad business, is bad publicity. Not all publicity is good publicity. Word of mouth advertising that goes bad, is the kind that can put even the largest of companies out of business. The rules Swift has in plce, are there for a reason, and Iam sure if they were followed to the letter, instead of people taking shortcuts(we all do one way or another American people sad to say, every one is lazy in one way or another, myself included, and I'm a d**n hard worker, but still lazy), then I'm sure the satisfactory rating would be much higher. Sure there are alot of people on here choking on their sour grapes, there are alot who are whining and crying, there are others who are falsley padding up Swift to be the most perfect company on earth. There is not a single company out there, that is the size of Swift or bigger, in relation to the industry, that has great ethics. Swift doesn't pay the highest, they don't pay the lowest, the benefits may be garbage, but pretty much all benefits are garbage nowadays. Do yourself a favor and get a good third party insurance to go along with it. Get Aflac or something similar, and at least you will never be out of luck for more then a day or two. BAck to the terminals being run by different people. Take a look at where the complains are coming from. The top two are Gary Indiana, and Phoenix Arizona. I'm horrid at seeing patterns, but even a retard could see that pattern. There are good terminals and there are bad. Lucky me, I live near a good terminal, and have heard good things and SEEN good things from their DM's. The employees I saw there were perfectly content, and all in good moods. Drivers included. I've had many a trucker almost kill me and my family over the past few years. Some on purpose for their personal enjoyment. Do I blame truckers for that? Nope. Just some a-hole. Only once have I ever had a bd runin with a Swift driver. Do I think that is representative of Swift? Nope. When a close friend of my sister's drove for Swift, based out of the same terminal near me, she was on a haul accross the country. She got a call, something had happened to her daughter. With a single phone call to her DM, she was pulling into the next Swift terminal, off route, and dropping her load. The DM then requested but did not require that while there she pickup a load that was waiting to go out, and drop it off, on the way to her daughter's location(which was outside of her home state and in the opposite direction), and of course she agreed. She drove the company truck all the way to where her daughter was, and another employee picked up her personal vehicle and drove it the 800-1200 miles to her location to bring her daughter back home. To some people that is not very important, however to me, at this point in my life, that is the most important kind of treatment of an employee. I recently had a family reuinion, I was scheduled to work. First one in 7 years, last one for another 10, family that I hadn't seen in 15 years, and will NEVER see again because they will be dead soon, were there. My company knew this. Where was I? Working. Did I get off early? Sure. By about 15 minutes which was 3 hours after everyone had gone home from the reuinion. As for having more accidents then other companies, that may or may not be true, but if it is, that doesn't mean they are any less afe then another company, it's simple logistics. If you have a city that is 80% black, and 80% of the prison population is black, and 80% of the people arrested are black, is that racial profiling? Hell no. That's called the laws of probability, and it is such simple and basic math my year and a half old son, could probably figure that one out. Swift is one of the largest if not the largest trucking company on the road. That fact alone, is going to give them a higher rate of accidents then smaller companies. Just for that fact alone, the higher rate of accidents says absolutely nothing about their training, or the ability of their drivers. I used to work at a Truck Stop in Oregon, called Burns Brothers. Many of you have heard of it, and loved it. They were great to work for, except for two of the managers, who ended up forcing me to quit. After that fiasco, one of them was fired, and the other was demoted about as far as she could be, and also took a pay cut, as soon as the bosses in charge learned of what happened the next day. They even called me 3 days later and offered me my job back, with a dollar an hour raise which would have made me the highest paid person in that position. I declined because I had already found another job which paid almost double. They understood, and I was always on good terms with them, and always had a job with them(until TA took it over) if I wanted one. Never once did I see a driver get insulted for being called a Swift driver, or being asked if he or she was a Swift driver. Multiple times however I had to call the police to breakup a fight or break it up myself because one driver asked, or accused another driver of Driving for Schneider or J.B.Hunt, although each one for different reasons. I'm sure Swift is not the perfect company to work for, I am sure they are not the worst. They are going to work great for some people(location notwithstanding) and not so great for others. For my particular situation, I don't have alot of money, and I know of nobody who can loan it to me. My choice is stick with minimum wage delivering pizza, while I finish my degree, and barely scrape by. Or drive for Swift doing somethign I have always had an interest in, all while making far more money and still finishing my degree since I have online courses and a brand new laptop(thank you tax returns). The trainers may treat the new drivers as slaves, but look at it this way, in most of those situations, at least you'll be learning something, in spite of them, if not directly from their wisdom. If I feel they are particularly bad, or that I am learning nothing from them, I will report them. It's only gonna last for 4 to 6 weeks. I have also only been to one neighboring state, and would love to see other states, and this will be the perfect opportunity. Sure I won't have time to do all the touristy stuff, but I'm not a touristy type of person. For the most part, I'm happy with just seeing the countryside where I am driving. If I get a layover for a couple of days, thats fine. I can go do some kind of touristy thing if there is anything nearby that I might find interesting. I'm not trying to defend Swift here, just trying to take a more objective approach, and hopefully make some of you realize, the intense generalizations that all of Swift is a certain way because a few people in a specific terminal, have pissed off a bunch of people and have unethical business practices, doesn't mean the company as a whole is bad. Take it for what it is. In a year if I decide I don't like working for Swift, I have a friend who works for another company that is pretty decent, but I don't want to move that far. However he knows of places near me, that has local runs I can be home every couple of nights, are good companies, and he can get me on with them. It's only one year. Even if it sucks workiing for them, it is still not a year wasted. I have my CDL, it's paid for, and I have a year of experience under my belt. If I do enjoy it, then I can stay right where I am. I hope not to drive truck for too long, I hope to be able to use the money I earn to start buying a hosue for my family, and the extra to be able to use to invest in a few things, where I can quit working, and just work for myself in my spare time. If not at least I will have the money to pay off my student loans, and I will have my choice of more then one career path. for me, Swift is the right choice. Really the only choice. Unless someone has 5-7 grand I can borrow. If one of you rich boys tht hates Swift so much and is doing so much better then Swift ever could, can just drop me 5-7 grand, I would be happy to tell them to stuff it and go to another company. That way I can pay for the schooling in cash as well as whatever else I need, and pay my bills while I wait for my first paycheck. BTW I am a REDNECK, and I am far from DUMB, I happen to have gone to college for electronics engineering at the age of 16, and only quit because ven with grants and loans I could not afford to keep going. Also, do not bash on someone just because they are poor. Being poor doesn't make you a lower class of citizen. At least most poor folk can fend for themselves, unlike most rich, who if they had to do for themselves would be screwed. I grew up poor and I am self sufficiant. I can hunt, I can fish, I can cook, clean, sew, I can work on my own computers and most of my electronics, and I can work on my own cars, computer controlled or not. I'm not helpless without money, like most are who have it. So please avoid the slandering of the poor in the future, and remember not all rednecks are idiots, most are quite well educated, they just choose not to speak the suit and tie type talk or walk the walk or look the look, because it is simply uncomfortable to them. Myself included.


for Lt. pleeb

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, August 04, 2007

I just read your first line....did you know how much interest the Teamsters had in Swift before this years buy-out? I didnt think so. As for anyone working for Swift, watch your back and dont drive for them...my God there are thousands of better companies to drive for. And I think it is Heather out of Arizona that makes nasty replies to alot of these reports, you are one professional *&*& who represents Swift very well.


maybe if I knew Jerry personally

#5UPDATE Employee

Tue, July 17, 2007

I dont know him personally as you do... "We know Mr. Jerry Moyes, personally and he is not what you say about him at all and neither is Swift." maybe if you told me how to contact him, he could take the time to find out why my truck has over 600,000 miles and is not scheduled to be replaced; or why 9 times in the last 2 months someone has lost the B.O.L. that was in the same envelope that contained my logs, which were are missing. 9 years ago was before Swift aquired M.S. carriers was it not? That was when a lot of the problems seem to have started. O/O's with high end exec connections have little in common with company drivers just starting out, except we all want to get the miles. I know my job, I work hard when I have the miles offered. I like to run about 3k per week. I have been known to stay out for 4 months straight, have driven in all but 3 of the lower 48, plus Canada, and if there were no other carriers I'd go home to flip burgers at McDonalds, and quadruple my sallary. I have had paychecks as low as $18.00 for a 2,000 mile week, no advances, just lost paperwork. I was wondering if you might do me a favor and ask Jerry if this is intentional, so Swift can make a little extra money off of it's 17,000 trucks by "losing" bills of lading to collect interrest of monies paid for deliveries. thanks


Paul, its drivers like you thet allow co's to run drivers illegal!

#6Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 03, 2006

Paul, I can appreciate hard work. But the statement you made indicates you were running illegal every day. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Paul wrote: "Try switching to a reefer carrier. If you're willing to run, then they'll run you. You'll be up at 7 AM for a delivery to a grocery warehouse. You'll do 100 deadhead to your next pickup. Then, loaded again by noon. You'll end up running all night until 1 or 2 in the morning to make your 650 mile trip. Then, back up again at 6:30 to get in line for a morning delivery. Trust me, after a month or two of 5 and 6 hours of sleep each night, you'll be begging for a day to sit!" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What part of 15 hours on duty is confusing? And only 11 of that can be driving. 650 miles in 11 hours is a 59mph average which is ok if running in the SW/75mph highways. 15 hours on duty from 7AM means you are parked at 10PM.[Legally]. I don't run illegal for any dispatcher to get his mileage bonus, or some DM to look good. I do whats good for me, and I document EVERYTHING! Then when they play games, you have them by the short hairs. sorry, allowing you to give a competitors name would instigate others to just file against their competition, to only come back later to suggest their company your comments on this policy are welcome! CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Phenix City,
I just got accepted into swifts training school just got their prehire letter

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, March 02, 2006

I just got accepted into swifts company-paid training school, soon I will be a full time driver for swift I am know part of the swift team! I have just received my prehire letter. I am grateful swift is giving me this chance when others turned me down for their driving school I will work hard & do my best work for swift, I am excited to be accepted into swifts training school were I can be begin making money & saving money I have been waiting a long time to drive a truck I am very excited swift is giving me this chance. I look forward in driving cross country! I have been waiting my whole life I hope I will be with swift for a long time, I am a little bit nervous & scared because this will be the first time in my life I will leave home so i know for sure I will be homesick & again I thank swift for giving me this chance.


North Carolina,
Remember this is just like the CB radio

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, January 21, 2006

Michael, It's hard to take the rest of your comments seriously when you post this. "If you are only making $47,000 after 4 years with the company you need to find out what you are doing wrong or go elsewhere. I made over $58,000 (189,000 miles) my first full year with Werner after about three quarters of a year with them first and that was a rather productive year too. I am now working local and making about $52,000 per year. I would not be settling for $47,000 per year especially after 4 years with one company and would be rather embarrassed to admit to such low income." And you're a solo driver?? 15,750 miles a month for all months of the year or 3634 for all weeks sounds a little far-fetched for even a real "supertrucker". Not to mention a Werner truck governed at 65 mph and equipped with the paperless log which is supposed to eliminate all those unsafe logging practices and cheating to get more miles. 3634 divided by 50 mph (average speed when you log it like it is)comes to 72.68 hours and thats not even allowing any time for fueling, pretrips, load/unload, etc. Exceeding the 70 rule a bit? Did you take ANY time off during the year either? Come on.


swift drivers

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, January 16, 2006

I used to drive for swift. Actually (DSW out of Tucson). I have read most all of the previous complaints and rebuttals. I have noticed one thing. All the one's doing the complaining have a hard time with simple ENGLISH. As such, maybe they could not understand what the recruiter was try to tell them,therefore,when the situation arose, they did not know how to handle it. It is my understanding that in order to be a commercial truck driver in the United States, you NEED TO BE ABLE TO READ,WRITE,and UNDERSTAND plain English. Don't misunderstand me. Aot of the complaints are very valid. But, most of them seem to come from frustration at being in a situation that seems impossible to solve. You need to understand: this situation has been built over YEARS of illegal acts, and forced labor. If you are a COMPANY driver (You don't own the truck, they tell you how, where, and when to do the job) YOU ARE AN EMPLOYEE. Therefore you fall under ALL Federal and State Employment laws!!!! It is about time you studied these laws and started making these companies abide by them. IT IS THE ONLY WAY THIS INDUSTRY WILL EVER GET STRAIGTENED OUT. It is the only way we as drivers will ever get the respect we work for. And remember, You get what you give. You want respect, you have to give respect. IF YOU DON"T VOTE, YOU CANNOT b***h!!!


What is wrong with you

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, January 09, 2006

Scott, If you are only making $47,000 after 4 years with the company you need to find out what you are doing wrong or go elsewhere. I made over $58,000 (189,000 miles) my first full year with Werner after about three quarters of a year with them first and that was a rather productive year too. I am now working local and making about $52,000 per year. I would not be settling for $47,000 per year especially after 4 years with one company and would be rather embarrassed to admit to such low income. As for the rest of you I worked for Swift through an Owner/Operator for a short period of time and now for a fact that if you want to make money it is there to be made. I do not know how the company treats company drivers, but as with any company the miles are there and there is a lot of freight to move if you are willing to do it. I know one of Swifts pet peeves is people not wanting to go northeast especially New York City. I was given my choice of loads that dirrection many times because company and many other O/O refused to go there. If you are going to complain and refuse to work you will get screwed with any company. Do yourselves a favor and do your job and stop whining or stop driving. I know from all the friends I have with many different large and small company's that you will make very similar money for your time, effort, and experience and get treated almost the same everywhere if you do your job and don't complain unless you are asked to do something unsafe, illegal, or immoral. All the company asks from you is to deliver loads legally and safely ontime and that is a piece of cake if you know what you are doing. Have fun and make money everyone. Always remeber SAFETY is #1 the load is not as important as your life.

Lieutenant Pleeb

facts, no bitching, no opinion

#11UPDATE Employee

Wed, November 30, 2005

fact-ooida and teamsters are in the bussiness of taking care of the driver, swifts only obligation is to its investors. fact-swift settles so many cases out of court because it doesnt want its record of how many deaths it has been found responsible,brought up, the company is a convicted murderer. a serial murderer at that. fact-they are not just sued because of accidents, or the (lack of) truth in leasing, they have been sued for over valueing assets (also known as 'cooking books'. tyco i believe used this method, as did enron) fact-jerry moyes, who joined the board of execs in the late 70s, due to stock fraud is not on the board of directors any more. fact-they are switching to volvo cause freightliner found out they were commiting warranty fraud against them. fact-its not their training, they do have better than most big carriers, it's who they actually hire, you would be surprised what you can be convicted of and still get hired on here. tip-these big companies have snitches on the payroll. fact-they do not maintain their trucks, thats why they are all new, they get a better deal trading in when they know it will only live half its operational life now that they havent taken care of it. fact-MOST drivers are jerks, idiots. I have NEVER EVER EVER seen a driver who takes his truck home and just parks it in his car sized driveway to show off to friends. Saying they must be good if they are the biggest trucking company on the planet is, well, this company is alot like Mcdonalds. They have similar places in the market. fact-alot of people got their jobs there because they are the biggest thing in Phoenix Arizona thats around, everyone knows someone who works there, in phoenix, so few were actually qualified for the job. they all got the job cause they knew someone, whereas a driver gets it for skills. Good miles (sometimes) Crappy Pay (always) Unpaid miles (you betcha, atleast 10% of your driven miles are unpaid, unless you can do 55 on the backroads in a straight air mile line) Fact-household movers do not even use the household movers guide miles, more and more companies are switching to practical miles. get streets and trips, enter in two places and click 'shortest route' those are the miles you get paid for, now click 'quickest route' (which is also the safest route) Get your permit on your own, pay your way thru trucking school, if you MUST go to a big company, use this as a last resort and keep your current job during all of this. It takes about 2 years accident free, then you can go to a place like roadway, roadway express, overnite, ABF, UPS, USF, places with union representation. Unionizing Swift? they have a horrible safety record which would bring shame to the name Teamster. The reason to get a cdl is so you can go from one company and when they piss you off, leave with another job waiting, if you have a good safety record, you could get new trucking jobs every few monthes. for the rest of your life. so go slow out there the first year out, you wont make much money no matter which way you do it when you start out, get your own truck, your own loan from the bank, operating authority, permits, your own 'license to broker freight' eventually. swift isnt even a licensed freight broker, swifts safety record gives them a horrible insurance rate, do you think the execs are gonna take a pay cut or you first? they haul CHEAP freight, you won't be hauling IBM, think hewlett packard, you won't be hauling coca cola, think sams choice, cheap freight, less profit=less pay. also to new guys swift will make you follow the governemts rules. because their safety record is so bad they are watched by big brother very closely, but if you have seen why, you would be for big brother for once. by this i mean 'the government states you should not be driving tired so they came up with these rules, these rules say you can drive after unloading 40 thousand pounds of sand by shovel in 10 hours, you can still drive 4 hours, where a normal company would be like 'take a good nap and drive after you wake up' jb hunt and werner also adhere to these governemtn guideline federal laws. id like to force one of these guys to sleep in a dangerous part of new york city, so dangerous the rent is low enough for a food warehouse to afford it, lets call it hunts point, you try sleeping where many truckers just like you have died, in a truck owned by a company everyone there hates anyway, where john gotti got his start hijacking trucks. yeah, big brother, they care about you, right. Those rules are good guidelines, they can save your a*s, if your driving tired or not realizing your tired, ive been tired and been legal. if you need a babysitter by all means follow the rules and get a qualcomm and while your at it ask permission to go use the bathroom. Knowing this company I wouldnt buy their stock, and I always see plenty of stock purchase forms when I go into a terminal so I do not feel alone here. whats up and happy HOLIDAYS to all the drivers, those spitting company lines and yes men to the pencil pushers, i hope you get cancer. HAIL SATAN and I Lust You All.


New York,
driver so guys hang in there

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, April 29, 2005

well guy,s i was with ms when swift came along i keep my truck keep my speed truck was never turned down i was on target and when i got new truck speed want to 62 big deal got hurt on job swift took real good care of me , yes as many of you know i got fired but it was not swift it was the dispatcher i made one phone call i was put right back into the computer still am in there and just waiting to go back to work full time again so guys hang in there swift is a good company to work for it is just some of the bs drivers that dont get there way sart crying cause they dont have mama ,s tit to suck on with them


New York,
Lie as working method!

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, January 14, 2005

I ve never work for Swift and wont.I was already 2 times in this stal,and I dont give em chance enymore(Schneider,JBH). Generally:Yes,this trucking corporation can be good for someone.As millitary.But can you imagine that one day soldier is gonna shot innocents people.Its all about who You are.If one is a assclimber he at right place.But this is not for proud men. I was just fired JBH.Because they lie me and I want to keep what they said.At JBH web page they say 2 days of for 7 OTR.But employee hand book says 1 day for 7 OTR.Check web page. Its at least 52 days in a year.Other hand.Free work.They want from me doing some games on computer as safety training for free without pay.I call my dispatcher and asked her if she got training and she get no money.I called safety manager with the same question. Its hours in a year.10,15,20.Finally they fired me after smal side by side accident when car tried pass me at exit ramp. I ve got only this on my record last 5 years.No points,no tickets,no DWI,no drugs.And as Schneider wrote:No rehire.Im proud that this guys dont want me. But where is your proudnes, americans, in your wallet. M not american,there teach me noithing is free,neither my work.Until its not social job,everyone must pay for my time.Heads up guys.Dont kiss em a*s.


More to the story!

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, January 06, 2005

Well Scott, you did hit one nail on the head. They were trying to force me to quit. Prior to hiring on to Swift I was disabled from my previous job. On 3 occasions, while being licenced and totally qualified,Swift refused to hire me due to being disabled. This is descrimination. They told me I would not be able to unload, stating,"what if you have to unload a K-Mart order". My answer was, "I'll unload it".I did many unloads;did it hurt? yes it did. But I plugged on. Finally after me telling them at the Sparks Nevada Terminal that what they were doing was illegal they hired me. I waited 5 days for a truck to be detailed and when I got it there was so much dog hair and the stench of urine that the truck was a health hazard. Not to mention the bumper was bent to a point that extreme caution was necessary so as to not catch it on something. The truck burned 3 gallons of oil from W. Sacramento to Sparks. They put the truck in the shop for 3 days and failed to pay me for those days after I requested pay.This was the first week. They would constitantly give me 200 mile runs and 5 days to deliver them. Such as Sparks to Ontario Calif. in 5 days. That's a 1 day run.They refused to allow me to transfer any of these loads to local drivers and get a new load. So I had to sit. All of this plus 34 days sitting without a load and no pay. Yes I did complain and it did as you said, fall on deaf ears.I took all the loads they gave me and did not turn down any. I forced them into hiring me and they didn't like that. All of this was proven through the EEOC and Swift settled the descrimination part, but they still owe me money.By the way Swift does have a history with the EEOC prior to me. One thing for sure,I only went to work for them because I was bored. 27 years with one employer and forced to retire with too much time on my hands.Money was not the object here because as I said earlier I received quite a bit for my retirement. Also, I never whine and complain, I only do my job and that's what I tried to do here. As I also said earlier, I really don't need the money,however, I will not work for no pay and just sit back and take it. I will not allow Swift or anyone else to do as they did and get away with it, to me or for that matter anyone else. "IT'S JUST WRONG" So rest assured I do understand what you are saying, but after 6 months I felt that I had given my all and any further attempt to correct this problem would have been a waist of my time. I only know my case for sure but have talked to many drivers who have had similar sad experiences with Swift.When I first started to work at Swift I really found all that I was told about them hard to believe. From my own experience I can now say that I now feel that it is all true.


Maybe my anger clouded my thoughts.

#15UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 05, 2005

so ill try and add a few things. First no one should starve for six months,but you have to expect a few rough patches,in the begining its sink or swim,even i sat a bit,not 34 days but i quickly figured out how to keep rolling.now this may not be the case but its possible that the reason you sat for 34 days is most likely they wanted you to quit,why thats between you and them,cause believe me if that truck sits they arnt makin money,and its a dirty little trick they use to get rid of people who complain or whine,ya see they cant fire you for no reason but they can starve you till you quit,but thats just my thought. Now for the guy that thinks i work 100 hrs a week,maybe 70-80 and that is like working two jobs ill give you that,and if thats what i have to do to make what i make then ill do it till something better comes along,and as far as never seein my family,im not otr anymore i get home 2-3 times a week plus weekends off. I just think people dont give swift a fair shake and even worse some dont even give it a chance,also the only local job that i know of that pays 70,000 per year is union and those guys have no life,because most of them work 14 hrs a day 6 days a week and get home just to eat and sleep,and other than the money thats not much better,but you go try and get one of those jobs and see them either say no or put you on a list so long youll get hired when you retire,but still i would like to have the names of those companys paying 70 a year for local,i believe there is a few but not many So i wish all yall luck with you persicution of swift but im sure in the end it will fall on deaf ears,as im sure the company will continue to grow and eat up everything around them,and as they grow there will be even better options open to those who show there commitment,and if not hell ill go back to turning a wrench or find a better job. One thing is for sure you wont find me being upset,ill just move on down the road and continue my persuit of the almighty dollar even if i do have to work 100 hours for it


If you're sitting a lot at Swift, change jobs.

#16Consumer Suggestion

Mon, January 03, 2005

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that someone new should get into trucking. But, if you're already there, and you're with Swift, and sitting more than you're running, then change jobs. The problem is that Swift has so many trucks, they can spread all the loads out. You may sit for a couple of days waiting. Try switching to a reefer carrier. Pick Kllm, if they'll hire you. I worked there. If you're willing to run, then they'll run you. You'll be up at 7 AM for a delivery to a grocery warehouse. You'll do 100 deadhead to your next pickup. Then, loaded again by noon. You'll end up running all night until 1 or 2 in the morning to make your 650 mile trip. Then, back up again at 6:30 to get in line for a morning delivery. Trust me, after a month or two of 5 and 6 hours of sleep each night, you'll be begging for a day to sit!


6 month's was enough!

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, January 03, 2005

If you have worked there 4 years and make that kind of money you must be the only one to do so. I know what a phone is and I can prove by my cell phone bill how many times I phoned in order to get a load while I was just left sitting.That's in addition to all the messages sent by Qualcom trying to get a load.Qualcom records are carefully guarded by Swift. Sounds like you feel that a driver should starve for 6 months and just see what happens. For most that is not an option. People work for others to feed their families and not to sit around on Company time and make no money. Remember, in order to get the pre-plan you are required to be in your truck to receive it on the Qualcom.Five days is too long to wait! In the truck? That's on Company time, by law. It's required by Swift! Being paid for layover time is to be paid by law. Look it up and you will find out. I only took the job with Swift because I was bored. I worked for a good company for 27 years and retired so I had no problem with feeding anyone. However, not needing to work by no means suggests that I will do work and not be compensated for it. Most drivers are not as well off as I am and depend on their employment with Swift as a means of supporting a family. When you make $50 or $100 dollars a week that don't cut it. Swift still owes me over $1200.00 and I plan to get it in the future. To all of you who feel that SWift is a good company to work for, all I can say is best of luck to you all!


How long does it take to see you're on a dead-end road?

#18Consumer Suggestion

Mon, January 03, 2005

Six months? Hell, I can tell you after 6 days. Just read the signs. You're working 70 hours on the books. Another 30 hours off the books. You have little time left for yourself or anyone else in your life that matters to you. And, what's your pay? $47,000 a year? Great, if you work 40 hours a week. But, wait, this job is 100 hours a week. That's like working over two jobs! If you absolutely have to drive a truck for a living, run a local job. They average over $70,000 with benefits. And, they're home every night. That kind of makes that OTR nonsense look like a waste of time. Now that Moyes got thrown out of his management job, he has plenty of time on his hands. So, let him run one of those new Volvos that Swift has been getting in lately.


you gotta be joking

#19UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 02, 2005

you gotta be joking.the people who have only worked for swift 6 months. It took me 6 months to start to figure out the system. 6 months isnt enough time to make a desicion. My thoughts are what ive seen time and time again,a person finds out that they have made a mistake in there life,and the mistake being that they found out this job is not all glamour and smokey and the bandit.well anyways the first thing these people do is attack the company to make there decision to quit justified.i wish these people would grow up and take responsibility for there own mistakes.Now ive worked for swift 4 years and ill be the first to say that some of the people in the company are idiots and should never been hired,but considering the size of the company thats gona happen.I think some of these people have cheated themselves in life and are looking for someone to take the blame.And its a shame they have left a very stable and secure job,not to mention a well paying job.In my 4 years i have made between 39,000-47,000 per year.Swift is a very cutthroat company buisness wise and im glad,i feel secure with this.As far as me, Ive been treated very well.There have been hairy moments with them,and as soon as you grab your balls and stand up to them,they back off and they back off fast,especially when its a safety issue.As for the guy who was left sitting for 34 days thats his own falt.The minute im sitting or under a load that is going to make me sit,i get on the phone,in most cases you can deliver early if not there is always a yard to drop the load and keep rolling.So anyone thinking of going to work for swift,you have made a very good choice.But let me give you one very good piece of advice do your time over the road and as soon as you get a chance get on a regional account,you not only make more money but you get home every week.And for those out there that want to whine about freight rates the only way it happened is YOU ALLOWED IT TO HAPPEN SO STOP WHINNING ABOUT ME HAVING A JOB!!!!!!!


Swift Cheats their Employees... I wonder what the Mormon Church would think

#20UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 13, 2004

I worked for Swift for 6 months. In that 6 months I sat a total of 34 days with no load and was not compensated $40 a day as they say they will. They were giving me runs of 500 miles and 4-6 days to get there. The Manager in the Sparks Terminal then said I was not driving enough miles, the sputtered some when I told him that I was accepting all loads given to me. They lied about this but finally had to pay up after I quit. I was spending more of my personal money for road expenses than I was making. These guys are just liars and theaves and don't care about you as a driver making a living. Too many Swift drivers are broke out on the road and thats wrong. They will lie and cheat you and hope youm don't find out about it. I wonder what the Mormon Church would think of their Fair haired boy, Jerry, if they knew what he was up to. Probably nothing!


Swift Cheats their Employees... I wonder what the Mormon Church would think

#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 13, 2004

I worked for Swift for 6 months. In that 6 months I sat a total of 34 days with no load and was not compensated $40 a day as they say they will. They were giving me runs of 500 miles and 4-6 days to get there. The Manager in the Sparks Terminal then said I was not driving enough miles, the sputtered some when I told him that I was accepting all loads given to me. They lied about this but finally had to pay up after I quit. I was spending more of my personal money for road expenses than I was making. These guys are just liars and theaves and don't care about you as a driver making a living. Too many Swift drivers are broke out on the road and thats wrong. They will lie and cheat you and hope youm don't find out about it. I wonder what the Mormon Church would think of their Fair haired boy, Jerry, if they knew what he was up to. Probably nothing!


Swift Cheats their Employees... I wonder what the Mormon Church would think

#22UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 13, 2004

I worked for Swift for 6 months. In that 6 months I sat a total of 34 days with no load and was not compensated $40 a day as they say they will. They were giving me runs of 500 miles and 4-6 days to get there. The Manager in the Sparks Terminal then said I was not driving enough miles, the sputtered some when I told him that I was accepting all loads given to me. They lied about this but finally had to pay up after I quit. I was spending more of my personal money for road expenses than I was making. These guys are just liars and theaves and don't care about you as a driver making a living. Too many Swift drivers are broke out on the road and thats wrong. They will lie and cheat you and hope youm don't find out about it. I wonder what the Mormon Church would think of their Fair haired boy, Jerry, if they knew what he was up to. Probably nothing!


trying to clean things up, It takes alll kinds to make the trkin industry go around

#23UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 10, 2004

I worked for Swift for almost 8 yrs,i was let go from the company due them shutting down the Shoals Ind.Terminal.Iwas offered a job with the terminal in Gary Ind.but because of family problems i wasnt able to transfer. While in shoals i was 2nd in charge so when the terminal closed down i was very upset but after setting down and thinking about it,it was a buisness decision that was made to better the company and was in a position where i couldnt advance. There were calls made to my home from the vice president and terminal managers trying to see what they could do to make it happen,so to hear people say swift doesnt care is kind of off the wall for me.. As far as the drivers go i have seen them all the ones that dont want to work, the ones that bust their butts so they can make a living for their families,,there are even the ones that all they want is a yard orniment in their front yard so they can tell their friends they drive a trk. It takes alll kinds to make the trkin industry go around,,the wants that have to be home every other day or home every weekend and the ones that stay out and deliver any ld they can to make money. so lets give the higher ups a break because they are runing a buisness with what they have considering as big as the Swift has grown in the past few yrs


Swift isn't perfect, but I havent yet run across a company that is

#24UPDATE Employee

Mon, August 02, 2004

I'm sure there a quite a few valid problems brought forward in some of these postings. There is some very inaccurate information also. Most of it sounding quite abit like sour grapes. Anyone that has been in this business knows or should know that it is 1 of the hardest professions to work in. I personally have been in the business in 1 capacity or another for over 15 years, 5 of them with Swift. I will say Swift isn't perfect, but I havent yet run across a company that is. But,the simple fact is that if you want to succeed the opportunity is there. From my observations, the people that want to succeed, do. Those that get into the profession because of a commercial they saw on TV, thinking that they are gonna see the county and have fun, they get a rude awakening. Guess what this is hard work pure and simple,If you prepare yourself for that and are willing to make sacrifices you'll do fine, but if you're 1 of these people that want everything done for them, then go find another job cause this 1 wont work for you


Non Sense...ALL of it

#25Consumer Suggestion

Tue, June 29, 2004

Some of you yes are making good points and others are just full of it. Every trucking company is like a few of you have said are only in it for the money. I have been driving for a little over 10 years now, granted I have not actually drove for Swift but I have drove for a few local and a couple long haul companies. The latest company makes you sign a independent contractor agreement so that they can get away without paying all the income taxes and workmans comp, they also force you to carry their cell phone and they deduct the bill from your check. They also do NOT offer any kind of medical insurance or any other benefit for that matter. I really enjoyed the run I had I ran from Michigan to California dedicated. I didnt care for the hassel of getting loaded with produce to come home with every week, but accepted it without complaining. Do to the new DOT laws this company had to go to all team operations. I really rather my truck to be sitting still when I am sleeping, do to a couple of rooky's trying not to miss gears on mountains. Anyhow I quit this company soley for the reason of that I could no longer run solo and I wanted to try something else. Well I miss the travel and all and decided to go out with another company. Now the last company has told so many lies about me that I dont know if I will ever get into a truck other than my own again. Basically I say that if you have a job, your making a living, it is paying the bills, and you have the benefits for yourself and the family why cry about it? Your one of the lucky ones. I also agree with the statement about all the respect being gone out there on the road. People are just down right cruel.


All newbies should avoid major trucking companies

#26Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 18, 2004

The S in swift stands for Sucks. The W stands for Wait. The I stands for insanity. The F stands for fooled. The T stands for too many accidents. Need I say more?? All newbies out of driving school should avoid this and all other major trucking companies such as Werner,Schneider,J.B. hunt, and so on. These are all garbage companies that are cutting freight rates and are causing the fall of the trucking industry. I am an O/O with 3 years O.T.R. A better way to get experience instead of going with those garbage Otr co. is to find a small local or regional carrier thats in your area. THey are a lot of them out there. You can gradually build your exp. easier and than decide if otr is what you want to do. Long-haul trucking is NOT for everyone. You dont have to start otr just because you have a Cdl. There is a lot of other good uses for it. Be careful out there and keep the shiny side up. God bless.


South Carolina,
Internal Problems Abound

#27UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 14, 2004

I am an ex-employee of Swift Transportation. I worked there for four years before finally walking out. I have never walked out on a job before this. The merger with MS Carriers created a lot of problems internally, and really riled a lot of people. I worked night shift as a dispatcher. We were told that we would have to come in every 3rd saturday (on top of the 5 on 5 off 2 on 2 off rotating schedule we already worked) to clean up after the daytime driver managers who were too busy flirting and playing on the internet to do their jobs. They also told us that we HAD to sign a document that says if you have a problem with Swift, you must go to mediation, and not a lawyer. This should have been an option, not a forceful signature. They told us if we didn't sign, we wouldn't get any more promotions. I worked in human resources for 8 years prior to that, and know my stuff. That's illegal. I won't even get into the screw job that was given to the guys in the shop. This company doesn't care about it's employees, and I don't ever see that changing. I'm glad that I have skills and intelligence, and was able to find something else much better. I won't return to that company....ever.



#28Consumer Comment

Tue, May 04, 2004

Bottom line is this.... All companys within the transportation industry have there problems. Ok swift pays less per mile well guess, they on avg get more miles than a majority of the higher paying companys which if you can add equals the same. I just loved seeing mr. proffessional pulling out the dot guidelines. Bravo sir you just limited one violation swift has and gee uhhhh every other company in the nation is getting hit too. The thing that frustrates me most about what I read is this... Its not a matter of swift or any other company that gets dissed on a regular basis. Its the lack of knowledge put in to bc one person had a problem. Well guess what ? they have 16000 trucks! Its not the company you people should hate its the economy that makes things tougher on companys. ALL JOBS HAVE PROBLEMS.. you want do some complaining about health insurance???? Tell Mr. George Bush and CO. INC. about it. Im dont hold anything against any of you above for what you have to say. However just remember this.. Wal-mart is always hiring? Im sure they will pay you a lot more LOL. respect the all others and they will respct you.


Poplar Bluff,
did my time...

#29UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, April 19, 2004

i did what alot of swifts student drivers did.. stayed with the company till i could gain the expierence i needed then left them...they r not a good company..


I can belive all the rumors about swift they suck

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, March 25, 2004

My boyfriend is a experienced driver for 5 yrs.With another company he can makes 7 cents more.He has been though a lot of dm's & staff.He has asked for months to come up to Minnesota to see me.One time they will say yes another time they no.All companies claim you can go wherever you want.Why dont they do this? My boyfriend has given swift and all his DM's chances to improve but they screw you over.Truckers need to have a personal life outside of there trucks.Me & my boyfriend been dating 6 months.I haven't seen him once during that whole time.Thats BS a driver should be allowed to take there home time wherever they want.Yes his dm's tried then 1 quit for personal needs then they get a Dumb redneck that doesn't know how to do his job thats POOR!I'm glad to see you drivers complaining about Swift.Good Luck!


The hard truths! Sec. 14103. - Loading and unloading motor vehicles

#31UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 19, 2004

Evelyn & William - Morristown, Arizona U.S.A. I really enjoyed reading your post you seem to actually know a little about the company that you work for! Jerry is a very shrewd businessman that has spent years developing his formula for success! I sometimes wonder if he remembers the days when he had to borrow money for fuel to make a run? Anyway that is not the point of my post, I wanted to point out a few points that should be considered when working for this company or any company for that matter! How many miles were you shorted last year by what they pay based on household movers miles? Amazing how anywhere between two points in one city is always one mile! Even if you have to drive all the way around the Atlanta loop to get between multiple stops in Atlanta 3 or 4 times or anyother major city for that matter! My second point is how much free labor have you had to give them to unload a truck because they fail to enforce United States Code 49 section 14103! I will include link for those of you intested enough in your career to look at the law for yourself! My third point is are you aware that Swift is currently involved in a class action lawsuit against them for violations in the truth in leasing act? They have been called to task over their contracts with their owner/operators having their contract used as a perfect example of an illegal contract! I know that Swift could be a good company to work for never had any problems with the people I worked with, just had a few problems with the way that they do bussiness! Wish you all the best of luck and have a safe journey where ever your load may take you! Support your industry join OOIDA a nation organization fighting for the rights of drivers nationwide! Open to owners and company drivers! Also do not forget to vote! As long as we fail to stand up and let our voices be heard by our nations law makers they will continue to nickle and dime us right out of the industry! A copy of USC 49 section 14103!!!! Sec. 14103. - Loading and unloading motor vehicles (a) Shipper Responsible for Assisting. - Whenever a shipper or receiver of property requires that any person who owns or operates a motor vehicle transporting property in interstate commerce (whether or not such transportation is subject to jurisdiction under subchapter I of chapter 135) be assisted in the loading or unloading of such vehicle, the shipper or receiver shall be responsible for providing such assistance or shall compensate the owner or operator for all costs associated with securing and compensating the person or persons providing such assistance. (b) Coercion Prohibited. - It shall be unlawful to coerce or attempt to coerce any person providing transportation of property by motor vehicle for compensation in interstate commerce (whether or not such transportation is subject to jurisdiction under subchapter I of chapter 135) to load or unload any part of such property onto or from such vehicle or to employ or pay one or more persons to load or unload any part of such property onto or from such vehicle; except that this subsection shall not be construed as making unlawful any activity which is not unlawful under the National Labor Relations Act or the Act of March 23, 1932 (47 Stat. 70; 29 U.S.C. 101 et seq.), commonly known as the Norris-LaGuardia Act. PS. Just curious do you own your own truck? Or are you just renting it til the end of your lease then signing a new lease agreement for the next rental period? Remember, If you do not have the freedom to take your truck to another company at anytime the lease is ended then you do not own your truck the company does! pps. Don't just sit there and whine and complain do something positive educate yourselves and fight for your rights!

Evelyn & William

REBUTTAL to Jerry's Greddy Little Kingdom, Henderson,NV.

#32UPDATE Employee

Thu, June 26, 2003

Jerry, First of all you are a great big joke. You are a 100% wrong and you certainly do not know what you are talking about. I am sorry if you have had a bad experience at Siwft. But please be honest and tell us what all you did wrong and how you may not have wanted to go by the rules at Swift, or anywhere else for that matter. How hard did you really work? Did you give 110% to your job? Sounds to me like you are a big whiner and cry baby and don't know what you are talking about. My husband & I have been with Swift for many,many years. First as Company drivers and have now been Owner/Operators for about 9 years or so. All total my husband has been there 20 years in Feb.,2004. I have been there 17 yrs. Oct.,2003. We know Mr. Jerry Moyes, personally and he is not what you say about him at all and neither is Swift. Swift has been a very good Company to work for. Especially if you know how to do your job and do your job well. Of course everything has never been absolutely perfect and a bed of Roses all the time. There is no place on this planet where you can work that is like that. But Swift has been very good to us. We have always got good miles & good benefits. We have been in almost every division Swift has, because we chose to try different things and be very adverse on what all we could do on our Job. Jerry and many others at Swift are willing to help you anyway they can. But instead of sitting back complaining and crying about your problems and runing everyone down, Did you ever try approaching anyone to resolve any problems you might have had. Well evidently not, or you would have got them worked out. Its called initative to work out situations. Even if it meant talking to Mr. Jerry Moyes himself. He is a very good, kind and fair minded man. Who is willing to meet you more then half way. Mr. Moyes himself acquired the Company from his Father. He started from the bottom and worked his way to the top with a lot of Blood, Sweat & Tears. He even drove trucks for his Dad for a long time as well as about every other Job Swift has. Just working hard and learning all he could about the Business. We have always made a good living at Swift. We have never had to layover very much and we have always had good, safe Equipment and well maintained Equipment to drive. We Own our own truck now and this is our 5th truck as Owner/Operators for Swift. Over all these many years we have been expected to do our Job and be kind, friendly and cordiale, to our bosses and fellow Employees. We have done just that and if you are willing to meet someone half way or sometimes just give or do a little more. Instead of whining and crying about having to really work. Then you might not of had so many problems. We look at it this way, if you don't like who you work for and its not working for you. Leave find you a Job somewhere else. No one is a holding a Gun to your head to make you stay. It's your choice, but to get on here and blatenly lie like so many of you are doing, is very wrong. Everyone crys and whines about the speed at Swift. It's faster now then it used to be. We can remember driving for years at 57 mph. In trucks that were nice trucks, but had small motors in them. I can remember pulling a heavy load and having to go in the low side just to get up the hill at Indio, Ca. Swift has grown by leaps and bounds and has had lots of changes over the years. But they are a good Company to work for, if you are willing to WORK. Sounds to me like you are very Jealous of someone who knows how to make money and run a business. As for your comment about Mr. Moyes's Mother, she passed away about a year or so ago and she was a fine Lady. Half of the problem out here is no one likes how Swift has grown and made so much money. That's what there in business for is to make money. If you do your Job and care about what you do Swift is very good to you. Most all these truking Companies are the same the only thing different is the name up over the door. Trucking is like any other Business, there are Bids and Contracts and everyone is after the Business. Therefore they do what they have to do to get the Business and make the Money. Swift is a fine Company, sorry you are all so jealous. Now, I know if we can be successful there after all these years, anyone can. But most people don't want to work hard, they would rather sit back and whine and cry like you and so many others on here. My Husband has been driving a truck for 38 years and he has driven the fast, fast trucks and about every kind you can imagine. We are very proud of where we work and our children work there and have been there for many years. We get good miles most all of the time and we don't complain much, we just do our Job. Over the years of being at Swift we have had Emergencies at home while out on the road. There has never been a time when this Company didn't all work together to get us home. From severe Illnesses to Deaths in our family. Everytime they cared about us and did their very best to help us anyway they could. So to all of you cry babies out there complaining about Swift. If you don't like them don't work for them. Swift don't need you anyway. This new breed of Turck Driver is for the most part really sad. Respect for one another on the road for the most part is gone. Shame on all of you, it doesn't matter one hill of beans who you work for. Were all just out here to do our Job and make a living. We could care less who you drive for, we are courteous, respectful, friendly & helpul to the Trucks and 4-Wheelers we share the road with. Thanks, Sincerely,


Have I been screwed over by them? yeah in many ways but it all has balanced out.

#33UPDATE Employee

Tue, March 04, 2003

I have been driving for Swift for over a year and over all it has been good to me. Yes they have alot of bad apples in the company, from terminal managers to dispatchers. All you drivers that stay with them must be comfortable with the way the company is ran or you would have left already. You were looking for a job when you came to Swift and can find you another one when you leave(excluding the msc drivers). All major companies have screwed up systems there is not one company out here in the trucking industry or any other industry that is free of screw ups. The way i see it is either keep on trucking and quit whining or get the heck off their payroll.. Have I been screwed over by them? yeah in many ways but it all has balanced out. I get enough miles to make a decent paycheck and I dont get treated like a truck number. Do I agree with their training HECK NO!! But that is the way they do things. One last thing, this is to all the TRAINERS please do not treat your trainees like slaves they are not put on your truck to make you rich they are put in your truck so you can pass what little knowledge you have acquired in the time you have been driving. Keep it safe out there.


Do I agree with their training HELL NO!! But

#34UPDATE Employee

Tue, March 04, 2003

I have been driving for Swift for over a year and over all it has been good to me. Yes they have alot of bad apples in the company, from terminal managers to dispatchers. All you drivers that stay with them must be comfortable with the way the company is ran or you would have left already. You were looking for a job when you came to Swift and can find you another one when you leave(excluding the msc drivers). All major companies have screwed up systems there is not one company out here in the trucking industry or any other industry that is free of screw ups. The way i see it is either keep on trucking and quit bitching or get the hell off their payroll.. Have I been screwed over by them? yeah in many ways but it all has balanced out. I get enough miles to make a decent paycheck and I dont get treated like a truck number. Do I agree with their training HELL NO!! But that is the way they do things. One last thing, this is to all the TRAINERS please do not treat your trainees like slaves they are not put on your truck to make you rich they are put in your truck so you can pass what little knowledge you ahve aquired in the time you have been driving. Keep it safe out there.


Bullhead City,
Swift is the BEST!!!!!!

#35Consumer Comment

Sun, February 16, 2003

I can't complain about SWIFT. I have worked for them almost 4yrs and 2 of which I have been on workmans comp. They have paid my weekly comp checks on time and all my medical expenses promply. When I was driving I made excellent money. Of course the only difference between me and most of the people posting here is that I did my job and did not cry like a little baby everytime things didn't go my way. You people crack me up. This isn't a 9-5 job. I'm not saying Swift doesn't jack drivers over but then what trucking company doesn't. I can see MS Carriers had thier share of puss whips also. We kept the good drivers and weeded out the malcontents. Jerry must know whats hes doing or Swift wouldnt be the largest trucking company on this planet.


New Jersey,
future employee (maybe)

#36Consumer Comment

Sat, November 23, 2002

i'm sorry to hear all these negative things about swift.


Jerry's Greedy Little Kingdom

#37UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, May 15, 2002

Jerry Moyes could not care less about any or all of us peons. He does not care if we have enough money to have a decent lifestyle, a dependable car or an education for our children, or, quite frankly, anything else that might qualify us for middle class status. You can threaten, and even pursue all of the legal actions you can dream of, but King Jerry will not loose so much as a minute of sleep because He is very safe and secure in His Greedy Little Kingdom. You must understand that King Jerry and His Henchmen have not been in the trucking business for years. They could not care less about the trucking business because they are in the merger, takeover and aquisition business. King Jerry would screw his own mother if he thought there was a buck in it for him and hHe would hire you to do it for a penny and keep the 99 cents for himself. He is driven by GREED, which means He will never be important enough or have enough money to not keep screwing all of us out of every penny possible. The Bottom Line here is: Until ALL of us big company OTR drivers stand up and let all of the Greedy Little b*****d Kings know that we will not tolerate this kind of treatment and we expect comensurate remuneration for the work we do that has put them on the throne they are on, they will continue to screw us out of every hard earned penny we let them. ALL of us big company OTR drivers need to form a labor union, join it and support it. Then, and only then, will WE have enough power to share in Jerry's Greedy Little Kingdom.


Beverly Hills,
Swifts upcomming massive lawsuit

#38UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 03, 2002

I work for swift and have seen the various civil and federal violations this co. has and continues to committ. Any one hurt in any way by Swift please file your Rip-off Report so we can all ban together. Once a lawyer takes on the case, Rip-off Report will help bring everyone together. The good reports about this Co.are most likely made by office personel repersenting themselves as Drives. Please help me band together employees and former employees who have suffered their abuse. Thanks


Written Notices not rumors

#39Consumer Comment

Mon, February 18, 2002

Joseph: 4 1/2 years of service did not give you much to loose. Aparently you missed the notice that came out around Thanksgiving on the new rules that gave all the new regulations for ex-MSC employees. You should ask for a copy of it and read it. You are right when you said "If I leave Swift it will be for family reasons." When your family has to go to a docter they do not like and you have to pay cash up front for the visit and the prescriptions. Then wait 60 to 90 days for 80% reinbursment. When the hospital ask for $2100. for a test your child needs and you do not have the cash. When you take your vacation and find out there is a ceiling on the pay. It will be about 1/2 what you are used to taking home. When 10 years down the road you look at their 401K and figure out there isn't much there. I won't even go into the other reasons. You will find out about them. I wish a long and healthy life for you and your family. You really sound more like a Swift driver that does not know what good benifits are, how important they are and who dosen't like the company he works for bashed. John: You are right everything is crappier but the employee stock plan. 15% is a good return if they do not buy your stock on the high price after you have paid taxes on the money. Their stock changes daily and in a weeks time it will go from $20 to $24.something. Then get ready for capitol gains when you sell it.


That is wrong.

#40UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, February 16, 2002

Humana is a third party insurance carrier. The insurance is funded by Swift and any/all decisions to employee contributions and/or coverage types are made directly by Swift management. Humana basically shuffles the paperwork and handles the administrative end. The rumours were flying during the "merger" Swift went bankrupt at least 10 times. Jerry Moyes was so mad at Starnes over the Easo deal he was going to GIVE the company back. Drivers and internal employees quit left and right. In the end except for a crappier 401k and a much crappier insurance plan nothing has really changed except we can wear more casual clothes and most employees spend all day shuffling papers instead of being able to make progress at their job. Knee jerk reactions are a way of doing business, Swift does not have a busienss plan or a business model, it is each cowboy (terminal manager) for himself, as long as it is blessed by Jerry. How they became ISO certified definately lessens my faith in ISO meaning anything in the business world. The employee stock plan is an excellent plan and anytime you can make 15% on your money just by letting the company use it for 6 months it is an excellent return on your investment.


You've got it wrong

#41UPDATE Employee

Mon, February 11, 2002

I worked for MS Carriers for 4 1/2 years and chose to ride out the buyot. We kept our seniority, our trucks, our vacation time, our payrates, yes the trainers have had to have our trucks turned down to 60 mph (the safety issue of slow trucks is a seperate debate) and regular drivers will eventually have to as well, but the truck belongs to them and they have the right to set the speed. We did switch to humana for our health insurance and it has its problems but its a major insurance provider to more than just swift, we did not have a 90 day waiting period and all current medical conditions are covered. Personally I'm paying less for health insurance premiums than I was with with MSC. We did not have to re-apply to be swift employees only the trainers had to re-apply to be trainers and almost all were approved (those turned down were lousy trainers and should not be training). True humana isnt a ppo and the co-pays are gone which I don't like but thats humana not swifts policy. If he's a diabetic how can he drive otr? Unless he's not insulin dependant he can't and if he's not then thats not an issue. We (all msc drivers hired prior to the buyout regardless of length of employment) were fully vested and received 850 shares of swift stock in exchange for our MSC stock. Yes the 401k cannot be rolled into swifts 401k but the company did not keep the company donation. It is tied up due to sec and legal issues but all funds will be released. If your husband had not listened to all the drivers rumors and stuck it out he would have discovered we MSC drivers did get a pretty fair deal. I do think Swift should have done a better job with rumor control and they would have kept more drivers and the ownwer-ops certainly had every right to quit for better pay elsewhere but the company drivers who chose to stay are doing well. MSC was one of the top companys out there and I for one wish Starnes would have stayed in business but he had his reasons for selling the company and every right to do so as the ceo and majority shareholder. It was probly a good thing yor husband quit as we have enough cry babies who cant accept "the white stallion is i the glue factory" MSC is no more. Those who chose to stay and have a positive attitude and work within the system are makig good money. I may or may not stay, if i quit it wil be for family reasons not the buyout.

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