  • Report:  #1466211

Complaint Review: Susan Keight Patrick Enright Gustav Thaya Knight former Rothenberg Ventures at it again INVESTMENT FRAUD BEWARE - San Francisco California

Reported By:
Jonah Sachs - San Francisco, california, United States

Susan Keight Patrick Enright Gustav Thaya Knight former Rothenberg Ventures at it again INVESTMENT FRAUD BEWARE
1111 Broadway, 3rd Floor San Francisco, California, United States
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I was contacted recently by a friend of a friend, Johah Sachs from Free Range reaching out about a new fund currently in stealth mode making the rounds in the Bay Area recently.  Several "partners" of this fund are none other than former Rothenberg Ventures alumn Susan Keight, Patrick Enright, Gustav Thaya Knight.  Seems like this is Rothenberg 2.0 and almost certain Gustav Thaya Knight is the new firm's proposed fund manager.  If you don't remember the debacle with Rothenberg Ventures, just Google their name and try to remember how Mike Rothenberg settled an SEC investigation and then went on to sue Silicon Valley Bank trying to deflect everything.  RV's website is still up othenbergventures.com/ which I was surprised to see.

If you know Johan Sachs or of him you may recall the infamous Burning Man episode last year...all I heard was the LSD, Molly and Amphetamine coctail he had didn't agree with him too terribly much.  Johan is really into the future and social causes and has been advocating investors jump all-in to social cause investments- which he did along with  Rothenberg Ventures into Tesla and SpaceX.  I guess he had a spiritual awakening at BM this year because he's all into this new tech that is supposed to turn coal ash into gold and clean drinking water I heard him discuss at the temple a few times and agian when he had a bad trip screaming on multiple art cars how he was going to get eaten by a t rex, llcand and how his buddy had a space ship waiting at Jim Friedland ranch in Gerlach NV a few miles from Blackrock City- home to BM.    

So I ask for a prospectus and the letterhead just says Stealth Mode Fund.  That's not a red flag or anything.  The team page had blank avatars but under stated something like, our team has lead venture capital from behind the scenes since the internet was born.  I told Jonah that seemed crazy to me, they are asking me for several $100k's and I need to know.  He said they weren't asking for a check today, soon and that Kingt would be heading it.

I agreed to go to dinner and Johas was at the Warf with Gusta, Chiarello (former Yelp exec) , Susan Keight, Patrick Enright, and some girl I haven't met before Nichole Hayashi or something like that.  We discussed the firm's investment strategy and I heard about the gold tech thing again.  Having a background in chemistry I asked a few questions and pretty much came to conclusion that my night was wasted.  They spoke of a few other companies I had no interest in and I was just being polite at that point.  As they were talking it slipped that one of them, can't remember which one, had been on the Rothenberg Ventures team.  BINGO!  That's when I realized I was a mark and these guys are trying to take my money!

I called a few angel investors I know who stated something abouut Jonah propositioning the same thing and how doing something now means making a better world- either that or let big companies keep making money even they know what they're doing is wrong.  Jonah had some major lawsuit years ago and I think he lost but he's always going on about change- admirable but just don't waste my time with all that.

Anyway, investor beware!  

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