  • Report:  #1362020

Complaint Review: SPECTRUM CABLE - Nationwide

Reported By:
Cheri - W. Hlwd., California, U.S.A.

Nationwide, USA
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As the commercial goes, it's a brand new day. Well, it's a brand new company and it gets worse & worse each time!

I have been w/ this cable co. service provider for over 25 yrs. throughout all the buyouts from Adelphia (no problems then) to Time Warner Cable (nothing but problems!) turned Spectrum (the worst one ever!)

CUSTOMERS, BEWARE OF YOUR MONTHLY BILL! I have always paid my bill on time, often months in advance. Mine would often increase for no reason, as I never changed my cable & internet service at all.

The BIG trouble started last Dec. when my monthly bill increased yet another approx. $20 mo. for no apparent reason so I called to inquire. The TWC rep said he would adjust it back to the normal monthly rate. However, this set the BALL OF DESTRUCTION rolling in motion! I'd like to think it was due to sheer stupidity rather than vicious retaliation, but TWC disconnected ALL 8 OF MY TV'S during the Christmas holiday season! (I am a senior citizen.) This led to NUMEROUS apptmts. for their TWC turned Spectrum field reps to come out to "fix the problem."

Their definition of fixing the problem was to REFUSE TO RESTORE MY SERVICE UNLESS I AGREED TO PAY EVEN MORE MONEY (approx. $40 mo.) This meant turning in all my TWC boxes for Spectrum boxes. Of course, each apptmt. they would not have enough boxes or enough remotes, or the right type, or would re-schedule the dates/times due to delays on other apptmts. TOTAL MORONS! The right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing down there and there is an obvious lack of training taking place for employees!

I finally had to resort to filing complaints with the BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU and PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION as I discovered this is the only way you can GET THEIR ATTENTION and GET THEM TO RESPOND TO YOU!

After MONTHS (this has gone on for 4 months now and counting) I finally got someone to adjust my rate close to the original rate I was paying w/ TWC in Nov. I was also promised 2 mo. free service as per my BBB complaint resolution demand but later they DENIED agreeing to that (as I said, the right hand....) Their employees come & go like a revolving door and they love to pass the buck from one dept. to the next. TOTAL INSANITY.

In a separate incident at another location, my disabled daughter happened to be leaving the property when a Spectrum field rep insisted she "let him in the property" claiming he needed access. Since we had no apptmt. scheduled, she refused to allow him access to the locked, gated property. HE THREATENED TO CALL THE POLICE ON HER!

I filed another BBB complaint asking for 1 mo. free service there (alot less than they'd pay as restitution in a lawsuit.) Once again, they refused, claiming it is "under investigation." Yeah, right.

Spectrum sends massive telemarketing flyers out to catch new customers advertising service @ $29.99 mo. each service or $89.97 mo. when bundled (TV/internet/voice) and free DVR, but they PUNISH their "longtime loyal customers" with price gauges @ nearly double the price!

WHY DO THEY DO THIS? BECAUSE THEY CAN! They have a monopoly on cable since they are the ONLY CABLE PROVIDER in the area. This is why they have lost nearly all of their customers who have gone to satellite providers.

I AM AMAZED A CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT HAS NOT BEEN FILED AGAINST THEM for disconnecting customers service in order to force them to switch to Spectrum at an increased rate, as this surely must be against the law!!!

3 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Agreed they are a rip off

#2General Comment

Tue, January 05, 2021

I had time warner in  the past they took them over  they are the only internet company in my small town My bill went up  fron 29.99 to 74.99 in a mater of 2 years after they took over time warner  I have no choice but to pay there price if I want internet  fios right now has internet for 39.99 but they are not in my town  i dont need all this speed to check emails and look on FB and wach a movie once and a blue moon

  I also tried for there discount cuz I am disabled  they rufused it because I was on disabilty and not SSI  Its still a fixed income >????  I wish they would bring other internet company in to  berkshire county  they are a total rip off no choise  in speed and price  or other internet companys 



#3General Comment

Thu, May 04, 2017

I'm really not too sure where you'd see any automatic correlation between the OP being "disabled" and a "senior citizen", and just assume that she has financial difficulties. Honestly, had it been myself, I'd have taken your stereotyping to be a bit offensive personally. You mentioned about her being "hard up" for money and suggested that maybe she shouldn't have so many TVs... Yet I never once recall seeing her say anything about financial difficulties - just another assumption of yours apparently. I believe the reason for mentioning the increases in monthly fees for services was purely because that was the basis of her complaint for her 'Ripoff Report'. And as far as her wanting a month or two of free service as a result from her BBB complaints: I believe that was merely as a reasonable, remedial measure she felt necessary to compensate her for her time and trouble in dealing with them and putting up with all the bs trying to get her problems resolved. Doing so generally also serves the purpose of acting as a deterrent for them to continue such behavior in the future (or so says the courts about awarding people outrageous claims against companies sometimes). Although as the past has shown us this rarely works :( I don't believe any of her actions were due to financial difficulties. They are actions I can see any reasonable person - no matter their financial situation - taking actually.



#4Consumer Comment

Thu, March 16, 2017

I had Directv/AT&T for almost 14 years and their bills just went up and up. Changed to Spectrum and have been nothing but happy with the service as well as many of my neighbors who dumped AT&T.  If you are "disabled"  and a senior citizen (which YOU stated) what are you doing with EIGHT tvs!

Good grief!! If you are so hard up for money then DUMP the tvs! Yet you can afford internet services as well?  Guess this shows where your priorities lie. 

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