  • Report:  #3498

Complaint Review: SAV-ON Carpet Cleaners - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
- phoenix, AZ,

SAV-ON Carpet Cleaners
4040 East McDowell Road #302 Phoenix, 85008 Arizona, U.S.A.
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Paid $188 to have our carpets cleaned in a house which is only 3 1/2 years old. Sav-on cleaned the carpet on Friday 9-15-00 and left. Once the carpet dried, a spot was found in the family room, Sav-on was contacted on Monday 9-18-00 and returned on Wednesday 9-20-00.

The techinician tried to remove the 2 inch square spot with chemicals and made the spot worse. The spot was now equal to a square foot spot.

Sav-On returned on 9-22-00 to try and remove the spot but was unsuccessful.

Called them on 10-02-00 and they said it was not their fault and they would not accept responsibility. We are now faced with replacing the carpet....very poor customer service, professionalism, and workmanship.

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