  • Report:  #1471387

Complaint Review: rebatesesg -

Reported By:
Dave - GRAHAM, North Carolina, United States

United States
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Facebook had add for an ATN direct from hong kong.  price was listed as 34.98 under the vendor rebatesesg.  Tracking number was provided and came through approx 1 month after order.  the item that arrived is a plastic toy that is in no way as advertised. no night vision, not digital, not usable and not ATN branded.

The price was to low but i figured to take a chance as the item is extremely more expensive in the US.  Clearly this is an example of if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.....

I saw the same ad on facebook again with a different vendor listed, same price, same description.  beware if you see these ATN optics being offered through adson facebook.

Attempted to file a claim and the email will not process.

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