  • Report:  #1233337

Complaint Review: Ravonte Construction - Omaha Nebraska

Reported By:
Bryan B Berger and Lisa Jipp-Berger - McCook, Nebraska, USA

Ravonte Construction
Omaha, Nebraska, USA
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Ravonte Construction

Gavin McWilliams

Ravonte Construction filed an $83,000.00 Fraudulent construction lein and lawsuit against my wife, my mother, and myself.  There was never a contract signed of any sort to do work on our home.  Furthermore there was never any work done at all.  No permits pulled etc.  Gavin McWilliams is a liar and a thief.  The BBB. Better Business Bureau shows no rating because this company is a scam.  I will be contacting the BBB and the Attorney General!  BEWARE!!!



Omaha, NE



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