  • Report:  #1215386

Complaint Review: Public Storage ( Stephanie manager ) - Belmont California

Reported By:
Mr. Spinner - Belmont, California, USA

Public Storage ( Stephanie manager )
333 O Neil Ave Belmont, 94002 California, USA
(650) 264-9845
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?


  Public Storage in Belmont STEPHANIE  is the "manager".
---> Horrible customer service! <---
I've rented one or more units at this facility almost continuously for about the last 14 years. I never had a problem. Then comes Stephanie. And here's what happened in a nut shell:
I had a friend rent me a unit in her name so I could get a break on the first months rent.
Anyway, I told my friend I would only be there for 1 month. But I went past that mark by about two weeks because I had to wait until I got my check.
During this time I met Stephanie and discussed the fact that the property in that unit was mine and when I was going to pay the bill.    
Well, my friend ( who could qualify for the village idiot) started tripping thinking she was going to get stuck with the bill ( which I told her I would take care of) and called Stephanie and told her she didn't want that storage in her name anymore. 
Well, Stephanie told her to come over right now, and had her sign a paper that she didn't read and wasn't explained as to what she was signing. (Which I requested a copy of, but it got mailed to the corporate office). And 
Stephanie auctioned off my property the next day. All this behind my back.
The thing is, Stephanie was well aware that the property did not belong to the person who she had sign that paper. And she knew I paid for that unit and when I was going to pay the two weeks rent I owed and move out. 
They are supposed to pay you anything above what you owed on the unit from the auction, but Stephanie said when it went to auction, it was no longer my property.
So not knowing any of this, I rent a truck for $100, and go to the property to pay the rent I owed and move my stuff out, only to find all my stuff was gone. 
I asked her if my property was still on the property and she said "go ask your friend". She wouldn't answer any of my questions. Needless to say I was pretty hot!
So my property is gone, I can't get a copy of what she signed, or what it sold for at the auction, and even though she knew I was the owner of that property, I wasn't a tenant, and that's who apparently owns the property as far as they are concerned. 
Personally, I would like to see her employment terminated, and be compensated for my losses. But legally I don't know if I have a leg to stand on.                        
I know the people who work at the corporate office don't care about their customers, their property, or even the employees running the facilities. 
They also have no problem with cheating their customers out of their money. That is ALL they care about! $. That I've experienced first hand. So going over her head seems like a waste of time. 
Pretty lousy way to treat a customer, especially one who has been one for so long. 

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Here is your mistake....

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, March 13, 2015

Your mistake in all of this was trying to rent a storage unit in your friend's name. 

You see since your friend rented it in her name, she is 100% LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE for the rent.  She had EVERY right once YOU failed to make the payment or remove your stuff to do what she did.  If you don't like it take it up with your friend not the company that rented her(yes her) the unit.

As for the rest of your report, you are right.  As far as the company is concerned the property belongs to the person who rented the unit.   Even if they sold the unit for more and the owner of the property is owed the difference...YOU would still not get a single dime because it was your friends unit.


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