  • Report:  #2749

Complaint Review: Phillip Smith - Savannah Georgia

Reported By:
- savannah, ga,

Phillip Smith
101 Windfield Dr Savannah, 31406 Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Hired Blue Dolphin Pools of Savannah, GA. Owned by Phil Smith. Came and installed a pool for me which is unsafe and not up to code as they did not conform to the sidewall support plan filed with the county inspections department's building permit. Filter size too small for pool size. Pool not level, bottom irregular, decking already cracking from insufficient underground support (I dug them up to see for myself). This pool is only two yrs old and will not last long.

I sued them for damages and they admitted wrongdoing and we settled on an amount. They closed up shop that week (Blue Dolphin) and now are doing business under Blue Marlin Pools. I cchecked the business license office and they have no new license to do business under that name. This means they are not paying taxes, not paying judgements against them and can carry on ripping off innocent victems.

These guys are crooks, plain and simple. Their business phone number leads to a girl who represents multiple businesses under the owners (Phil Smith)control.

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