  • Report:  #24817

Complaint Review: Peoples Credit First - Internet

Reported By:
- Kerrville, TX,

Peoples Credit First
www.peoplescreditfirst.com Internet, U.S.A.
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I wpold like to take this time to inform this reporting agency that i fell for this scam twice. First I sent a check for $49.00 for a credit card limit of 6,000 that never showed yet they cashed the check a few days after mailing it.

Also I did a check over the phone for $199.00 for cards and free health insurance that never came just some stupid ordering book that I do not wish to have. I would like to file this dispute to get my money back into my account. These stupid liars should get sued and i want my money back I will do whatever it takes to get it back IN MY POCKET OR ELSE!!


Kerrville, Texas

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