  • Report:  #4577

Complaint Review: Mesa Police Department - Mesa Arizona

Reported By:
- Tempe, Arizona,

Mesa Police Department
Mesa, Arizona, U.S.A.
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From: [email protected]

Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 14:49:47 EST

Subject: Mesa PD Corruption

To: [email protected]

... www.RipoffReport.com

Just a quick note on the Mesa PD Corruption story and associated lawsuit filed by Officers. I was a Mesa Officer for 3 years beggining in July 94 to July 97. I am a White Male and when I was hired I was required to note my religious affiliations on my application. I am a Christian (fundamental Baptist). I left the department in 97 because of the blatant system that the LDS members of the department had in place. It was very obvious to all.

I worked with most of the Officers named in the Lawsuit and was working with Sgt Adams when he was being persecuted by then Capt John Brewer. I too was attacked by John Brewer and eventually driven out of the department by him over an incident where I hit a curb and gave my patrol car two flat tires. Lt Steve Toland and Brewer contrived an elaborate story of "an accident cover

up" by me and placed me on desk duty for two months until they're story fell apart by an honorable investigation by my Sgt and a brave confrontation of Brewer by Lt Johnston. It must be noted that Johnston pointed out to Brewer, reference my flat tire incident, that Asst. Chief Mike Whelen had done the

very exact thing to his tire and it was merely changed. There was no "accident investigation" and there was no discipline.

Brewer did something to Johnston because he would not even speak to me of the incident after he came out of Brewers office. Also speaking of Brewer. It was widely reported by the veterans in the dept. that Brewer had been convicted of a DV assault in the

past and that because of the new federal laws, he could no longer possess a firearm. Well......he is still a cop and he still has a gun. I was told that the whole thing was quickly covered up by key officials. I'm not sure what this means or if it really happened but I would not be surprised at all.

One officer that is represented in the Lawsuit is Padilla. I know him to be one of the best Officers that dept has and would consider James Sweisthal to be one of, if not the most competant Sgts there. His problem is that he is a fair, and honest man that seeks the same for his people. Guy Adams. One of the most liked Sgts in Mesa and the obvious target of a head hunt by Capt

Brewer who learned of the "sextape" incident in Church by a new Lt who saw the tape. Nobody in Adam's squad complained of this by the way. It was only the fellow LDS subject.

There are truly many policies in place that prevent officers from filing valid complaints and there is certainly a "good-ole boy" system in place by the LDS clique. The department is known for mercilessly attacking certain people and on the other hand brushing the actions of others under the rug. It was obvious though that if you were not LDS......you didn't have a prayer.

Not to their god at least.

Formerly Mesa PD

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10 Updates & Rebuttals


40 pages? That tell you anything???

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sun, August 14, 2005

There are about 40 pages in here on Mesa, Arizona, and its city administration and the primary scam-masters of the city, the City Manager and the "police department". Does that TELL YOU ANYTHING?????


Diamond Bar,
I know very little about Mesa. But I know something about their police officers.

#3Consumer Suggestion

Sun, August 24, 2003

I used to be a metropolitan police chief. I have never been to Mesa, and rarely in Arizona. However, I can tell you it was my horrifying experience to deal with two former Mesa officers hire in error by my predecessor. Corrupt to the bone, into some sort of religious b.s., conspiratorial and inbred to the maximum possible degree. One of them I tried, myself, very hard to have prosecuted, the other I fired. Both fled to Utah, then slinked back to Arizona. Both were cowards. And I think both are or were back on the staff of the Mesa, Arizona Police Department. If they return to my venue, my successor has standing orders to arrest them. They were scum. And they had "glowing" records with that department.


Isn't is interesting how little things like this do not get reported?

#4Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 06, 2003

Don't you wonder why the local "news media" is unwilling to say anything about incidents like this, and even worse? Gutless, gutless, gutless! Parasites like Mesa P.D. do not become the monstrosities they are without silence or distortion of their real acts in the media, and cannot be sustained without citizen apathy. Surely, Mesa P.D. lies and runs for a living, evincing neither courage nor any of the virtues we associate with ordinary humanity, let alone "heroes"... But the fact that the so-called "reporters" and especially television are unwilling to cover the hard, ugly realities of their criminality reflects some of the other real causes.


Mesa Police Department Unethical Hiring Process

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, October 30, 2002

And to add to the list, this is a letter that I just sent off to the Mesa P.D. concerning the hiring process.

"The Process"

I just wanted to pass along some information about what I would classify as the worst, most bias process I have ever undergone in my life -- the process of becoming a police officer for the Mesa P.D.

I hope that you will pass along this message to prevent others, such as myself, a long, painful, and ultimately empty dream.

It started one year ago, when I finally decided that I would follow in my father's footsteps. My father worked for the Illinois State Police. I felt that becoming a police officer anywhere would yield the same qualities my father held.

I went through the written test and passed, next on to the physical, and passed, on to the interview process and did very well. Then it was on to the polygraph and passed. The total process took about 2.5 to 3 months including background checks and employment verification. All were positive. I was told that the next step was boot camp. I was also informed that if you have heard nothing or received nothing in the mail that "No news is good news".

During my process of waiting, much had transpired. My son was born. I started a new job working as a Systems Network Analyst (I have been in the technology field for over 10+ years, including the Air Force, and decided that it would be beneficial to keep up to date on my computer skills so that I may pursue working in the "computer crimes" department within the Mesa P.D. ).

After 6 months had passed (9 months total from the first step), my boss called me into his office. He asked me what the Mesa P.D. questionnaire was all about that he received in the mail. I had told him that while unemployed, I applied over at the Mesa P.D. for employment. He showed concern at first and asked if I was planning on leaving and going into the police department. I re-assured him that this was not a concern (what else could I really say unless I wanted to jeopardize my job in this economy).

After that, I called the Mesa P.D. back up and told them that I was still interested. A detective got on the phone and I explained to him that this was a new job and that my boss would not send back the form. If he knew I was looking, he would look for another individual to fill my spot. With a newborn son, I was not going to risk this. The detective told me that "This is between you and your boss, don't include us in this." I agreed, however I asked him to clarify why they contacted my current place of employment. His reply was, "This is the last step in the process and it has to be done, so you need to be upfront with your boss." I requested my H.R. department to fill out my questionnaire and fax it back to the P.D. in confidence. They had no problems with this.

Two to three months went by and no reply. Finally, I called the department on 10/28/02 to check on the status. They replied, "if you have not received anything in the mail then that is considered good news." They concluded with telling me that I should not be calling to find out my status. I agreed, however, I was concerned that it had been over one year since the first step in the process, and over 4 months since they sent out the employment verification to my current employer --"the final step before boot camp". They responded specifically, "Applications are only kept for a period of one year."

On 10/29/02, I received a letter postmarked ( 10/28/02 ), stating that I have not been selected and to try again.

In closing, I am glad that I did not inform my boss that I was actively looking per the detective's advice, or I might be looking once again. What did I learn from this whole experience? I learned that the hiring tactics and the attitude of the Mesa Police Department, do not represent the qualities of excellence and honor that I believed were to be found within the Mesa P.D. It was just a dream that would never become a reality. A cold and painful lesson.

Some free advice I would give to the Mesa P.D.:

*Be Up-Front with the applicant about the length of the hiring process.

*Communicate to the applicant that if he/she calls for a status, their application will be looked upon negatively.

*Tell the applicant that the Mesa Police Department Hiring Unit will be contacting their current employer, regardless of the box being checked NO to the question on the application, May we contact your current employer. This will help the applicant understand that they must tell their current employer that they are seeking employment elsewhere, and prepare themselves for the risk of loosing their current job without an actual offer being extended to them from the Mesa Police Department.

*Be Honest with the applicant that even after passing all steps in the hiring process, he/she is not guaranteed to be chosen.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me regarding this issue at this report.

Thank You,



This is obviously how this whole town is run. Who elected these scum, anyway????

#6Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 16, 2002

This is the way Mesa is run, by unelected sleazebags and maggots.

It is so obvious on the street, it physically hurts sometimes. Cops? I have other names for them.

Get your butts out and vote. Ask mayoral candidates directly, and in so many words: WILL YOU REFORM THIS POLICE DEPARTMENT AND GET RID OF THIS CITY MANAGER?

If the answer is no, vote ONLY for people who say yes. And if they are in office after promising to wash the scum down the sink, and haven't done it, initiate a recall movement.

Real cities don't tolerate this sort of downright crooked conduct, let alone let it go on right out in the open.


This is disgusting.

#7Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 01, 2002

The City of Mesa has no shame.

City government here is so dishonest!

Except for the fire department and the libraries, I almost never run into anyone even competent.
And all the under the table deals...

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and I can tell you, I and
many others are at least as disgusted as everyone

This little closed clique of criminals needs to be excommunicated, exposed, and retired.

And the Police Department is the ideal place to

This happens all the time. Even "Mormons" (we don't use that word much any more) who are
independent-minded and honest get flak from
their superiors... And I have seen them get
chewed out for not being "aggressive" enough.


Never been so glad to leave.... Mesa government is a lunatic asylum

#8Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 16, 2002

Mesa is a good place to leave. The police
and the other criminals are only part of the
problem, but they are the biggest part. Where
I live, I run into drug dealers, meth labs, and
crack houses whenever I walk my dog. No cops
ever show any interest!!! Why, they could
get HURT!!!

And this is a pretty expensive neighborhood.

I am leaving, mainly due to lack of any kind
of law enforcement, and the obvious corruption
which underpins the rackets here. I am from
New Jersey, and have lived in Chicago. I have
NEVER seen this kind of rot before.

There is no question from whence it flows:
gutless, incompetent criminal cops who are
your minions are the instrument of that
stupidity and graft.

Simple answer: Stick it where the sun does
not shine, Mormon Fathers, you are SCUM of the
lowest order, and have ruined what used to be
a pretty decent community. You maybe should've
tried to not bleed out every dime, cut every
corner, bend and break every rule to feed
your wallets and scumbag egos.

A curse on you!

And goodbye!


formerly Mesa,
Mesa P.D. is a clown act, on its good days... on its other days, it isn't funny at all.

#9Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 30, 2002

This is a department which:

1. is cowardly
2. is dishonest
3. constantly practices nepotism\incest
4. is grossly incompetent
5. makes a living ripping off poor people
and looking the other way for the
selected "elite", which is far deeper
into crime than anyone the department
deals with
6. is the personal "lap puppy" and puppet
of Luster, the old city manager, and
Hutchinson, his flunky and hand-chosen
7. serves no constructive purpose whatever,
and is therefore simply a parasite to
the community at large.


Changing from the current toadie of the City Manager to another "yes man" this November will solve NOTHING. Thank God Mesa didn't get the NFL stadium, these rats could even ruin that experience, even as a hunk of tax base.

Why would anyone, with any ethics at all, associate with filth of this low order? Most professional criminals have more decency. We are "over-copped", and these putrid filth are overpaid.

Time to start cleaning up.


Why be a fool? Move on to something legitimate.

#10Consumer Suggestion

Sun, June 23, 2002

Your tale has been told by hundreds of others, and is just now beginning to draw the
attention of people able, willing, and powerful
enough to do something about it.

Mesa P.D. hates competent, quality officers.
You should be proud they rejected you. This is
not a stab in the back; it is an opportunity to move on to better things.

It should be clear to everyone by now that Mesa's high quality officers--especially if they are not Mormons--are actively discriminated against. How the department maintains any is a complete mystery to the town's unfortunate citizens.

Move on, and be happy this happened. If you are a man of honor, quality, courage, constancy, and honesty, they do not want you. And you should not want them.

John P.

Wrong spelling of name

#11Consumer Comment

Sat, April 06, 2002

In the report on the Mesa Police department, my brother's name is mentioned, but it is spelled wrong.

I know him to be one of the best Officers that dept has and would consider James Sweisthal to be one of, if not the most competant Sgts there.

It should be: SCHWEISTHAL

The "ch" is missing in the report.

And yes, our family is very proud of Jim!


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