  • Report:  #1067301

Complaint Review: Maytag Laundry & Drycleaning - Palatine Illinois

Reported By:
Angry Consumer - Palatine, Illinois,

Maytag Laundry & Drycleaning
1308 N Rand Rd Palatine, Illinois, USA
(847) 202-0940
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Time & Date of incident 4:15 PM 7/15/2013

After going to the ATM taking out $40 to wash my clothing, I went to Maytag Laundromat at 1308 N Rand Rd, Palatine, IL. right next door to El Norte mexican restaurant. I had my 9 year old twin boys with me. We had about 12 loads of laundry, including comforters and a ton of towels (just to give you a visual). Ive wash here weekly for the past month, and have never had any problems before now. I am new to the area and was VERY surprised at today's events, i'm still upset just typing these details hours later.

As soon as we finished bringing in all the laundry and soap, I immediately went to the change machine which is directly next to the management area where an older asian woman was sitting. As I put the first $20 bill into the machine, I had a sandwich sized ziplock bag in my hand to place the change in, and I was also unfolding the 2nd $20 bill when the asian woman stood up and asked me if I was about to get $40 in quarters? I never gave her eye contact because I was focused, I just said "mm-hmm". With a very thick accent she asked why I was getting $40 in quarters when I didn't have that much to wash.

From her view she could not see all I had brought into the laundromat, and she hadn't walked around to where my things were to even make a true assessment, however she continued ranting that I did not need that many quarters. I didn't understand why she was even talking to me, it's not like it's free, i'm 35 years old and have a full working knowledge of how to wash my clothes. I usually spend anywhere between $32-$36 per week HENCE the $40 withdrawal.

She then told me very firmly NOT to take $40 in quarters from the machine but to only take $20 and then IF I needed more when that was used up that I could get more. I asked her why she was micro-managing the laundromat? it's not free money, I put $20 in, I get $20 out. I didn't understand the problem as long as I use the coins there. I'd never encountered this problem before. At this point it was clear to me that I should go to another laundromat because I didn't feel like I needed to discuss my dirty laundry (no pun intended) with a lady I didn't know. I came in quietly, my children were sitting quietly having a snack unlike most kids their age that are running around, yet, there was a problem???

I decided to walk away, I wasn't in the mood for a confrontation ESPECIALLY in front of my children, I was refusing to step out of character. Without saying a word, I folded the 2nd $20 and placed it back in my pocket, I took the ziplock bag of quarters ($20) and placed it inside my purse. I took my keys out of my purse and walked to my car. Leaving my open purse on the counter where my things were. I pulled my car around, popped the trunk and came in to gather my things. She was still standing by the changing table where all of my things were. I simply moved around her and picked up one of my laundry bags, and she YELLS "oh, you leaving, give me back my quarters!!!" I told her no and continued grabbing my things this woman placed her hand INSIDE my purse to get the ziplock bag!!! I snatched my purse and told her she was crazy, and continued grabbing my things, as she kept screaming!

The woman pulled out a $20 bill and slammed it on the changing table and told me that I must give her those quarters back (i'm thinking my God she is acting like it was a loan). I still told her no, and went to my car. When I came back for a larger laundry bag, she stood in my way, I tried to go around her and she blocked me from going either direction, meanwhile my twins are looking at this whole thing play out with a horrified look on their faces, I was very upset but still kept my cool. UNTIL.....

When I tried to walk past her she did a basketball charge on me. She took both arms in an X and rammed against my laundry bag that I was holding and she got up in my face, waving her index finger telling me she wanted those quarters, now I began getting angry but part of the reason I tried not to go off on her besides my children's presence was the fact that she was twice my age, so im like I would hurt this woman. When I pushed passed her with my laundry bag she grabbed the strap to my purse forcing me to take a step back, which was when I dropped my bags and told my kids to go to the car. By this time the other woman that was in the laundromat watching this (Reality Show) play out stood up and started inching her way over. The asian owner started screaming even louder saying I was a bad person, I was evil and whatever else she was saying. But I'd had enough! I said "HEEEEEEYYYYYYY!!!!!" Very loudly matching her tone, and she mimicked me. I said "LISTEN, I came in here, nice and quietly, minding my own business trying to do my laundry in peace and go home, now you're yelling about quarters, I don't have time for this. You're screaming for nothing" So then she made this HI-YAH" type sound, as if like a Bruce Lee type sound (NO JOKE) I'm like OMG really over some quarters, and she got in my face again! I didn't flinch, and I didn't blink, I told her very stern-like thru my teeth "if you touch me again I will knock you out!"

It was at this time that the other lady who had been standing back watching told the asian owner that she is standing too close to me and that she should probably back up. Then the asian lady started calling me evil and whatever else she was saying, I don't know and didn't care. She then stood in the doorway as if she didn't want to let me back in, to get the rest of my things, and I snatch the door open, telling her that I will call the police if she didn't move. She started screaming again "YOU CALL POLICE?! YOU CALL POLICE?!" I said "I sure will". Again I moved passed her. Once I was finally out of that place, I looked the address up on my phone noticing there were other poor reviews, and I searched for the nearest police station which was Palatine Police Headquarters (keep in mind i'm new to the area).

I went there and filed a complaint. The officer also went up to the laundromat in hopes that the witness was still there. I am completely outraged and felt horrible that I had to explain to my children why this even happened in the first place. Another recent review said this same woman punched a customer in the chest!!! This is ridiculous, her behavior towards the customers needs to change, she cannot put her hands on people, and yell and scream obscenities. I hope she is as lucky the next time, because she just may run into a real crazy person that doesn't care about her age, and become seriously injured as a result.

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