  • Report:  #1233978

Complaint Review: Lisa Taylor - Internet

Reported By:
FightForWhatsRight - Los Angeles, California, USA

Lisa Taylor
Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

While working for Lisa Taylor and her company, Global Pageant Productions, I experienced unethical, immoral, and unprofessional business practices. I worked 48 hours from home, due to Lisa not having a professional place of business, and upon resigning, I have NOT been paid for my work. She claims to be the rightful CEO of Global Pageant Productions, Inc., but she is very very unorganized. The company deals with pageants, and there is nothing wrong with the pageants themselves, but the issue is with Lisa.

Myself and two other ladies who began working for Lisa as well have been working full time hours as Event Planners, however, the original job posting specified that we would be Assistants to the Event Planner and Production Producers for an internship that would be 6-8 hours per week. Also, Lisa has no other employees working for her, and wanted the three of us to run her entire company. She also sent one of the girls a Recurring Payment form asking for permission to remove funds from her personal account for whatever reason.

 On one occasion, she hosted a meeting very unprofessionally at Marie Callendar’s and told us we (the new hires) had to buy something during the course of the meeting. During the meeting, she spoke extensively about the famous people she knew and worked with and also about how much money we were guaranteed to make. All of which ended up to be lies. She also failed to send me various emails concerning work-related materials. She constantly changed our work hours and work days, and held all meetings over the phone on conference calls. Again, she has no place of business.
When questioned about all the mistakes she makes, she blames it on the fact that she had an injury and is on medication. She claims she was a rehabilitation worker at one point and her body doesn't do well on any medications. Apparently, over-the-counter Aleve is the root of her mistakes.
She asked one of the girls to book a place to conduct castings for girls to be in upcoming pageants, but told her not to use the name Global Pageant Productions. It sounds to me that the place to be booked had already had a negative experience with Lisa. She also input an employee's personal information in a company website and the employee was sent an invoice of an unpaid balance to her email account stating that Global Pageant Productions has used their services without paying. A fraudulent thing to do.
When I resigned, I of course asked to be paid for the 48 hours I worked over the course of two weeks, and did not receive a response. One of the other employees informed me that in a conversation she had with Lisa, Lisa claimed to have access to employment records and could prevent ME from getting another job if I reported her to the Labor Bureau. How vindictive and disgusting. 
Lisa often discriminates as well, and is a huge liar. One woman applied to be in one of the pageants only to be turned away because she was married and had a child. Lisa also makes the girls entering the pageants pay $250 for a crown and sash, when they shouldn't have to pay anything. It's clear Lisa has no initial budget for the company, because we as employees basically had to generate our own income through sponsorships, networking events, and charging the pageant girls, or we don't get paid at all.
These practices are terrible, and I would hate for anyone else to be subjected to these kind of things. We all have lives and bills to pay, and it is not right for Lisa to make promises she can't keep and scam people along the way.
Do NOT sign up with her or this company.

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Sherman Oaks,
It is Non Sense

#2General Comment

Sat, August 13, 2016

i read the Pageant part too where girl paid 250 for Sash and Crown. That's It What she charged. That is nothing. Girl Probably needed to do research before go to the Pageants as All Pageants are supposed to Charge Fee and then tell you to get sponsors as you represent yourself and here you are representing your country at International Level . Other Pageants after you win the pageant they give u crown, sash and This is what she is supposed to charge

Pageant Fee which ranges mostly from 450 and up and she charges less

Go Get Your own Sponsor which also ranges from 450 and up and she reduces it too and helps u in getting one

Hotel Fee For You To Stay otherwise Get it on Your OWn

Photography Fee for The Photographer To Take Pics

Comp Card Fees So that She can make comp cards for you and give it to u or u do it on your won

Business Card Fees So that She can make business cards for you and give it to u or u do it on your won

Travel Fees like Flights or you get your own flights

The Person who reported this should have done research on Pageants and if they follow what she tells them to do They would have gotten paid and me known her over a year have never ever seen her discriminate or be unethical and she always tries to help. About Having Personal Place Of Business If The Contestants Pay all of above she will have personal office and be able to hire more employees for the office too which in return will help Contestants Get in Front of World and Get work in Film, TV and Modeling etc

Response to Rebuttal

#3Author of original report

Thu, June 16, 2016

 Thank you for posting and clarifying pageant details; which I might add was NOT the point of my RipOff Report. All of Lisa Taylor's practices were absolutely ridiculous and to the point that she did not PAY us, for any of our work. Although I appreciate your extensive yet unnecessary knowledge on pageantry, anyone would consider not being paid, no place of business, asking us not to mention her business name, using our emails for fraud, not paying for services used, as a RIP OFF.


New York,
New York,
Pageant Related Issues

#4General Comment

Thu, June 16, 2016

Upon reading the report on this pageant group, I would like to interject some comments, I am going to address the pageantry side of the comments and not the personal issues that the author of the report made. As a person that has been associated with pageantry for over 40 years, it appears to me that the person that wrote this report is not aware as to how pageants work. There were points made about discrimination because the proposed contestant was disqualified because she had child (and I believe was married). Normal pageant rules in any system (i.e Miss America, Miss USA, etc) clearly states that contestants in the MISS catagories for a title must be single and have never given birth or have children. There are MS or MRS titles that allow for those who are married, divorced, or widowed or with children. Second of all, All pageants require a fee to be paid in order to participate. For example, the Miss United States pageant that is being held in Las Vegas next month charges $1200 for the right to the state title (if there is no state pageant) and the crown, $600 for AD page and $350 for wardrobe, total of $2,150. Plus a contestant has to cover her travel expenses to Las Vegas. There is ALWAYS a cost for crown and sash for appointed titles and they can range from $175 to $500. The fees paid by the contestant or her sponsors covers the cost of the pageant and other expenses. That is not a Rip Off and those that compete in pageantry know this. I don't know about the other issues concerning salaries,etc. I just wanted to clear up that part of the report because it's obvious that the person writing the report is not a "pageant person". My daughter has been competing in pageants for a few years, has wone several titles and traveled to international pageants. There is a cost to pageantry and those that can't afford it, should not try to compete in them.


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