  • Report:  #46056

Complaint Review: HOUSEHOLD AUTO FINANCE - SAN DIEGO California

Reported By:
- WINTHROP, Arkansas,

PO BOX 17904 SAN DIEGO, 92177-7904 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Since December of 2001 we have been making payments on a used vehicle finnanced through HAFC with 18% interest on what they called a credit rebuilder program. For the first 6-8 months we did fine on the account. When my spouses Job cut back on hours and I no longer was working a regular job we were unable to keep up with the $360 a month payments.

We made one payment by phone that was an automatic withdrawal from our joint account but they continued to hold those payments out each month unauthorized. I had to put a stop payment on the accout for that company.

HAFC increased the withdrawal fee by $2.00 trying to get it approved through our bank. When we contacted the company thay told us the fee had always been the same even though we had proof it wasn't.

We have been three months behind on our loan and we've been given several options to pay these amounts. These included extensions on the payments IF we caught up the ones we were behind on, lowering our monthly payments, and changing the due date. None of those offers were ever approved for us.

In Janurary we owed two payments. We were only able to make one payment at this time. We finanlly were approved for an extension with the two past due payments placed on the end of our loan IF we made our Feb. payment on time.

How do they expect someone with limited income to make such high payments? With our credit history we will not be able to finnace through another company without the same type of problems arising.


WINTHROP, Arkansas

1 Updates & Rebuttals


I forgot

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, February 19, 2003

Please find your State's Division of Finance and file a complaint with them as well. You should also file complaints with the FTC and your State's Attorney General. I am hoping that if enough people get bombarded with complaints of the same nature against Household's Auto Financing Division, these people will be stopped.

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