  • Report:  #1245898

Complaint Review: GC Services Limited Partnership - Houston Texas

Reported By:

GC Services Limited Partnership
6330 Gulfton Street Houston, 77081-1108 Texas, USA
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GC Services Limited Partnership Harassed Me At Least Three Times And Broke The National Do Not Call Registry Law!

I am on the National Do Not Call List Registry ever since September 1st, 2010 and back on Thursday, February 19, 2015, GC Services Limited Partnership Illegally Telemarketed ME for the times of:  4:34 P.M., 4:33 P.M. and 4:31 P.M. coming from the Phone number of:  

626-377-9200 and Never Bothered To Check The National Do Not Call Registry to see if I am on the list.

After I had received the calls, I filed a Small Claims Lawsuit against the company and was then contacted back on Monday, March 30, 2015 from Ms. Renee Choy O., Esq offering to settle the case for ONLY $500.00 (Without My Court Costs) Instead of the $1,500.00 which was what my CASE should have been worth according to the California Civil Code and the National Do Not Call List Registry.

During our discussion, I asked her if she could offer me What The Actual Judgment Was Worth at $500.00 per Unwanted Phone Call, once again, according to the California Civil Code and the National Do Not Call List Registry and during the whole time on the phone, she was being Totally and Extremely Inconsiderate and Unfair About It and She Knew That Deep Inside, but sadly is a Very Selfish and Non-Understanding Person who just can Not Accept Reality and The True Facts!

Furthermore, she is also Not A Very Good Judge Of Character At All Who Also Lacks Extreme Communications Skills which are Very Important For Being A Good, Fair And Honest Attorney.

Continuing On:  She did respond back to me, via email by asking ME to send in more documentation to support my case, claim and the law and stated that she would Reconsider It For More Money!

I kept in communication with her and responded back to her request right away and she did Not even bother to answer me back in a timely manner.

Sadly, I had to nag her and email her several times and even contact her secretary in order to get a proper response back from her.

When she finally responded back to me, she stated that she is Not authorized to settle on my terms and immediately referred my matter back to the court which is a Total LIE!

If she is NOT authorized to settle my case, then Why did she ask ME For More Documentation as stated in her first letter where it clearly states on the Very Last Line, "If you have evidence of a violation, please forward it so that my client can take that into consideration."

However, she basically changed her mind completely and NEVER EVEN CONSIDERED MY LEGITIMATE DOCUMENTATION that I had provided to her.

I then sent her another letter asking her to please settle the case for what she originally offered to ME which had NO Expiration Date and in her last response, she said that I Rejected Her Offer and NOW it NO LONGER STANDS which is a PURE LIE!

Please NOTE:  She is the one who asked ME For More Documentation For Reconsideration for MORE MONEY in the First Place and I NEVER said that I am turning down her offer, but clearly followed her instructions to send her in More Material For Consideration For MORE MONEY according to what is written in my Small Claims Court Judgment!

She is therefore NOT abiding by her Original Offer in which I have printed out and kept a copy of for my records and is a Very Dishonest Attorney being hired to represent GC Services Limited Partnership.

I have therefore filed a Small Claims Lawsuit Against Not Only GC Services Limited Partnership, but against the lawfirm Hinshaw & Culbertson, LLP representing them as well!

UPDATE:  I have been to Small Claims Court already against both companies on the same day and I actually had won my lawsuit against GC Services Limited Partnership, but lost with Hinshaw & Culbertson, LLP because the judge said that since I won with GC Services Limited Partnership, then he felt that I do NOT deserve to win two lawsuits involving similar matters which I can understand.

Sadly, within the 30 days of waiting to receive my check from GC Services Limited Partnership, I received an Appeal Notice coming from their attorney's office since they are so Hungry For Money and All They Care About Is Screwing Everybody Over And Appealing Every Lawsuit and Not Paying Out Any Money To Anybody Who Deserves It Such As Me!

Enclosed, please find most of my documentation showing you the Small Claims Lawsuit, plus the Communication between ME and their Attorney that GC Services Limited Partnership HIRED Purposely and Deliberately To Speak On Their Behalf so that they do Not Have To Pay ME Any Money, but they would rather Pay Out Money To A Lawyer Instead!

How Sick And Ridiculous Does This Get When GC Services Limited Partnership was At Fault To Begin With!

No Wonder Why They Got So Many Negative Reviews On Here!

PS:  Please Do Not Do Any Kind Of Business With GC Services Limited Partnership!

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