  • Report:  #641777

Complaint Review: Fred Haas Toyota - Spring Texas

Reported By:
P. O''ed - Angleton, Texas, United States of America

Fred Haas Toyota
20400 Interstate 45 North Spring, 77373 Texas, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Be prepared to be for the usual shady setup at this place. If you have a long way to drive to get to this place, find a closer dealer. There is a seemingly uneducated but well seasoned guy named Ryan, who is the so called, "Internet Manager".

If you do all your research, cross all your t's, get all your information and quotes from him in writing via email. He will toy with you during the process, this should have been the first red flag for us. We all know, how the people that fit these stereotypes can be. He offered a good price and the right color and trim, so I went along, hoping for the best outcome and overall goal.

The truck was coming from another dealership, which was the source of some of his self amusement... presuming wrongly, that I did not know the Houston area and wouldn't check. But I'll get to the jist and keep this as short as possible.

We drove a long way, got there, did our credit approval, and mistakenly agreed to stay in the area until that evening for the sake of summing it up that day. I explained to Ryan that I would have my sister and nephew in tow. Via email, I told him my situation and that I am raising him( nephew ) as my own ( in the stead of his biological father ) so he calls me Dad. I specifically asked him to hand that email to the finance person, so that we could avoid any weird looks, misunderstanding, or discomfort for the child who is only 7 yrs. old.

I carefully persisted to this point for the best deal and decided on 2.9 % financing. We were approved and waited on the truck to arrive. He tells us that he had the driver take the back roads for a quicker arrival. It arrives, he calls us on my cell because we are eating in the area, and we return to sum it up. 

We look at the engine and it is covered in a thick layer of dust, but not thinking about the A/C filtration lifespan, I said okay, I know it's a four cylinder. Blew it off, because he said he would clean the dirt off the engine. We test drove it, it was good enough for me. So far so good. It was after 7 pm and a long day, but we felt it was worth it thus far.

He tells us to go to a room with the finance person for paperwork and that he would have the truck detailed. He also said he would personally help with the detail. This is where the hell begins.

This nasty, hostile, jerk, kid, named Alex, was the supposed finance person. He started off with a couple of statements about his feigned excitement about our purchase and that he knows people from our area and lives only a couple towns away from us. Then he pulls out his list of rip-off, add on policies and products. We quickly declined. He acted like he heard nothing of course, so we listened anyway, and declined again. He got hostile and started arguing with us about it, addressing my sister as my wife. We ignored his foolishness and declined repeatedly.  

At this point, we are really irritated and my nephew is no doubt the most uncomfortable and fidgeting all over the chair. Every word from Alex's mouth, directed to me, after my first decline, was hostile and disrespectful. He was a very nasty, sore loser, childish boy. We finally convinced him that we weren't interested in his redundant coverage or his Lo-Jack system. When we dared question him about the accuracy of the note he angrily argued with us and threatened to scrap the deal. The reason we did, was that my estimate was a little different and he had just told us that his product would not add much to my note ( as if that was his call !! ).

It took all I had not to get up and leave then, but it was a long day, far from home, and I decided all the torment on my family and I was not going to be for nothing. We signed the contract, opted out of all of the information sharing agreements that were offered and left the office to find Ryan and my truck. IT GOT WORSE !!

Ryan came speeding over to park my truck near the building we were in. We were ready to get the hell away from those people, as I'm now certain they counted on.  I was concentrating on lightening up the air for my nephew once we were outside, and we thought it was all over with.

It is dark outside now. I'm soothing my nephew, with easy words as we get in the truck. It was dark, so I was looking for the way to turn on the overhead light because it was switched to a position where it did not come on, when I entered it. Ryan immediately starts pointing out a couple of features of the instrumentation, so I turned the key to get some illumination on the dash ( it is still dark inside the truck ). He then immediately started a long drawn out explanation of the intermittent wiper control of all things. He knew what I was looking for ( he was a slick little dickens ). Irritated and wanting to leave, and still be civil in present company. I said okay Ryan and that I had no questions. If you already think poorly of these types be even more cynical for your own protection.

We drove home exhausted and arrived between 10:30 and 11 pm. We went inside unwound, got my nephew in bed and everyone conked. The next morning, we went outside to look at the new, hard won, truck. LOW AND BEHOLD !!  There was some kind of thick greasy oil mixture poured ( literally ) around and under the gas pedal, up under the dash, a trail along the trans hump, dabs mashed (deeply) into the driver's inside vinyl-leather handle and the floor mat had the lightest coat more worn in, granted these were not foot prints either. There was also someones dinner pieces (bacon) scattered throughout the truck. I guess they had a chomping grease party at the last minute of the detailing that Ryan was helping with.

There was no way, that could have been some accidental oversight, as Ryan claimed when I emailed him with my discovery!  I spent lots of time and effort cleaning it with the advice of an auto parts store clerk. Of course, this jerk(Ryan) took no responsibility for anything and blames different departments for everything, in all communication and problems hence. Ryan has been trying to show some outlandish disconnect in the dealership, but we all know how cohesive these sharks can be.  He sent me floor mats( where the biggest mess wasn't !, and a $20.00 Olive Garden card ) PUBLIC BEWARE!! You all can decide how much slim you can stomach from these unbelievably rancorous people. I hope I see this Alex character, which supposedly lives nearby my small town. I'll bet he keeps his angry little mouth shut and heads in the other direction.

5 Updates & Rebuttals

P. O''ed

United States of America

#2Author of original report

Sat, December 03, 2011

I've never heard of a Bank paying off a vehicle when someone dies and giving it to the heirs. So I imagine it would have gotten repossesd unless she had specific insurance with a death benefit. Your statements are likely made up and with more dead links. The problem is with the Fred Haas dearlership staff NOT Toyota. Toyota is a first rate car manufacturer.  The creeps at Fred Haas soil the good name of a great company. You should spend more time on facebook and keep yor nose where it belongs.


Highlands Ranch,
P.O" ed, You can spread your Ripoff Report all over Facebook just like........

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, June 17, 2011

Aaron did when his mother's car was impounded after she died.

Anyone can 'Google' this- FACEBOOK POSTS HELP MOURNING FAMILY WITH IMPOUNDED CAR 9NEWS, and read the article and watch the video on the web.

It appears that once the story was posted on Facebook, Toyota decided to change their mind because according to Aaron, "The story just caught on fire."

Have a nice weekend.

P. O''ed

United States of America

#4Author of original report

Thu, June 16, 2011

This is a real issue with the particular dealership. So Karl stop posting your ridiculous, sensational nonsense that has nothing to do with the problem. Wonder who put you up to this... or do I. 


Highlands Ranch,

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, February 10, 2011

is available at this site!

*Just type in 646259 and it appears in the consumer comments section at Ripoff Report #646259.

Thank You

P.S. Don't forget to type in 481508 at this site and read St. Clair's Ripoff Report for valuable information if you have a mortgage in the USA.


Highlands Ranch,
P.O"ed, Keep checking the website WikiLeaks, because Toyota Corporation....

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, September 21, 2010

will eventually be exposed at that site, in my opinion.


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*Make sure to visit the BANK OF AMERICA page of this site and read the Ripoff Reports & the consumer comments for valuable information.

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