  • Report:  #24435

Complaint Review: First National Credit - Aliso Viejo California

Reported By:
- queens, ny,

First National Credit
27101 Aliso Creek Road, Unit 126 Aliso Viejo, 92656 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
As of today July 11, 2002 I have not received my Pre-Appoved Gold Card, which has been over a month since I paid this company with a personal check. I have received my check that has been cleared. But so far I have not received this card. I was looking for there business number which apparently doesn't exist, so I went to see if I can find them in the internet, and apparently your webpage appear. Thank God. I would like to know should I close my bank account which is a debit account. And how could I get my money bank. It would gladly be appreciative for your consultation. David Bx., New York

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