  • Report:  #1113944

Complaint Review: Everhome Mortgage - Jacksonville Florida

Reported By:
zelza - sterling heights, Michigan,

Everhome Mortgage
P.O. Box 2167 Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Here how my issue began.

My wife's business went out of business in March and we had to close it up. So we were gonna have a hard time making our payment until she got back to work. We could make it, but it was gonna be tight. So we did what responsible people do and contacted them (Everhome Mortgage) to see if there was anything we could do and find out if it were possible to tack a few payments to the end of the loan in case we got in any trouble. 

We called Everhome and they seemed nice and helpful. The guy we talked to said it would be easier if we filed for a loan modification so we said ok. So we filled out the papers sent them in and was told to pay $50.00 a month until they ran the information through to see if we quailified. I asked are we gonna be considered late? They said "oh no", I then asked are we gonna lose our home?.. and again he said "oh no, don't worry it looks good",  this is in March, in April they called and said we need to send the papers in again they lost them, so we did we gathered them together and sent them, we did this send the papers thing four diffirent times until August.

In August they called, this time with a pissie attatude and said we did not get the modification. They then proceded to tell me to pay up with late fee's or face foreclosure. Me and wife was horrified, I said wait you told me It looked good and not to worry about anything, now im told to bad pay up with late fees or lose my home?  The lady went on to say I had to wait 30 days and I could try to remodeifiy then.

My wife had found a job in June and was making good money, but in september was laid off. So in September we get a letter from Everhome Attorney's saying we were being foreclosed on. My wife was devastated. I said I was told this would not happen, and yet here I am. They scheduled my house for Auction on Nov. during this time I was dealing with useless greedy attorneys and a rude Everhome who said they couldn't help us now because my wife had no work.

My wife found a part time job and we quickly began the modification process over again. which slowed the auction process, but again we played lose the paper work, and had to keep sending them stuff we had already sent them.

in December while going through the motions of modification again with these theives I get another notice from there attorney's stating they were going to auction my home off in Jan. So I called them and they (the Attorneys) stated that Everhome was doing it, and if Everhome would send them a letter they would stop the sale until the modification was done.

We called Everhome who once again assured us to not worry, everything looked good, and not to worry about my house being sold. Then as we continued this silly dance of send me this, send me that, the guy we were dealing with from Everhome stopped returning our phone calls.

We herad nothing from Everhome for 2weeks except two calls left on my machine to call them, when i would call the guys voice mail picked up, i would leave name and number, and told them we work i was calling back! Then after several calls and messages left on this dopes answering machine or voice mail, he calls and blames the Holidays for not calling me back to work on my mode, and says yea, you were denied on Dec 31 and he is telling me NOW one WEEK later after my modification was denied! I had no chance to make a correction to the reason he called no way to give him anything else he may have needed, no one called to let me know, he didn't return my calls nothing!!

 So we ask what now? He said call our attorneys and see what they will work out with your home. So we call the attorneys not knowing that they sold my house 5 days prior to talking to this useless blob of flesh that didn't say hey by the way we sold your house 5 days ago.... Nope the attorneys tell me!!! The attorneys said they can't do anything for me only Everhome. When I called Everhome back they insisted that the attorney's are the only ones who can. The fact is the LIARS at Everhome bought the house back and so they and they alone hold the power not the attorney's.

That's right this how the banking system works. They scam you for your property! Thats what they did. They didn't want me to have nor stay in my home, and those in Washington both sides are crooks who are lower then any form of human on the face of the earth for letting these banks pull such a scam is this. But hey there just getting some too, after all there the banks are the same people who pile in both sides election coffers! 

Everhome just want the insurance money they take out on the house, and as a added bounus they get the house too. So why would the bank want to work with you.

Lesson: The banks are scumbags running a sham, Don't stop paying even when the bank says..."Everything will be ok..you won't lose your property". Just figure away to pay, loan modification is a long shot for the lender to give the ok when he is in a big win win situation. . Thats like having the other team bring the officals and the Ref's. Or calling your own lottery numbers. 


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