  • Report:  #45614

Complaint Review: Eckerd Pharmacy - Bryan Texas

Reported By:
- Bryan, Texas,

Eckerd Pharmacy
3000 South Texas Avenue Bryan, 77802 Texas, U.S.A.
979-822 7344
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I was sold an Inhaler for my asthma by Eckerd Pharmacy, which was 5 months expired on the day it was sold.

I used this inhaler for almost a month before I realized that it is expired. During this period my condition really aggrevated.

When I reported this to Eckerd Pharmacy, their attitude was not acceptable. I expected some kind of action to prevent this from happening. However, their reaction was very casual as if this is not happening for the first time.

I recommend against using Eckerd for prescriptions as their systems are so flawed that they can't even detect sale of expired drug.


Bryan, Texas

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