  • Report:  #47278

Complaint Review: Dogg Digital Audio - Mission Bay California

Reported By:
- San Diego, California,

Dogg Digital Audio
Garnet Ave. Mission Bay, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I had a Van pull right beside me and they said the speakers were pretty Much free so he wanted to sell them because he dont need them. Then he told me to pay the same amount as the guy in the other car payed him 700 for two, I said I diddnt have that money but how about for both, because he showed me the speakers and they were nice looking, he said ok talking smooth.

Then he put the broke speakers in my car and got in to as I went to the atm, I gave him the money and as I walked away I took his license plate number down, it was 4TVY784, so look for it, put them in prison to be beat severly, please. Or if I find them again I will.

Oh yeah he will a older looking person with gray hair


San Diego, California

*EDitor's Comment: Rip-off Report confirms contact info, salesman misrepresentation ripoff

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