  • Report:  #926

Complaint Review: Dayna Bozile - Arlington Texas

Reported By:
- TX,

Dayna Bozile
Arlington, Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In October, 1997, I loaned a Ms. Dayna Bozile of Arlington, TX the amount of $10,000. Terms were to be 7% APR for three years, with first payment due six months later.

Ms. Bozile now contends that the loan was a gift. Be it noted that Ms. Bozile was convicted of Welfare Fraud in Tarrant County, TX and sentenced to a period of probation (that period had ended about a year before). Be it further noted that the IRS requires gifts in the amount of $10,000 or more to be declared as income and I'm positive she has not done so.

She is approximately 37 years old at this time of writing, about 5'3", 125lbs, dark, short, curly hair with a slight build. She is very cute and uses this to her advantage in her manipulations.

I am sure some would say it is my own fault for loaning the money to her; I accept that I made a bad decision. However, this does not excuse her theft.

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