  • Report:  #44784

Complaint Review: Circuit City - Bloomington Indiana

Reported By:
- Ellettsville, Indiana,

Circuit City
West Third Street Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was attempting to purchase a personal computer at Circuit City which was advertised at $519 after rebates and Best Buy had the same computer offered for $439. Circuit City claims to give you 110% of the difference back if you purchase from them. The manager took 20 minutes before he came back and offered a couple of flimsy excuses why he couldn't honer the request. But he did say if I would drive 40 miles to another area the request would more than likely be honored. According to their website www.circuitcity.com if you order the merchandise online they are supposed to honor the price guarantee.


Ellettsville, Indiana

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Not unreasonable to the consumer!

#2Author of original report

Thu, February 20, 2003

I wasn't comparing prices across states, the stores were merely seperated by 40 miles. You are obviously ingrained in the profit center and I am only a consumer. Best Buy is building a store here which will certainly change the CC attitude since they will have fierce competition for the consumer dollars!


This is why they did not price match

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, February 20, 2003

Unfortunately, Circuit City can only price match with 1)legitimate retailers 2)positioned within the same local area that 3)have the item currently in stock. It is ridiculous to assume that CC is able to compete with online retailers that have only a website, but no physical store and thus much less overhaed built into the price of merchandise. It is also unreasonable to assume that one CC in Cleveland is going to price match with a mom and pop retailer in Arizona. It's like going to the gas station to buy milk. Sure, its more expensive, but then you are paying for the convenience of not going to the grocery store. My response to someone who wants an unreasonable price match like you is that they should knock themselves out and drive the extra hour if they feel its worth it. Otherwise, please understand that we have to make money too and will not be run over by customers who insist on being petty.


This is why they did not price match

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, February 20, 2003

Unfortunately, Circuit City can only price match with 1)legitimate retailers 2)positioned within the same local area that 3)have the item currently in stock. It is ridiculous to assume that CC is able to compete with online retailers that have only a website, but no physical store and thus much less overhaed built into the price of merchandise. It is also unreasonable to assume that one CC in Cleveland is going to price match with a mom and pop retailer in Arizona. It's like going to the gas station to buy milk. Sure, its more expensive, but then you are paying for the convenience of not going to the grocery store. My response to someone who wants an unreasonable price match like you is that they should knock themselves out and drive the extra hour if they feel its worth it. Otherwise, please understand that we have to make money too and will not be run over by customers who insist on being petty.


This is why they did not price match

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, February 20, 2003

Unfortunately, Circuit City can only price match with 1)legitimate retailers 2)positioned within the same local area that 3)have the item currently in stock. It is ridiculous to assume that CC is able to compete with online retailers that have only a website, but no physical store and thus much less overhaed built into the price of merchandise. It is also unreasonable to assume that one CC in Cleveland is going to price match with a mom and pop retailer in Arizona. It's like going to the gas station to buy milk. Sure, its more expensive, but then you are paying for the convenience of not going to the grocery store. My response to someone who wants an unreasonable price match like you is that they should knock themselves out and drive the extra hour if they feel its worth it. Otherwise, please understand that we have to make money too and will not be run over by customers who insist on being petty.

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