Mesa,#2Consumer Suggestion
Thu, August 01, 2002
In response to the above rebuttal. I am not involved in any way with Cingular. Cingular Wireless is not even available in Arizona. I am just a consumer making a comment.
Mesa,#3UPDATE Employee
Tue, July 30, 2002
Ok, so let me get this want Cingular to give you another phone for low cost or no cost because it was stolen? How is this any fault of Cingular? If you bought a car at a discount price and it gets stolen, you don't ask the car company for another car at the same price you paid. You contact your INSURANCE company. The phone you buy with a new line of service is cheap because it is subsidized with a contract for service. Since the "replacement" phone is not going to another contract, you have to pay the retail price of the phone since they can't recoup the cost of the phone. The $25 you paid is not the retail price. Notice somewhere near the phone is says "Price with activation". On the $200 fee-Did you tell them the phone was stolen and to suspend your service or did you tell Cingular to terminate the contract or stop service to the phone? Be careful how you word it: Instead of paying $200, it might only cost you about $25 for a reconnect fee. You might have some recourse on the $200 penalty depending on the circumstances surrounding your case. However, expect to pay full price on your phone. No company would be able to stay in business if they had to replace products every time they got stolen. If your phone gets lost or stolen again, are you going to expect Cingular to give you another phone for free? Not likely.