  • Report:  #66495

Complaint Review: CIC Credit Monitor Service - California

Reported By:
- Cedaredge, Colorado,

CIC Credit Monitor Service
www.consumerinfo.com California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I noticed a charge in the amount of 79.95 on my credit card statement. Called the number to find out what this charge was for.

Was asked for my credit card number in order to access my account...which I promptly refused to give...they were unable to pull up this "account" with my name, however the customer service person said he might be able to do it with my S.S.No.(Which I also refused to give).

In short: I was unable to resolve this problem, and when I asked to speak with a supervisor, I was told they were all "in a meeting"!

Obviously not a reputable company...BEWARE!!!


Cedaredge, Colorado

1 Updates & Rebuttals


You can also dispute those charges with your credit card

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sun, September 07, 2003

I hope that you had the charge removed by your dispute department by now, if not give them this number, and call it yourself as well: 1-888-888-8553. This is the number for your CIC Monitor refund. Did you order a free credit report online? Had you ever accessed a website called consumerinfo.com? This website is practicing some very deceptive selling practices. They entice people with free credit reports, and slip a purchase for their credit card monitoring services, into your acceptance of a free credit report. By the way, you might qualify for a free credit report anyway, it's not a sincere bargain. If you had to pay at all, it would only be $9 not 79.95, which is really the cost for their service. CHANGE YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER. They have been known to bill people a whole year later for the same thing. Have your credit card access this website to review all of the cases here. Show them your own Report. You and your credit card company can learn more about this by going to out Search section, type in: CIC Monitor and/or Consumerinfo.com We get people here everyday, that have been ripped off by these people. Hope this helps and CALL that number for your refund, please tell your credit card company for the sake of helping others. Thank you, Consumer Advocate Rip-off Report Volunteer

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