  • Report:  #286971

Complaint Review: CCS Credit Services Division - Las Vegas Nevada

Reported By:
- Big Sandy, Texas,

CCS Credit Services Division
61 W. Utah Ave. #63 Las Vegas, 89102 Nevada, U.S.A.
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Better Business Bureau Serving Southern Nevada

2301 Palomino Lane

Las Vegas, NV 89107

(702) 320-4500

Fax: (702) 320-4560

[email protected]

BBB Reliability Report

Consumer Credit Services, Inc.

1050 E. Sahara Ave. #201

Las Vegas, NV 89104

General Information

Original Business Start Date: November 1996

Local Business Start Date: February 1997

Type of Entity: Corporation

Principal : Eric Peterson, President

Customer Contact: Kenitra Williams,

Phone Number: (702) 256-3000

BBB Membership: This company is not a member

Type-of-Business Classification: Mail Order & Catalog Shopping

BBB Customer Experience

Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record

BBB Definition:

Unsatisfactory Record - A company has an unsatisfactory business performance record with the Bureau is based on the experiences reflected in BBB files. This file condition results when the company has failed to resolve or respond to complaints, repeatedly failed to respond or resolve issues in a timely manner, failed to resolve the underlying issues for a pattern

BBB Definition:

Pattern - More than 2 complaints involving the same allegations usually within 12 months that are significant in relation to the companys size and volume of business.

of complaints, failed to honor their commitment to mediate or arbitrate disputes or honor mediated agreements or arbitrated decisions, failed to substantiate, modify or discontinue false advertising claims that are challenged by the BBB, or failed to discontinue unauthorized use of the BBB name and logo, a Federally protected trademark.

with the Bureau due to two or more unresolved complaints.

Complaint History

When considering complaint information, please take into account the companys size and volume of transactions, and understand that the nature of complaints and a firms responses to them are often more important than the number of complaints.

The Bureau processed a total of 586 complaints about this company in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period. Of the total (586) in 36 months, (176) was/were closed in the last year.

Complaints concerned:

42 - Selling Practices

BBB Definition:

Selling Practices - Claims of alleged unknown specifics.

2 - Sales presentation misrepresented the product

15 - Sales presentation misrepresented the service

4 - Sales presentation used dishonest sales practices

2 - Sales presentation did not disclose complete pricing information

19 - General Sales Complaint Issues

26 - Advertising Issues

BBB Definition:

Advertising Issues - Claims alleging print or electronic media advertised claims or practices misrepresent the service or product offer.

11 - Advertisement misrepresented a service

15 - General Advertising Complaint Issues

28 - Service Issues

BBB Definition:

Service Issues - Claims of alleged delay in completing service, failure to provide promised service, inferior quality of provided service, or damage merchandise as a result of delivery service.

5 - Improper or inferior service

1 - Unauthorized service

22 - General Service Complaint Issues

174 - Billing or Collection Issues

BBB Definition:

Billing or Collection Issues - Claim alleging billing errors, unauthorized charges, or questionable collection practices.

8 - Failure to correct billing errors

2 - Unauthorized credit card charges

88 - Unauthorized bank debits

1 - Failure to provide itemized billing as requested

1 - Failure to substantiate charges

74 - General Credit or Billing Complaint Issues

15 - Delivery Issues

BBB Definition:

Delivery Issues - Claims of alleged delayed or delivery ordered merchandise or materials.

11 - Non-delivery of products

1 - Non-delivery of services

3 - General Delivery Complaint Issues

300 - Refund or Exchange Issues

BBB Definition:

Refund or Exchange Issues - Claim of alleged failure to honor company policy or verbal commitment to provide refunds, exchanges, or credit for products or services.

3 - Failure to honor refund, exchange or credit policies

296 - General Refund or Exchange Complaint Issues

1 - Unknown

1 - Product Issues

BBB Definition:

Product Issues - Claim alleging a product does not meet the expectations of the complainant, including defective merchandise.

1 - General Product Quality Complaint Issues

Of the above 586 complaints in the last 36 months, (176) was/were closed in the last year as:

162 - Resolved

BBB Definition:

Resolved - The company resolved the complaint issues.

26 - Company resolved the complaint issues. The consumer acknowledged acceptance to the BBB.

1 - Company offered a partial (less than 100%) settlement which the consumer accepted.

135 - Company resolved the complaint issues. The consumer failed to acknowledged acceptance to the BBB.

5 - Unresolved

BBB Definition:

Unresolved - The company failed to resolve the complaint issues.

5 - Company failed to resolve the complaint issues through the BBB voluntary and self-regulatoryprocess.

9 - Administratively Closed

BBB Definition:

Administratively Closed - The BBB determined the company made a good faith and reasonable effort to resolve the issues, although the complainant was not always satisfied with the outcome.

5 - BBB determined the company made good faith and reasonable offer to resolve the issues, but the consumer did not accept the offer.

4 - BBB determined that despite the company's good faith effort to address complaint issues, the consumer remained dissatisfied.

License Information

As of 6/14/2007, we confirmed this company has a valid local business license

BBB Definition:

License - A permit or accreditation required by the State, Province, County or Municipality where a company is located indicating competence or professional certification that allows the company to provide products or services related to their particular field or industry.

for the locale in which they operate.

Additional Business Names


First National Card

Additional Addresses

61 W. Utah Ave. #63 Las Vegas, NV 89102.....

P.O. Box 17800 Las Vegas, NV 89114.....(866) 353-0320

Additional Information

Consumer Credit Services, Inc. is a mail order company which offers to sell a card that can be used to order merchandise through the company's catalog. The complaint history indicates a pattern of customer complaints relating to the company's selling practices, delivery of goods or services, unfulfilled contracts, and unsatisfactory performance.


BBB Definition:

Report - A summary of activity reflected in a companys BBB file. Includes basic business background, BBB membership information, and Bureau complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues or other information that results from activity conducted by the BBB.

as of 11/26/2007

Copyright 2005 Better Business Bureau of Southern Nevada, Inc.

The information contained in this report has either been provided by the company or has been compiled by the Bureau from other sources believed to be reliable. BBB reports can not be reproduced for sales or promotional purposes.

As a matter of policy, the Better Business Bureau does not endorse any product, service or company. BBB reports generally cover a three-year reporting period, and are provided solely to assist you in exercising your own best judgment. Information contained herein is believed reliable but not guaranteed as to accuracy. Reports are subject to change at any time.


Big Sandy, Texas


Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on CCS Credit Service Division aka First National Credit

CLICK HERE to read about Credit Card Scams... find out how to get your money back. Consumer makes harsh but accurate statements. *Rip-off Report Investigation follow-up provides valuable information.

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